
JACIII Vol.24 No.3 pp. 307-315
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2020.p0307


Discussing Psychological Changes in College Students Who Participate in Physical Education Using Structural Equation Modeling

Jung-Wen Wu* and Tsung-Kuo Tien-Liu**,†

*School of Liberal Education, Kaohsiung Campus, Shih Chien University
200 University Road, Neimen, Kaohsiung 84550, Taiwan

**Office of Physical Education, Fu Jen Catholic University
No.510 Zhongzheng Road, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 24205, Taiwan

Corresponding author

October 25, 2019
January 12, 2020
May 20, 2020
fuzzy questionnaires, well-being, passion, self-esteem, psychological states

Objectives: To examine self-esteem in college students who participate in physical education (PE), the influence of psychological trends on self-esteem, and the possible influence of passion. Motivations: This study aims to determine whether passion affects participants’ self-esteem and psychological well-being. Methods: Subjects included 183 students enrolled in university PE classes (46 men and 137 women) with an average age of 19.58 (SD = 6.19). Self-esteem, passion, and psychological well-being were measured using a fuzzy questionnaire and descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling were performed through fuzzy statistical analysis. Findings: 1. The self-esteem, passion, and psychological well-being scales had good reliability and validity. 2. The model’s dimensional goodness of fit was satisfactory (χ2 = 281.601(182) = 1.952, GFI = 0.863, AGFI = 0.821, RMSEA = 0.072, SRMR = 0.649, TLI [NNFI] = 0.918, IFI = 0.925, CFI = 0.942). 3. Passion had a direct influence on well-being and an indirect influence on self-esteem. Well-being had a direct influence on self-esteem. Innovations: The passion scale and psychological well-being scale were confirmed to have good reliability and validity. The new method of fuzzy statistical analysis used in this study provides new research techniques for investigation and research into psychological trends in the field of sports. Value: In the teaching process, PE teachers should encourage students’ passion for participation to better their psychological well-being and self-esteem.

SEM of self-esteem on passion and well-being

SEM of self-esteem on passion and well-being

Cite this article as:
J. Wu and T. Tien-Liu, “Discussing Psychological Changes in College Students Who Participate in Physical Education Using Structural Equation Modeling,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.24 No.3, pp. 307-315, 2020.
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