Proposal of Episodic Memory Retrieval Method on Mood Congruence Effects
Tomomi Hashimoto*1, Yuuki Munakata*2, Ryousuke Yamanaka*3, and Akinari Kurosu*4
*1Information Systems, Department of Engineering, Saitama Institute of Technology
1690 Fusaiji, Fukaya-shi, Saitama 369-0293, Japan
*2CAICA Corporation
Cross Air Tower 8F, 5-1 Oohashi Ichi-chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0044, Japan
*3AnBe Heart Corporation
621-12 Ooi, Fujimino-shi, Saitama 356-0053, Japan
*4Meitec Fielders Co., Ltd.
8-5-26 Sumitomofudousanaoyama Bldg. Nisikan, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
Developments in robotics have advanced the development of robots that can communicate with humans. However, a few robots are only capable of stereotypic responses, and this leads to barriers in smooth communication between humans and robots. In this study, in order to represent mood congruence effects, an episodic memory retrieval method is proposed based on a robot’s emotional values that represent its internal state. In the study, impression evaluation experiments were conducted to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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