
JDR Vol.18 No.7 pp. 783-795
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2023.p0783


Public Perceptions of the Aral Sea Disaster in Uzbekistan

Steven Lloyd*,†, Tetsuya Nakamura* ORCID Icon, and Satoru Masuda**

*Kyoei University
4158 Uchimaki, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0051, Japan

Corresponding author

**Tohoku University
Sendai, Japan

February 2, 2023
July 25, 2023
October 1, 2023
Uzbekistan, Aral Sea disaster, public understanding, online survey, disaster management

This study focuses on how the Uzbek public perceives the Aral Sea disaster, the role of the government, the UN, and other agencies, and their overall attitude toward the future of the region. This research is based on an online survey of 599 people across Uzbekistan. The results show that the participants are largely supportive of government and optimistic for the future of the Aral Sea region, despite also being concerned for its environment. The role of traditional and social media plays a crucial role in informing and shaping people’s opinions. A sense of inclusion and representation within the decision-making process led to increased government support amongst the attitudes of the participants.

Cite this article as:
S. Lloyd, T. Nakamura, and S. Masuda, “Public Perceptions of the Aral Sea Disaster in Uzbekistan,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.18 No.7, pp. 783-795, 2023.
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