
JACIII Vol.28 No.5 pp. 1126-1131
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2024.p1126

Research Paper:

Research on Depression Recognition Based on University Students’ Facial Expressions and Actions with the Assistance of Artificial Intelligence

Xiaohong Cheng

Students’ Affairs Office, Henan Institute of Technology
Xinxiang, Henan 453003, China

Corresponding author

March 13, 2024
June 5, 2024
September 20, 2024
artificial intelligence, depression, expression, action, university student

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology advances, its application in the field of psychology has witnessed significant advancements. In this paper, with the assistance of AI, 80 university students with depression and 80 university students with normal psychology were selected as the subjects. The facial expression feature data were extracted through OpenFace, and the action feature data were extracted based on a Kinect camera. Then, the convolutional neural network-long short-term memory (CNN-LSTM) and temporal convolutional neural network (TCN) approaches were designed for recognition. Finally, a weighted fusion recognition method was proposed. The results showed that compared with the support vector machine, back-propagation neural network, and other approaches, the CNN-LSTM and TCN methods showed better performance in the recognition of single feature data, and the accuracy reached 0.781 and 0.769, respectively. After weighted fusion, the accuracy reached the highest at 0.875. The results verify that the methods designed in this paper are effective in identifying depressive emotions through facial expressions and actions among university students and have the potential for practical application.

Recognition based on the weighted fusion of expression and action

Recognition based on the weighted fusion of expression and action

Cite this article as:
X. Cheng, “Research on Depression Recognition Based on University Students’ Facial Expressions and Actions with the Assistance of Artificial Intelligence,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.28 No.5, pp. 1126-1131, 2024.
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