
JDR Vol.14 No.6 pp. 912-921
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2019.p0912


Mortality by Age Group and Municipality in the July 2018 Torrential Rainfall

Miho Ohara and Naoko Nagumo

International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) under the Auspices of UNESCO, Public Works Research Institute (PWRI)
1-6 Minamihara, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8516, Japan

Corresponding author

April 12, 2019
June 18, 2019
September 1, 2019
mortality, casualty, water-related disaster, torrential rainfall

The July 2018 torrential rainfall caused tremendous damage to western Japan, claiming the lives of 237 people. This research analyzed the mortality due to the disaster by age group and municipality and compared it with historical records of past wind and flood disasters. The analysis confirmed that the total death toll of 237 including 115 deaths in Hiroshima Prefecture alone was the second highest in 41 years since 1978, following 427 deaths including 294 in Nagasaki Prefecture in the Nagasaki Great Flood in 1982. The analysis also found that the mortality rate in the age group 70 years and more was extremely high in Mabi Town of Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture and Saka Town, Hiroshima Prefecture, compared with that recorded in past disasters. Moreover, the paper discusses practical target setting for future mortality reduction by comparing the mortality rates in past disasters.

Cite this article as:
M. Ohara and N. Nagumo, “Mortality by Age Group and Municipality in the July 2018 Torrential Rainfall,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.14 No.6, pp. 912-921, 2019.
Data files:
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