
JDR Vol.12 No.5 pp. 1081-1090
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2017.p1081


On the Complexity of Cybersecurity Exercises Proportional to Preparedness

Tomomi Aoyama*,†, Toshihiko Nakano**, Ichiro Koshijima*, Yoshihiro Hashimoto*, and Kenji Watanabe*

*Nagoya Institute of Technology
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 466-8555, Japan

Corresponding author

**Hitachi Ltd., Ibaraki, Japan

December 30, 2016
July 19, 2017
Online released:
September 27, 2017
October 1, 2017
cybersecurity, exercise, maturity model, business continuity management, critical infrastructure protection

The purpose of this study is to illustrate how exercises can play the role of a driving power to improve an organization’s cyber security preparedness. The degree of cyber security preparedness varies significantly among organizations. This implies that training and exercises must be tailored to specific capabilities. In this paper, we review the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity framework that formalizes the concept of tier, which measures the degree of preparedness. Subsequently, we examine the types of exercises available in the literature and propose guidelines that assign specific exercise types, aims, and participants to each level of preparedness. The proposed guideline should facilitate the reinforcement of cybersecurity risk management practices, reduce resource misuse, and lead to a smooth improvement of capabilities.

Cite this article as:
T. Aoyama, T. Nakano, I. Koshijima, Y. Hashimoto, and K. Watanabe, “On the Complexity of Cybersecurity Exercises Proportional to Preparedness,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.12 No.5, pp. 1081-1090, 2017.
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