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Journal of Disaster Research

ISSN : 1881-2473(Print) / 1883-8030(Online)
DOI : 10.20965/jdr.issn.1883-8030
Editor-in-Chief :Haruo Hayashi (Prof. Emeritus, Kyoto University)
Shunichi Koshimura (Tohoku University)

Indexed in ESCI, Scopus, Compendex (Ei), DOAJ

Journal Impact Factor: 0.8 (2022)



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Vol.1 (2006)



Reviews on Progresses of Earthquake Engineering in Japan (Part 3)
Special Issue on Overseas Earthquakes

Reviews on Progresses of Earthquake Engineering in Japan (Part 3)

Review: pp. 341-356
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
Short Note: p. 357
A Short Note for Dr. Watabe’s Review in 1974
Hiroshi Kuramoto
Material: pp. 358-377
Aseismic Structural Systems for Buildings
Makoto Watabe
Review: pp. 378-389
Seismic Analysis of Underground Structures
Kazuhiko Kawashima
Short Note: p. 390
Introduction to Dr. Okubo's Paper Entitled "Aseismic Considerations of Transportation Systems"
Kazuhiko Kawashima
Material: pp. 391-406
Aseismic Considerations of Transportation Systems
Tadayoshi Okubo
Review: pp. 407-414
Earthquake Observation and Strong Motion Seismology in Japan from 1975 to 2005
Kazuki Koketsu and Hiroe Miyake
Short Note: p. 415
Introduction to Professor Usami's Review in 1974
Kazuki Koketsu
Material: pp. 416-433
Earthquake Studies and the Earthquake Prediction System in Japan
Tatsuo Usami

Special Issue on Overseas Earthquakes

Survey Report: pp. 435-443
Damage to Civil Engineering Structures by Oct. 8, 2005 Kashmir Earthquake and Recommendations for Recovery and Reconstruction
Ömer Aydan and Masanori Hamada
Survey Report: pp. 444-448
Rebuilding Brick Masonry Housing Following the Mid-Java Earthquake Disaster of May 27, 2006
Masasuke Takashima and Satoshi Tanaka
Topic: pp. 449-451
Book Review of “On Strong Motion Seismology” (in Japanese) written and edited by Hiroaki Yamanaka, published by University of Tokyo Press
Editorial Office
Topic: pp. 452-487
Chronology of Earthquakes



Reviews on Progresses of Earthquake Engineering in Japan (Part 2)
Reports on Transportation Disasters

Reviews on Progresses of Earthquake Engineering in Japan (Part 2)

Review: pp. 177-188
Earthquake Damage to Industrial Facilities and Development of Seismic and Vibration Control Technology – Based on Experience from the 1995 Kobe (Hanshin-Awaji) Earthquake –
Kohei Suzuki
Short Note: p. 189
A Short Note for Dr. Shibata's Review in 1975
Kohei Suzuki
Material: pp. 190-200
Anti-Earthquake Design of Industrial Facilities
Heki Shibata
Review: pp. 201-209
Recent Seismic Microzoning Maps in Japan
Saburoh Midorikawa
Short Note: p. 210
A Short Note for Dr. Kobayashi's Review in 1974
Saburoh Midorikawa
Material: pp. 211-225
Seismic Microzoning for Urban Planning
Hiroyoshi Kobayashi
Review: pp. 226-243
Recent Developments in Liquefaction Research Learned from Earthquake Damage
Takaji Kokusho
Short Note: p. 244
A Short Note for Dr. Ishihara's Review in 1974
Takaji Kokusho
Material: pp. 245-261
Liquefaction of Subsurface Soils During Earthquakes
Kenji Ishihara
Review: pp. 262-271
Seismic Design of Bridges After 1995 Kobe Earthquake
Kazuhiko Kawashima
Short Note: pp. 272-273
Introduction to Dr. Iwasaki’s Paper Entitled “Response Analysis of Civil Engineering Structures Subjected to Earthquake Motions”
Kazuhiko Kawashima
Material: pp. 274-295
Response Analysis of Civil Engineering Structures Subjected to Earthquake Motions
Toshio Iwasaki

Reports on Transportation Disasters

Survey Report: pp. 297-312
Fukuchiyama Line Train Derailment
Prepared by Editorial Office
Survey Report: pp. 313-319
Private Company's Admirable Assistance in Derailment Attracts Nationwide Attention
Prepared by Editorial Office
Survey Report: pp. 320-324
Teito Rapid Transit Authority's Hibiya Line Derailment
Prepared by Editorial Office

Regular Papers

Review: pp. 325-333
Floods - Are We Prepared?
Donald Knight, Shuyou Cao, Huasheng Liao, Paul Samuels, Nigel Wright, Xingnian Liu, and Akihiro Tominaga



Congratulatory Message
Reviews on Progresses of Earthquake Engineering in Japan (Part 1)
Special Issue on Indian Ocean Tsunami

Congratulatory Message

Message: p. 3
Message from Editors-in-Chief
Suminao Murakami and Katsuki Takiguchi
Message: p. 4
Message to the “Journal of Disaster Research”
Christopher Arnold
Message: p. 5
In Celebration of the New “Journal of Disaster Research”
Joseph Penzien
Message: pp. 6-7
Thinking of Disasters
Minoru Matsuo
Editorial: pp. 8-10
Reviews on “Progresses of Earthquake Engineering in Japan”
Katsuki Takiguchi

It seems that when human beings attain one thing, it is at the simultaneous loss of something else. Upon developing recording devices, we lose our ability to memorize. Upon creating convenient computers, we lose our ability to calculate. What, then, do progress and development really mean? In considering this, time spans become especially important.

