Disaster Information Sharing Technology Among Heterogeneous Information Systems Through SIP4D-ZIP Framework
Makoto Hanashima and Yuichiro Usuda
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED)
3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0006, Japan
Corresponding author
“SIP4D-ZIP,” developed by the authors, is a common data framework for sharing disaster information among systems operated by different organizations. In past large-scale disaster responses, it has often been necessary to share information that could not be predicted in advance with several organizations. Even if such information could be converted into electronic data, the valuable information was sometimes not fully utilized due to the lack of a common format for describing the meaning of the data or lack of the data format that can be read by different systems. To solve such problems, we developed SIP4D-ZIP as a common data framework that enables data to be exchanged between systems without prior arrangement. We demonstrate how SIP4D-ZIP can solve the problems found in actual disaster response, which are the background of the design concept of SIP4D. Furthermore, we explain in detail how SIP4D-ZIP works and show that it can automate the processes required to share information between systems. We believe that designing both the information source system and the utilization system based on SIP4D-ZIP will enable highly versatile and automatic mutual sharing of disaster information and promote digital transformation in disaster response.
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