
JDR Vol.19 No.6 pp. 971-980
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2024.p0971


Performance Evaluation of Geological Disaster Relief Operations in China Using SBM-DEA Methodology

Pengfei Bai*1, Fangming Xue*2,†, Qianqian Duan*3, Ruifang La*4, and Jia Liu*5

*1School of Management and Engineering, Capital University of Economics and Business
No.121 Zhangjia Road, Huaxiang, Fengtai District, Beijing 100070, China

*2China Academy of Safety Science and Technology
Beijing, China

Corresponding author

*3School of Logistics, Beijing Wuzi University
Beijing, China

*4School of Economics and Management, Lanzhou University of Technology
Lanzhou, China

*5College for Urban Economics and Public Administration, Capital University of Economics and Business
Beijing, China

July 28, 2023
September 16, 2024
December 1, 2024
geological disasters, emergency response efficiency, SBM model, redundancy

Geological disasters in China have caused enormous damage to humans and the economy. The Chinese government has made significant efforts to mitigate geological disasters. Usually, the efficiency of disaster emergency response holds top priority. In this study, we considered the historical analysis of China’s geological disaster emergency response as the primary line and developed a slacks-based measure data envelopment analysis model to evaluate the performance of 18 geological disasters reliefs during 2015–2019 in China. This model is used to examine the performance of the geological disaster emergency response activities. The results indicate that although the capabilities of geo-disaster relief have continuously improved from 2015 to 2019, China’s geological disaster emergency response system remains in its primary stage. In particular, the efficiency of landslide emergency response operations is low. We analyzed the factors influencing efficiency and provided several suggestions for capacity improvement in geo-disaster emergency responses.

Cite this article as:
P. Bai, F. Xue, Q. Duan, R. La, and J. Liu, “Performance Evaluation of Geological Disaster Relief Operations in China Using SBM-DEA Methodology,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.19 No.6, pp. 971-980, 2024.
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