
JDR Vol.11 No.5 pp. 957-963
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2016.p0957


Non-Hydrostatic Model for Solitary Waves Passing Through a Porous Structure

Ikha Magdalena

Industrial and Financial Mathematics Research Group,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Corresponding author,

March 16, 2016
September 21, 2016
Online released:
October 3, 2016
October 1, 2016
non-hydrostatic model, hydrodynamic pressure, staggered finite volume, solitary wave
The non-hydrostatic depth-integrated model we developed to study solitary waves passing undisturbed in shape through a porous structure, involves hydrodynamic pressure. The equations are nonlinear, diffusive, and weakly dispersive wave equation for describing solitary wave propagation in a porous medium. We solve the equation numerically using a staggered finite volume with a predictor-corrector method. To demonstrate our non-hydrostatic scheme’s performance, we implement our scheme for simulating solitary waves over a flat bottom in a free region to examine the balance between dispersion and nonlinearity. Our computed waves travel undisturbed in shape as expected. Furthermore, the numerical scheme is used to simulate the solitary waves pass through a porous structure. Results agree well with results of a central finite difference method in space and a fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration technique in time for the Boussinesq model. When we quantitatively compare the wave amplitude reduction from our numerical results to experimental data, we find satisfactory agreement for the wave transmission coefficient.
Cite this article as:
I. Magdalena, “Non-Hydrostatic Model for Solitary Waves Passing Through a Porous Structure,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.11 No.5, pp. 957-963, 2016.
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