
JACIII Vol.29 No.1 pp. 187-204
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2025.p0187

Research Paper:

Research on the Measurement of Digitalization on the Integration of China’s Manufacturing Industry into the RCEP Regional Value Chain

Xiaoyang Guo ORCID Icon, Yijing Chen, Jingyi Yang ORCID Icon, and Xiuwu Zhang ORCID Icon

Research Center for Quantitative Economics, Huaqiao University
No.668 Jimei Avenue, Jimei District, Xiamen, Fujian 361021, China

Corresponding author

January 15, 2024
November 18, 2024
January 20, 2025
digital input, regional value chain, input-output method, trade network

In this paper, the industry classification of digital economy is determined, the comprehensive index framework of digital economy development level in China is constructed, and the input-output analysis method and index method are used to measure the digital investment status of manufacturing industry in China. At the same time, based on the realistic demand that China’s manufacturing industry needs to climb the regional value chain, this paper constructs the forward participation index, backward participation index, regional value chain position index, and regional value chain Balassa, and analyzes the current situation of China’s manufacturing industry in RCEP region. Construct a semi-parametric additive model to explore the impact of digital investment on China’s manufacturing industry’s participation in the RCEP regional value chain. In addition, this paper uses the community analysis method to build the RCEP regional manufacturing digital input trade network, and comprehensively evaluates the trade network pattern of digital input from multiple dimensions. The results show that: (1) the digital investment in China’s manufacturing industry is increasing year by year. (2) The indicators of manufacturing industry’s participation in RCEP regional value chain show a fluctuating situation, which is generally consistent with China’s economic development. (3) Within a certain range, digital investment will promote the participation of China’s manufacturing industry in the RCEP regional value chain. China is gradually becoming an important participant in RCEP regional trade. According to the corresponding measurement results, it provides policy suggestions for the deep integration of China’s manufacturing industry and digital economy.

Cite this article as:
X. Guo, Y. Chen, J. Yang, and X. Zhang, “Research on the Measurement of Digitalization on the Integration of China’s Manufacturing Industry into the RCEP Regional Value Chain,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.29 No.1, pp. 187-204, 2025.
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