How are we to properly understand the progress and changes that have occurred in the last 3 decades in light of disaster prevention and reduction? Advances in communication technologies and developments in transportation system seem somehow to have accelerated the speed at which we live and at which our lives pass. How are we to balance the changes between progress in disaster prevention/reduction and the increasing potential risks disasters can bring due to our increasingly complex society? It seems certain that one thing has not advanced at all – the human capacity for foresight.

Let us consider the span of 3 decades from another perspective: Henry Petroski, in his Design Paradigms – Case Histories of Error and Judgment in Engineering – (Cambridge University Press, 1994), introduces the theory that every 30 years, a bridge falls – within the span of 30 years, succession in wisdom dies out.

Articles published more than 30 years ago give us a unique opportunity to assess their foresight, especially those written by persons in leadership positions at the time.

In the 3 years from 1973 to 1975, the journal Technocrat, published by Fuji Technology Press Ltd., presented 9 review articles on earthquake disaster prevention. They were all written by leaders in the field. An editorial reviewing urban disaster prevention in Japan was also published in Toshi bousai keikakuron (Urban Disaster Prevention Planning) (Dobunshoin) in 1986 – roughly a decade later.

These 10 articles will be republished in Vol. 1 Nos. 1-3 in this journal, together with new articles reviewing progress and development afterward. This unique series will consist of 18 articles as shown in the following list. Don’t miss it!

Katsuki Takiguchi

Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Reviews on Progresses of Earthquake Engineering in Japan (Part 1)

Review: pp. 11-24
Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Earthquake Engineering in Japan – A Review with a Special Emphasis on the Kobe Earthquake and its Impact
Tsuneo Katayama
Short Note: p. 25
A Short Note for Dr. Omote’s Review in 1973
Tsuneo Katayama
Material: pp. 26-45
Earthquake Disasters and Earthquake Engineering in Japan
Syun'itiro Omote
Review: pp. 46-71
Development of Urban Disaster Prevention Systems in Japan – from the Mid-1980s
Itsuki Nakabayashi
Short Note: p. 72
A Short Note for Dr. Murakami’s Review in 1986
Itsuki Nakabayashi
Material: pp. 73-94
Trends in Disaster Management Measures in Post World War II in Japan
Suminao Murakami
Material: pp. 95-102
Urban Renewal for Earthquake-Proof Systems
Shunichi Sato

Special Issue on Indian Ocean Tsunami

Survey Report: pp. 103-115
Damage and Height Distribution of Sumatra Earthquake-Tsunami of December 26, 2004, in Banda Aceh City and its Environs
Yoshinobu Tsuji, Yuichiro Tanioka, Hideo Matsutomi, Yuichi Nishimura, Takanobu Kamataki, Yoshikane Murakami, Tsutomu Sakakiyama, Andrew Moore, Guy Gelfenbaum, Sindhu Nugroho, Budi Waluyo, Inyoman Sukanta, Rahmat Triyono, and Yuichi Namegaya
Survey Report: pp. 116-122
Banda Aceh Overview – After One Year Tsunami
Ir. Muwardi Nurdin
Survey Report: pp. 123-130
Field Survey of the Tsunami Caused by the Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake of December 26, 2004 and the Restoration of Impacted Inland Water Bodies in Sri Lanka
Anil C. Wijeyewickrema, Shusaku Inoue, Priyantha Gunaratna, Manoj Madurapperuma, Hiroyuki Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Miura, and Toru Sekiguchi
Review: pp. 131-135
Global Disaster: The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura, Kazuhisa Goto, Hideaki Yanagisawa, and Yoko Iwabuchi
Paper: pp. 136-141
Excitation Process of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Determined from Seismic Fault Rupture
Hiroyuki Matsumoto, Hitoshi Mikada, and Masanori Suzuki
Paper: pp. 142-147
Wave Dispersion Effect in the Indian Ocean Tsunami
Yoshinori Shigihara and Koji Fujima

Regular Papers

Paper: pp. 148-156
Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Inundation in Urban Areas
Tetsuya Hiraishi and Tomohiro Yasuda
Paper: pp. 157-168
Study on Oil Spread Caused by the 1964 Niigata Earthquake Tsunami
Yoko Iwabuchi , Shunichi Koshimura, and Fumihiko Imamura


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