
JACIII Vol.28 No.5 pp. 1117-1125
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2024.p1117

Research Paper:

A Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Employee Selection Using SAW and Profile Matching

S. Jenifer Briscilla ORCID Icon and R. Sundarrajan ORCID Icon

Department of Information Technology, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education (KARE)
Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil, Tamil Nadu 626126, India

Corresponding author

November 30, 2023
June 4, 2024
September 20, 2024
employee selection, multi-criteria analysis, SAW, profile matching

Multi-criteria decision making process has been one of the fastest growing areas during the last decades depending on the change in the business sector. Multi-criteria decision making is the most important branch of operation research by which people make complex decision daily life. The major steps in the decision- making approach are selecting the most preferred alternative for the decision-maker, ranking alternatives in order of importance for selection problems, and screening alternatives for the final decision. Employees are an important element of a company that determines its progress. Conventional (manual) recruitment methods are vulnerable to non-technical factors, such as frequent duplication or invalid data. In this study, simple additive weighting and profile matching are proposed to solve the employee selection problem. This study was conducted at the (UPT) Career Development and Entrepreneurship Universitas Brawijaya Malang using data collected from written test selection in 2019. The effectiveness of both methods was analyzed using confusion matrix. The SAW method provides an accuracy rate of 94.7%, a precision rate of 87.5%, Recall rate of 91.3% and F-measure rate of 89.4%. On the other hand, profile matching method obtained the Accuracy rate of 90.4%, Precision rate of 81.4%, Recall rate of 81.4% and F-measure rate of 81.4%. Thus, it can be concluded that both methods have high accuracy values accompanied by high precision values when used for the selection process. This system can also effectively reduce the bias rate of the same data very well, as can be seen from the high recall and F-measure rates.

SAW and profile matching applications in DSS

SAW and profile matching applications in DSS

Cite this article as:
S. Briscilla and R. Sundarrajan, “A Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Employee Selection Using SAW and Profile Matching,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.28 No.5, pp. 1117-1125, 2024.
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