
JACIII Vol.29 No.1 pp. 158-164
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2025.p0158

Research Paper:

Research on Node Fault Diagnosis in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on a Constrained Data Maximum Entropy BN Parameter Learning Algorithm

Huiqin Zhao, Jiang Luo, and Li Rong

Information and Communication Branch, State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company
No.3 Xieyuan Road, Jinyuan District, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030001, China

Corresponding author

April 17, 2024
November 6, 2024
January 20, 2025
power communication, wireless sensor network, node failure, constrained maximum entropy BN parameter learning algorithm

Currently, power communication wireless sensor networks (WSNs) exhibit the characteristics of uncertainty and complexity. Furthermore, the application environment is more complex, resulting in nodes damaging easily, power communication breakdown, and economic losses. Dynamic monitoring of power communication WSN nodes is necessary. To this end, a constraint data maximum entropy Bayesian network (BN) parameter learning algorithm is used to solve the problem of small data sample size in monitoring and improve the quality of power communication WSN node fault diagnosis. After the latest verification, it is found that the correct rate of WSN node fault diagnosis under small data set is as follows: in normal conditions, the fault rate is 96%, the sensor fault is 94%, the power supply fault is 100%, the wireless communication fault is 90%, and the processor fault is 91%. It can be seen that even under small sample data sets, better diagnostic accuracy can be brought.

Cite this article as:
H. Zhao, J. Luo, and L. Rong, “Research on Node Fault Diagnosis in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on a Constrained Data Maximum Entropy BN Parameter Learning Algorithm,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.29 No.1, pp. 158-164, 2025.
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