Research Paper:
Model Predictive Control for Discrete Time-Delay System Based on Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Method
Zuguang Shi
, Fang Gao
, and Wenbin Chen

School of Physics and Electronic Information, Anhui Normal University
No.189 Jiuhuanan Road, Yijiang District, Wuhu, Anhui 241002, China
Corresponding author
In this study, model predictive control (MPC) was considered for a class of discrete time-delay systems with external disturbances. Equivalent input disturbance (EID) is a commonly utilized active disturbance rejection technique that enhances the rejection of system disturbances. Any disturbance can be effectively suppressed using the EID approach, leaving no traces of the disturbance. This paper proposes a novel MPC control approach that combines the EID method with the MPC principle. An MPC law with disturbance-rejection performance was presented after obtaining and combining the EID estimates with performance indicators using the EID method. Optimizing the performance index is then converted into a semi-definite problem comprising of an objective function and linear matrix inequality through building a Lyapunov function. Based on this basis, an MPC design algorithm is proposed. A numerical simulation was conducted to confirm superiority and efficacy of the proposed method.
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