MCRA: Multicost Rerouting Algorithm in SDN
Kuangyu Qin*, Bin Fu**, Peng Chen***, and Jianhua Huang*
*School of Computer Science and Information Security, Guilin University of Electronic Technology
No.1 Jinji Road, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China
**Department of Computer Science, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Edinburg, Texas, USA
***Network and Information Technology Center, Guilin University of Electronic Technology
No.1 Jinji Road, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China
A software-defined network (SDN) partitions a network into a control plane and data plane. Utilizing centralized control, an SDN can accurately control the routing of data flow. In the network, links have various costs, such as bandwidth, delay, and hops. However, it is difficult to obtain a multicost optimization path. If online rerouting can be realized under multiple cost, then network performance can be improved. This paper proposes a multicost rerouting algorithm for elephant flow, as the latter is the main factor affecting network traffic. By performing path trimming, the algorithm can obtain the approximate optimal solution of (1+e) in polynomial time. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm yields good performance.

Path trimming
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