
JDR Vol.14 No.2 pp. 225-234
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2019.p0225


Development and Applicability of Multiscale Multiphysics Integrated Simulator for Tsunami

Taro Arikawa*,†, Yu Chida**, Katsumi Seki*, Tomohiro Takagawa**, and Kenichiro Shimosako**

*Chuo University
1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan

Corresponding author

**Port and Airport Research Institute, Kanagawa, Japan

January 20, 2019
February 12, 2019
March 1, 2019
real-time tsunami forecast, tsunami inundation, ocean bottom observation network, tsunami disaster response

In this research, we develop a numerical fluid simulator coupled with a structural analysis. The purpose of this system is to efficiently calculate all stages of a tsunami from source to runup, including structural deformation. We also investigate the stability of breakwaters at Kamaishi port. The numerical results are compared with physical experiments, revealing good agreement. The system is applied to the local conditions at Kamaishi port to verify its applicability. Most of the breakwaters are washed away, which is similar to the actual reported damage, indicating that the proposed system can effectively reproduce tsunami structural damage.

Cite this article as:
T. Arikawa, Y. Chida, K. Seki, T. Takagawa, and K. Shimosako, “Development and Applicability of Multiscale Multiphysics Integrated Simulator for Tsunami,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.14 No.2, pp. 225-234, 2019.
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