
JACIII Vol.20 No.3 pp. 412-417
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2016.p0412


Impact Time Control Guidance Law Considering Seeker's Field-of-View Constraint Without Time-to-Go Information

Zhe Yang, Defu Lin, and Luyao Zang

School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology
Zhong Guan Cun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing 10081, China

Corresponding author

September 13, 2015
January 5, 2016
May 19, 2016
impact time control, field-of-view, time-to-go, sliding mode control, salvo attack
Accurate time-to-go estimation with large heading angle error is difficult for homing guidance laws, especially for the impact time control. Considering this, a new cooperative guidance law which requires no time-to-go estimation is investigated. First, the impact time control problem is transformed to the look angle command tracking problem. The look angle command guarantees that the range-to-go error converges to zero asymptotically. Then the proposed guidance law considering the seeker's field-of-view constraint is derived using sliding mode control to track the desired look angle signal. Numerical simulations are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed guidance law for one-to-one and many-to-one engagement scenarios.
Cite this article as:
Z. Yang, D. Lin, and L. Zang, “Impact Time Control Guidance Law Considering Seeker's Field-of-View Constraint Without Time-to-Go Information,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.20 No.3, pp. 412-417, 2016.
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