
JACIII Vol.27 No.1 pp. 74-83
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2023.p0074

Research Paper:

A Neural Network and Generalized Predictive Control Framework for Urban Traffic System Optimal Perimeter Control

Ying Zhang, Yuntao Shi, Xiang Yin, Meng Zhou, Weichuan Liu, and Daqian Liu

Key Laboratory of Field Bus and Automation of Beijing, North China University of Technology (NCUT)
Beijing 100144, China

Corresponding author

March 22, 2022
August 19, 2022
January 20, 2023
generalized predictive control, neural network, optimal perimeter control

Optimal perimeter control is one of the effective control technologies to alleviate urban congestion, which is based on macroscopic fundamental diagrams (MFDs). However, most previous optimal perimeter control methods used a linearization model at the desired point to approximate a nonlinear MFDs system, which is vulnerable to causing a potential mismatch between the linearization model and the environmental dynamics. However, this mismatch often leads to performances degradation. To solve this problem, this paper uses a neural network trained from data to approximate the complex nonlinear urban traffic system globally. To facilitate the design and control, this framework linearizes the nonlinear neural network of the traffic system to an instantaneous linearization model. The optimal perimeter control problem is finally solved by generalized predictive control (GPC) with the instantaneous linearization model. A key advantage of the proposed framework is that the global instantaneous linearization model is more accurate than the linearization model around the desired point. Simulation results show that the proposed framework significantly alleviates congestion and reduces the total travel time spent (TTS) in the traffic system compared with no control, “greedy” feedback control and PID control.

The optimal perimeter control framework

The optimal perimeter control framework

Cite this article as:
Y. Zhang, Y. Shi, X. Yin, M. Zhou, W. Liu, and D. Liu, “A Neural Network and Generalized Predictive Control Framework for Urban Traffic System Optimal Perimeter Control,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.27 No.1, pp. 74-83, 2023.
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