
JDR Vol.17 No.3 pp. 444-452
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2022.p0444


The Role of Local Disaster Relief Agencies in Influencing Local Government to Make New Spatial Management Local Regulations in Pandeglang Regency

Anwar Kurniadi, Siswo Hadi Sumantri, and Fauzi Bahar

Disaster Management Study Program, Faculty of National Security, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University
IPSC Sentul Area, Subdistrict Citeureup, Bogor Regency, West Java 16810, Indonesia

Corresponding author

August 12, 2020
January 18, 2022
April 1, 2022
spatial management, tsunami disaster, local regulation, bad impact

This study aimed to analyze the role of Local Disaster Relief Agencies (LDRA) in influencing the local government of Pandeglang Regency to amend previous regional regulations supporting disaster risk reduction. This research was conducted on the coast of the Sunda Strait, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia, which was the site of the 2018 tsunami. A qualitative approach including in-depth interviews, direct observation on the field, and documentation based on the values, beliefs, and knowledge of thirteen informants was adopted to support tsunami risk studies by developing local regulations. The results revealed that 1) the utilization of the Sunda Strait coast is not prioritized in disaster risk reduction; 2) implementing the prescribed role as a facilitator between the government and the community and the enacted role based on the reality on the field by conducting a disaster risk study in Pandeglang Regency, where the tsunami disaster becomes a priority disaster to address. With these results, the government and House of Local Representative members can consider changing previous regional regulations into new regional regulations that support efforts to reduce the risk of a tsunami disaster. The practical implications of this research suggest that every LDRA in Indonesia should use the results of disaster risk studies that are tailored to regional disaster priorities to capture the attention of local governments and secure disaster programs to be executed effectively every year.

Cite this article as:
A. Kurniadi, S. Sumantri, and F. Bahar, “The Role of Local Disaster Relief Agencies in Influencing Local Government to Make New Spatial Management Local Regulations in Pandeglang Regency,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.17 No.3, pp. 444-452, 2022.
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