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Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics

ISSN : 1343-0130(Print) / 1883-8014(Online)
DOI : 10.20965/jaciii.issn.1883-8014
Honorary Editor : Lotfi A. Zadeh (University of California)
Editors-in-Chief :Kaoru Hirota (Beijing Institute of Technology),
Toshio Fukuda (Nagoya University)

Indexed in ESCI, Scopus, Compendex (Ei), DOAJ

Journal Impact Factor: 0.7 (2022)



  • In Cooperation with :
  • International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA), Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics (SOFT), Brazilian Society of Automatics (SBA), The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), John von Neumann Computer Society (NJSZT), Vietnamese Fuzzy Systems Society (VFSS), Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Technologies Research Society of Thailand (FIRST), Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems (KIIS), Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (TAAI)

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Vol.1 (1997)



Special Issue on AI and Law

Special Issue on AI and Law

Editorial: pp. 81-82
AI and Law
Hajime Yoshino and Katsumi Nitta
Lawyers use a reasoning process known as legal reasoning to solve legal problems. Legal expert systems could potentially help lawyers solve legal problems more quick and adequately, enable students to study law at school or at home more easily, and help legal scholars and professionals analyze the law and legal systems more clearly and precisely.In 1992, Hajime Yoshino of Meiji Gakuin University started a “Legal Expert Systems” project. This “Legal Expert” project is funded by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and is scheduled to run from May 1992 to March 1998. Yoshino organized over 30 lawyers and computer scientists to clarify legal knowledge and develop legal expert systems.This project covers a wide range of technologies such as the analysis of legal knowledge, the analysis of legal rules on international trade (United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods (CISG)), legal knowledge representation, legal inference models, utility programs to develop legal knowledge bases, and user interfaces. This project, which ends in March 1998, will focus on developing comprehensive legal expert systems as the final product. In this issue, we present 12 papers written by “Legal Expert” project members.In this number, Hajime Yoshino gives are overview of the legal expert systems project, explaining its aims, objectives, and organization. Six papers that follow his introduction include three on case-based reasoning. Legal rules are given by ambiguous predicates, making it difficult sometimes to determine whether conditions for rules are satisfied by the facts given of an event. In such cases, lawyers often refer to old cases and generate hypotheses through analogical reasoning.Kaoru Hirota, Hajime Yoshino and Ming Qiang Xu apply fuzzy theory to case-based reasoning. A number of related systems have been developed, but most focus on qualitative similarities between old cases and the current case, and cannot measure quantitative similarities. Hirota et al. treat quantitative similarity by applying fuzzy theory, explaining their method using CISG examples.Ken Satoh developed a way to comput...<more>

Regular Papers

Review: pp. 83-85
"Legal Expert" Project
Hajime Yoshino
Paper: pp. 86-93
An Application of Fuzzy Theory to the Case-Based Reasoning of the CISG
Kaoru Hirota, Hajime Yoshino, Ming Qiang Xu, Yan Zhu, Xiao Yi Li, Daigo Horie
Paper: pp. 94-103
Statutory Interpretation by Case-Based Reasoning through Abductive Logic Programming
Ken Satoh
Paper: pp. 104-113
Attacking Legal Argument by Pointing Out the Incoherence of Interpretation of Statute
Yoshiaki Okubo and Makoto Haraguchi
Paper: pp. 114-120
Legal Reasoning Using Abductive Logic Programming
Takashi Kanai and Susumu Kunifuji
Paper: pp. 121-129
Reasoning about Dynamic Preferences in Circumscriptive Theory by Logic Programming
Toshiko Wakaki, Ken Satoh and Katsumi Nitta
Paper: pp. 130-136
Towards the Systematization of the Japanese Maritime Traffic Law
Hiroyuki Matsumoto
Paper: pp. 137-154
Learning and Transfer of Human Real-Time Control Strategies
Michael C. Nechyba and Yangsheng Xu
Paper: pp. 155-161
Trajectory Generation for Redundant Manipulator using Virus-Evolutionary Genetic Algorithm with Subpopulations
Takemasa Arakawa, Toshio Fukuda and Naoyuki Kubota



Message from Editors-in-Chief, Greetings from Honorary Editor

Message from Editors-in-Chief, Greetings from Honorary Editor

Message: p. 0
Message from Editors-in-Chief
Toshio Fukuda* and Kaoru Hirota**

Regular Papers

Paper: pp. 1-8
Toward Everyday Language Computing - Computing from a Viewpoint of Linguistic Theory -
Ichiro Kobayashi and Michio Sugeno
Paper: pp. 8-9
Vehicle Control Based on Fuzzy Evaluation Knowledge Obtained by Coefficients of the ARMA Model
Hiroshi Takahashi
Paper: pp. 14-22
Fuzzy Inference Based Connection Admission Control in ATM Networks
Kiyohiko Uehara and Kaoru Hirota
Paper: pp. 23-30
SIRMs (Single Input Rule Modules) Connected Fuzzy Inference Model
Naoyoshi Yubazaki, Jianqiang Yi and Kaoru Hirota
Paper: pp. 31-36
An Efficient Method for Extracting Fuzzy Classification Rules from High Dimensional Data
Stephen L. Chin
Paper: pp. 37-44
Fuzzy Temporal Methods for Video Multimedia Information Systems
Ronald R. Yager
Paper: pp. 45-61
Fuzzy Modeling based Approach to Facial Expressions Understanding
Anca Ralescu and Riad Hartani
Paper: pp. 62-70
Mission Planning and Flight Control: Meeting the Challenge with Intelligent Techniques
George Vachtsevanos, Wonoh Kim, Sami A. Al-Hasan, Freeman Rufus Jr., Miguel Simon, Daniel P. Schrage and J. V. R. Prasad
Paper: pp. 71-78
Pattern Recognition & Image Understanding based on Fuzzy Technology
Kaoru Hirota, Yoshinori Arai, Yukiko Nakagawa

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Last updated on Sep. 06, 2024