Factors Contributing to the Enhancement of Feasibility in Public–Private Partnership During Disasters
Tetsuya Torayashiki*,
and Kenji Watanabe**
*Center for Data Science, Waseda University
1-6-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050, Japan
Corresponding author
**Nagoya Institute of Technology
Nagoya, Japan
This study aims to quantitatively identify the factors associated with companies that actively enhance the feasibility of public–private partnerships (PPP) during disasters. Based on these identified relationships, the study seeks to propose strategies to improve PPP effectiveness in proactive companies. A questionnaire survey was conducted targeting companies in Japan that have concluded disaster assistance agreements with local governments. Based on the response data, scales were constructed for the following variables: “feasibility of public–private agreements (FPPA),” “experience in implementing public–private agreements (EPPA),” “social contribution to disaster-stricken area,” “implementation level of disaster risk reduction measures,” “feasibility of business continuity,” “organizational culture toward risk and crisis (OCRC),” and “employee autonomy (EA).” Path analysis was conducted to investigate the relationships between FPPA and other variables. The results revealed that FPPA is associated with EPPA, EA, and OCRC. In terms of strategies to improve FPPA, it was suggested to promote the internal sharing of information about EPPA from other companies. Additionally, for EA and OCRC, implementing human resource policies and management practices was discussed as potential measures.
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