
JACIII Vol.28 No.3 pp. 562-572
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2024.p0562

Research Paper:

Research on Efficient Asymmetric Attention Module for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Networks in Urban Scenes

Xu Su* ORCID Icon, Lihong Li*,**,† ORCID Icon, Jiejie Xiao* ORCID Icon, and Pengtao Wang* ORCID Icon

*School of Information and Electrical Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering
No.19 Taiji Road, Handan, Hebei 056038, China

**Hebei Key Laboratory of Security & Protection Information Sensing and Processing
No.19 Taiji Road, Handan, Hebei 056038, China

Corresponding author

June 29, 2023
January 12, 2024
May 20, 2024
semantic segmentation, real-time, convolutional neural network, encoder–decoder network

Currently, numerous high-precision models have been proposed for semantic segmentation, but the model parameters are large and the segmentation speed is slow. Real-time semantic segmentation for urban scenes necessitates a balance between accuracy, inference speed, and model size. In this paper, we present an efficient solution to this challenge, efficient asymmetric attention module net (EAAMNet) for the semantic segmentation of urban scenes, which adopts an asymmetric encoder–decoder structure. The encoder part of the network utilizes an efficient asymmetric attention module to form the network backbone. In the decoding part, we propose a lightweight multi-feature fusion decoder that can maintain good segmentation accuracy with a small number of parameters. Our extensive evaluations demonstrate that EAAMNet achieves a favorable equilibrium between segmentation efficiency, model parameters, and segmentation accuracy, rendering it highly suitable for real-time semantic segmentation in urban scenes. Remarkably, EAAMNet attains a 73.31% mIoU at 128 fps on Cityscapes and a 69.32% mIoU at 141 fps on CamVid without any pre-training. Compared to state-of-the-art models, our approach not only matches their model parameters but also enhances accuracy and increases speed.

EAAMNet for real-time semantic segmentation

EAAMNet for real-time semantic segmentation

Cite this article as:
X. Su, L. Li, J. Xiao, and P. Wang, “Research on Efficient Asymmetric Attention Module for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Networks in Urban Scenes,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.28 No.3, pp. 562-572, 2024.
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