Research Paper:
Research on the Recognition of Piano-Playing Notes by a Music Transcription Algorithm
Ruosi Guo*, and Yongjian Zhu**
*College of Art, Hebei Agricultural University
No.289 Lingyusi Street, Baoding, Hebei 071000, China
Corresponding author
**College of Music and Dance, Baoding University
71 East 3027 Road, Baoding, Hebei 071000, China
With the deepening research on music works, music transcription algorithms have been increasingly studied. This study examined the recognition of piano-playing notes using a music-transcription algorithm. First, the characteristics of MelSpec, LogSpec, and the constant Q-transform (CQT) are briefly introduced. Then, a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) transcription algorithm, which includes four convolutional blocks and one bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) structure, was designed. The recognition performance of this method was analyzed using the MAPS dataset. LogSpec was found to have the best recognition performance for piano-playing notes when used as an input feature. In the CRNN structure, the recognition performance for piano-playing notes was the best when four convolutional blocks were used. Compared with the convolutional neural network (CNN), BiLSTM, and CNN-hidden Markov model algorithms, the F1-values of the CRNN algorithm were 84.9%, 92.24%, and 79.27% for frames, notes, and offsets, respectively, achieving the best recognition results. The results verify that the CRNN transcription algorithm is effective for the recognition of piano-playing notes and can be applied in practice.
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