
JDR Vol.12 No.sp pp. 646-655
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2017.p0646


Machine Learning Based Building Damage Mapping from the ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 SAR Imagery: Case Study of 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake

Yanbing Bai*,†, Bruno Adriano**, Erick Mas** and Shunichi Koshimura**

*Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
6-6-4 Aramaki-Aza Aoba, Aob-ku, Senda, Miyagi 980-8579, Japan

Corresponding author

**International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University, Miyagi, Japan

December 28, 2016
June 20, 2017
June 30, 2017
2016 Kumamoto earthquake, building damage mapping, ALOS-2/PALSAR-2, synthetic aperture radar, machine learning

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing is a useful tool for mapping earthquake-induced building damage. A series of operational methodologies based on SAR data using either multi-temporal or only post-event SAR images have been developed and used to serve disaster activities. This presents a critical problem: which method is more likely to obtain reliable results and should be adopted for disaster response when both pre- and post-event SAR data are available? To explore this question, this study takes the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake as a case study. ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 SAR images were employed with a machine learning framework to quantitatively compare the performance of building damage mapping using only post-event SAR images and mapping using multi-temporal SAR images. The results show that an overall accuracy of 64.5% was achieved when only post-event SAR images were used, which is 2.3% higher than the overall accuracy when multi-temporal SAR images were used. The estimated building damage ratio for the former and the latter are 29.7% and 31.1%, respectively, which are both close to the building damage ratio obtained from an optical image.

Cite this article as:
Y. Bai, B. Adriano, E. Mas, and S. Koshimura, “Machine Learning Based Building Damage Mapping from the ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 SAR Imagery: Case Study of 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.12 No.sp, pp. 646-655, 2017.
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