
JACIII Vol.24 No.4 pp. 488-493
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2020.p0488


Route Optimization of Aquatic Product Transportation Based on an Improved Ant Colony Algorithm

Chenxiao Yu*, Zuiyi Shen**,†, and Pengfei Li***

*International Campus, Zhejiang University
38 Haizhou East Road, Haining, Zhejiang 314400, China

**School of Management and Economics, Zhejiang Ocean University
No.1 Haida South Road, Lincheng Street, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316022, China

***School of Port and Navigation Traffic, Zhejiang Ocean University
18 Xuezheng Road, Xiasha University Town, Hangzhou 310018, China

Corresponding author

October 25, 2019
January 12, 2020
July 20, 2020
aquatic products, time window, improved ant colony algorithm, path planning

In this paper, the time window in which aquatic products must be delivered and the uncertainty of road conditions that affect the time at which customers are able to receive the goods are added as constraints in the optimization model of the Vehicle Routing Problem. The use of pheromones in the original ant colony algorithm was improved, and the waiting factor was added into the state transition rules to limit the information range. The improved ant colony algorithm was used to simulate the model with the example of aquatic product transportation route planning in Zhoushan city. The results show that this algorithm can optimize the transportation and distribution routes of aquatic products more effectively.

Cite this article as:
C. Yu, Z. Shen, and P. Li, “Route Optimization of Aquatic Product Transportation Based on an Improved Ant Colony Algorithm,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.24 No.4, pp. 488-493, 2020.
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