Survey Report:
Validation of Inundation Damage Reduction by a Pump Gate with the New Type of Horizontal Axial Submersible Pump
Kentaro Fukumori*,, Yu Kurita**, and Hiroaki Furumai***
*Business Planning Section, Business Promotion Department, Pump & Jet Division, Ishigaki Company, Ltd.
1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
Corresponding author
**Overseas Sales Section, Business Promotion Department, Pump & Jet Division, Ishigaki Company, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
***Research Center for Water Environment Technology, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Compared to pumping stations, pump gates have small sites and are constructed for a low cost over a short period of time. A new type of horizontal axial submersible pump that is optimal for pump gates has recently been developed. Since the new type of pump can be operated at full speed regardless of water level, it is possible to conduct standby operations in preparation for stormwater runoff inflows. In a simulation comparing the conventional pumps and the new type of pump, there was no serious inundation condition in the new pump up to 70 mm/h, which is 140% of the design’s rainfall intensity. As a result, it was clarified that standby operations can keep the peak water level low and maximize the water storage capacity of the drainage channel.
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