
JACIII Vol.25 No.5 pp. 664-670
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2021.p0664


Position Control of Machine Tool Moving Axis Based on Sliding Mode Control

Wangyong He*,**,†, Sanqiu Liu*,**, Zhen Zhao***, and Kui Jie*,**

*School of Automation, China University of Geosciences
No.388 Lumo Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China

**Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Technology for Geo-Exploration, Ministry of Education
No.388 Lumo Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China

***Qinghai Bureau of Environmental Geology Exploration
No.77 Haiyan Road, Chengxi District, Xining, Qinghai 810001, China

Corresponding author

December 21, 2020
June 17, 2021
September 20, 2021
alternating current (AC) servo system, machine tool moving axis, tracking control, sliding mode control, extended state observer

Aiming at a high-precision tracking performance of the control of a machine tool moving axis, this study established a system mathematical model considering the elastic deformation of the ball screw. Then, a sliding mode controller was designed to suppress the influence of uncertainty on the control performance. Next, an extended state observer was designed to observe the system state and disturbance and provide feedback to the sliding mode controller for position control. Finally, the correctness of the designed sliding mode control and extended state observer were proved by MATLAB simulation analysis.

This paper studied the position servo control of the ball screw structure in machine tool moving axis, and considered the influences of the load disturbance of the workbench and the elastic deformation of the ball screw on the position accuracy

This paper studied the position servo control of the ball screw structure in machine tool moving axis, and considered the influences of the load disturbance of the workbench and the elastic deformation of the ball screw on the position accuracy

Cite this article as:
W. He, S. Liu, Z. Zhao, and K. Jie, “Position Control of Machine Tool Moving Axis Based on Sliding Mode Control,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.25 No.5, pp. 664-670, 2021.
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