
JACIII Vol.23 No.2 pp. 345-350
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2019.p0345


Research on the Method of Robot Arm Trajectory Planning Under Chaos Control

Zebin Li and Jiangdong Zhao

Center of Basic Experiment, West Anhui University
Lu’an, Anhui 237012, China

April 9, 2018
January 24, 2019
March 20, 2019
chaos control, robot arm, trajectory planning method

The robot’s arm trajectory can be used to improve the quality of the robot work. The current method utilizes the searching ability of the Alopex algorithm to perform a rough search of the robot’s path of action to achieve the trajectory planning of its arm, but the planning efficiency is low. To this end, this paper uses chaos control to plan the robot arm trajectory. Based on the description of the robot arm trajectory planning, the robotic arm trajectory planning is completed by using the obstacle to the intersection time, probability prediction, motion planning strategy and real-time obstacle avoidance. Experiments show that this method can carry on the efficient planning to the robot arm trajectory.

Number of obstacles

Number of obstacles

Cite this article as:
Z. Li and J. Zhao, “Research on the Method of Robot Arm Trajectory Planning Under Chaos Control,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.23 No.2, pp. 345-350, 2019.
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