
JACIII Vol.25 No.2 pp. 234-241
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2021.p0234


An Expansion and Application of Human Coexistence Robot System Using Smart Devices

Jinseok Woo*, Yasuhiro Ohyama*, and Naoyuki Kubota**

*Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology
1404-1 Katakura, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0982, Japan

**Intelligent Mechanical Systems, Graduate School of Systems Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University
6-6 Asahigaoka, Hino, Tokyo 191-0065, Japan

December 21, 2020
January 5, 2021
March 20, 2021
robot partner system, robot design development, system integration, social implementation

In the context of developing technologies for realizing a user-centric smart society, robot technology is gaining importance for responding to safety issues such as for those living alone and elderly persons. Therefore, in recent years, various robots have been developed to perform social exchanges with people in daily life. We also aim to develop a support system that can be easily used in everyday life through the application of smart device technology that is familiar to people. Therefore, in this paper, we discuss the process of developing robot partners according to various user needs, from the viewpoint of hardware and software development, as human coexistence robot partners. In addition, we show an example of the scalability and application of robot technology using smart devices. First, we describe our smart device-based robot partner system. Next, we describe the development of a robot partner comprising various modules. Finally, we present several examples of robot systems for social implementation and address the applicability of our proposed system.

Modular structured robot system that enables development by combining modules

Modular structured robot system that enables development by combining modules

Cite this article as:
J. Woo, Y. Ohyama, and N. Kubota, “An Expansion and Application of Human Coexistence Robot System Using Smart Devices,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.25 No.2, pp. 234-241, 2021.
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