
JACIII Vol.25 No.5 pp. 610-617
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2021.p0610


Adaptive Fertigation System Using Hybrid Vision-Based Lettuce Phenotyping and Fuzzy Logic Valve Controller Towards Sustainable Aquaponics

Ronnie S. Concepcion II*,†, Sandy C. Lauguico*, Jonnel D. Alejandrino*, Argel A. Bandala*, Edwin Sybingco*, Ryan Rhay P. Vicerra**, Elmer P. Dadios**, and Joel L. Cuello***

*Electronics and Communications Engineering Department, De La Salle University
2401 Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila 1004, Philippines

**Manufacturing Engineering and Management Department, De La Salle University
2401 Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila 1004, Philippines

***Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department, University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona, USA

Corresponding author

March 4, 2021
May 15, 2021
September 20, 2021
computer vision, fertigation system, fuzzy logic, lettuce phenotype model, precision agriculture

Sustainability is a major challenge in any plant factory, particularly those involving precision agriculture. In this study, an adaptive fertigation system in a three-tier nutrient film technique aquaponic system was developed using a non-destructive vision-based lettuce phenotype (VIPHLET) model integrated with an 18-rule Mamdani fuzzy inference system for nutrient valve control. Four lettuce phenes, that is, fresh weight, chlorophylls a and b, and vitamin C concentrations as outputted by the genetic programming-based VIPHLET model were optimized for each growth stage by injecting NPK nutrients into the mixing tank, as determined based on leaf canopy signatures. This novel adaptive fertigation system resulted in higher nutrient use efficiency (99.678%) and lower chemical waste emission (14.108 mg L-1) than that by manual fertigation (92.468%, 178.88 mg L-1). Overall, it can improve agricultural malpractices in relation to sustainable agriculture.

VIPHLET-fuzzy control for fertigation

VIPHLET-fuzzy control for fertigation

Cite this article as:
R. Concepcion II, S. Lauguico, J. Alejandrino, A. Bandala, E. Sybingco, R. Vicerra, E. Dadios, and J. Cuello, “Adaptive Fertigation System Using Hybrid Vision-Based Lettuce Phenotyping and Fuzzy Logic Valve Controller Towards Sustainable Aquaponics,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.25 No.5, pp. 610-617, 2021.
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