
JDR Vol.13 No.7 pp. 1247-1256
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2018.p1247

Survey Report:

Efforts Toward Recovery and Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake

Hiroaki Maruya*,† and Yasunari Watanabe**

*International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University
468-1 Aza-Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8572, Japan

Corresponding author

**Tohoku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT), Miyagi, Japan

May 1, 2018
July 24, 2018
December 1, 2018
The Great East Japan Earthquake, recovery and reconstruction, build back better, hand down the memories of the disaster

Six and a half years after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE), recovery and reconstruction have been steadily progressing in terms of infrastructure and town development. However, it is a fact that there are still many problems to be tackled in some areas. In addition, communicating the lessons learned from the GEJE is important and should be promoted to improve disaster management in Japan and overseas. The Tohoku Regional Development Bureau (TRDB) held a symposium, “Efforts for Recovery and Reconstruction from the GEJE,” at the World Bosai Forum (WBF) on November 27, 2017. Mayors from the disaster areas, Rikuzentakata city in Iwate prefecture, Ishinomaki city in Miyagi prefecture, and Shinchi town in Fukushima prefecture, and a director of the TRDB presented their projects aiming to “build back better,” and they discussed how they had made efforts toward recovery and reconstruction, mainly in terms of infrastructure and town development. It was confirmed in the discussion that for the reconstruction, steadily advancing safe and secure town development, including multiple defense, was necessary. In addition, software measures, such as disaster education and evacuation drills, are important, as are hardware improvements through reconstruction. Both hardware and software countermeasures should be like a two wheels. It was also asserted that passing down the memories and the lessons of the disaster, not allowing their memories to fade away with time, was important. The speakers showed a variety of approaches to transmitting their memories to future generations in their areas or projects. Then, they emphasized that if people prepared for disaster based on these lessons in advance, there would surely be less damage. Finally, speakers shared the recognition that to realize the above, many actors in the Tohoku district should mutually cooperate to transmit the situation of reconstruction and the lessons of the GEJE.

Cite this article as:
H. Maruya and Y. Watanabe, “Efforts Toward Recovery and Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.13 No.7, pp. 1247-1256, 2018.
Data files:
  1. [1] Website of “World Bosai Forum,” [accessed April 30, 2018]
  2. [2] Website of UNISDR, “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction,” [accessed April 30, 2018]
  3. [3] Website of Rikuzentakata city, “Recovery Plan for Rikuzentakata,” [accessed April 30, 2018]
  4. [4] Website of Ishinomaki city, “Basic Plan for Post-disaster Reconstruction,” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  5. [5] Website of Shinchi town, “Shinchi Town Reconstruction Plan,” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  6. [6] Website of TRDB, “Reconstruction Acceleration Council,” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  7. [7] Website of TRDB, Earthquake Memorial Museum, “Liaisons,” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  8. [8] Website of Rikuzentakata city, “Ippon Matsu (Miracle Pine),” [accessed April 30, 2018]
  9. [9] Website of “Sakura Line 311,” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  10. [10] Website of Ishinomaki city, “Council of Remains of the GEJE (Former building of Kadonowaki Elementary School),” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  11. [11] Website of Ishinomaki city, “Council of Remains of the GEJE (Former building of Okawa Elementary School),” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  12. [12] Website of Ishinomaki city, “Information Exchange House of Revival Town Development, Central House,” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  13. [13] Website of “Shinchi-machi Note,” “Shinchi Town Fire and Disaster Management Center,” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  14. [14] Website of Shinchi town, “Revival of Memorial Places by Diorama,” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  15. [15] Website of TRDB, “Reconstruction Prayer Park in Iwate Prefecture,” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  16. [16] Website of TRDB, “Reconstruction Prayer Park in Miyagi Prefecture,” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  17. [17] Website of TRDB, “Reconstruction Prayer Park in Fukusima Prefecture,” (in Japanese) [accessed April 30, 2018]
  18. [18] Website of TRDB, “Earthquake Memorial Museum,” [accessed April 30, 2018]
  19. [19] Website of TRDB, “Symposium Not to Fade Out, Not to Forget – Sixth Anniversary of the GEJE,” [accessed April 30, 2018]

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