
JACIII Vol.28 No.5 pp. 1144-1153
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2024.p1144

Research Paper:

Research on Topology Optimization of Building Digital Supply Chain Based on Genetic Neural Network

Yawu Su*,†, Zhiguo Shao*, and Tianyang Liu**

*China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd.
Shanghai , China

Corresponding author

**Beijing Guowang Xintong Accenture Information Technology Co. Ltd.
Beijing , China

September 26, 2023
June 11, 2024
September 20, 2024
genetic algorithm, LSTM network, supply chain topology, demand forecasting, newsboy model

In order to maximize the benefit of building supply chain, the topology optimization method of building digital supply chain based on genetic neural network is studied. According to the overall structural characteristics of the building digital supply chain, customer demand data, supplier sales data, manufacturer production management data, and environmental policy exception data are collected to form a building digital supply chain data set. As input data, a building digital supply chain demand prediction model based on improved genetic LSTM neural network is constructed. Capture the needs of the building digital supply chain; according to the demand of suppliers, manufacturers and customers in building digital supply chain, a nonlinear 0–1 mixed integer programming model based on the newsboy model is established. According to the various information provided by the supplier, the ant colony algorithm is used to calculate the optimal supplier. After all suppliers are identified, the topology of the digital supply chain is constructed. So far, the optimization of the supply chain has been completed. The experimental data show that this method can accurately predict the demand of construction projects, the maximum error is less than 1.5%, and can obtain the best supplier selection results. Compared with before optimization, the profit of the structural digital supply chain after topology optimization increases the most.

Digital architecture diagram of construction engineering supply chain

Digital architecture diagram of construction engineering supply chain

Cite this article as:
Y. Su, Z. Shao, and T. Liu, “Research on Topology Optimization of Building Digital Supply Chain Based on Genetic Neural Network,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.28 No.5, pp. 1144-1153, 2024.
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