
JACIII Vol.21 No.1 pp. 159-165
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2017.p0159


Study of Multirate Sampled Acquisition of Lightning Current Waveform Based on Short-Time Fourier Transform

Xing Jin*, Dian Zhang*, Jingjing Zhang*, and Yuan Feng**

*School of Automation, China University of Geosciences
Wuhan 430073, China

**School of International Education, Changchun Institute of Technology
Changchun 130012, China

July 7, 2016
October 23, 2016
January 20, 2017
lightning current waveform, short-time Fourier transform, multirate sampled method, cubic Hermite interpolation, memory resource
In the field of lightning current waveform acquisition, since the lightning stroke signal contains continuous current whose change is relatively flat, sampling with a fixed frequency is a waste of memory resources, and may even increase system design difficulty and cost. The multirate sampled method has been proposed to acquire lightning current waveforms based on the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) to counter this problem and cubic Hermite interpolation has been used to optimize sampled data. The results of simulation and lightning experiments have shown that the multirate sampled method reduces memory resource consumption by at least 70% and ensures high accuracy. The feasibility and effectiveness of the multirate sampled method have also been confirmed.
Cite this article as:
X. Jin, D. Zhang, J. Zhang, and Y. Feng, “Study of Multirate Sampled Acquisition of Lightning Current Waveform Based on Short-Time Fourier Transform,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.21 No.1, pp. 159-165, 2017.
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