Contribution of ICT Development to Disaster Risk Reduction from a Spatial Perspective: A Preliminary Literature Review
Iredo Bettie Puspita*,**,
, Andri Kurniawan*
, and Muh Aris Marfai*,***

*Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
**Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas)
Bandung, Indonesia
***Indonesia Geospatial Information Agency
Bogor, Indonesia
Corresponding author
Information and communication technology (ICT) development has changed human activity and behavior, including spatial choices for activity space. This phenomenon contributed to disaster risk reduction because similar dependent variables related to activity space and place were represented in land use. In disasters, land use can affect the disaster risk level. This study explored the contribution and correlation patterns of ICT development to disaster risk reduction efforts from a spatial perspective. This study used 12,155 articles from the Scopus database as a data study analyzed using systematic review and meta-analysis. This study found that ICT development had a possibility spatial contribution to disaster risk reduction indirectly through virtual space in two forms: activity location efficiency and changes in land use. ICT development and its virtual space contributed to changing vulnerability, hazard, and capacity in the face of disasters.
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