
JDR Vol.15 No.5 pp. 655-663
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2020.p0655


Emergency Broadcasting Radio in Indonesia: Comparative Studies in Lombok and Palu

Ressi Dwiana*,†, Ade Armando*, and Mario Antonius Birowo**

*Department of Communication, Universitas Indonesia
Gedung IASTH, Jl. Salemba Raya No.4, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia

Corresponding author

**Department of Communication, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

March 21, 2020
June 8, 2020
August 1, 2020
emergency radio, disaster regulation, comparative study

In every disaster, problems of information and communication distribution always occur. The communication channel is very dependent on various supporting facilities. Electricity, transmitter towers, broadcasting stations, to human resources. In two big disasters in Indonesia in 2018: the Lombok earthquake; and the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction in Palu, there were issues of the information and communication channels. Local people do not know the conditions that occur in their area and the situation of their families. While outsiders, the government, and rescue teams did not get detailed information from the affected areas. In countries with high intensity of natural disasters, emergency broadcasting policies have been long practiced. The simplest device for emergency broadcasting is radio. This kind of media can immediately air with simple facilities. Regardless, the initiative of emergency radio has not yet adopted into regulation in Indonesia. Therefore, the emergency radio initiator limited to a handful of organization like in Lombok earthquake. Conversely in Palu disaster, there was a Ministerial Decree of Information and Communication Ministry Number 773/2018 (KM 773), regulation that simplify access to radio frequency. Using comparative method, this research examined these two disasters to analyze the differences of emergency radio practices. Only 1.5 months away and similar location features, the emergency radios initiation differ in several aspects related subjects that regulated in this KM. The result shows that this KM can broaden all aspects of emergency broadcasting radio. Although, the KM unable to shorten the time of emergency radio implementation. Regulation change only limited to frequency access. A broader regulation change is needed to support the practice of emergency radio.

Cite this article as:
R. Dwiana, A. Armando, and M. Birowo, “Emergency Broadcasting Radio in Indonesia: Comparative Studies in Lombok and Palu,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.15 No.5, pp. 655-663, 2020.
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