
JACIII Vol.23 No.6 pp. 1019-1026
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2019.p1019


IPMSM Speed and Current Controller Design for Electric Vehicles Based on Explicit MPC

Fang Liu*, Feng Gao*, Ling Liu**, and Denis N. Sidorov***

*School of Automation, Central South University
Room 114, Minzhu Building, Yuelu Mountain, Changsha, Hunan 410083, China

**Power Construction Corporation of China, Jiangxi Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd.
Room 426, Jingdong Road, Gao Xin District, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330096, China

***Operations Research Lab, Melentiev Energy Systems Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
130 Lermontov Street, Energy Systems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk 664033, Russia

February 16, 2019
July 1, 2019
November 20, 2019
explicit model predictive control, speed and current control, interior permanent-magnet synchronous motor

The difficulties in implementing the model predictive control (MPC) in interior permanent-magnet synchronous motors (IPMSMs) consist of the nonlinear behavior of IPMSMs and the computational effort required by MPC. This paper presents an IPMSM controller design method for electric vehicles based on explicit MPC (EMPC), which uses a different linearization method. The proposed controller combines the speed and current controllers and replaces the traditional cascade structure. First, the nonlinear terms in the system model are added into the control input as voltage compensation to obtain a simple linear model. Next, the proposed controller based on MPC is designed, which considers the effects of load torque and uses an increment model. Furthermore, the controller applies both current and voltage constraints. The EMPC method based on a binary search is used to accelerate the solution of the optimization problem. Finally, the simulation results show the validity and superiority of the proposed method.

Block diagram of IPMSM control system based on EMPC

Block diagram of IPMSM control system based on EMPC

Cite this article as:
F. Liu, F. Gao, L. Liu, and D. Sidorov, “IPMSM Speed and Current Controller Design for Electric Vehicles Based on Explicit MPC,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.23 No.6, pp. 1019-1026, 2019.
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