
JDR Vol.13 No.1 pp. 99-115
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2018.p0099

Survey Report:

Analysis of Disaster Response During Landslide Disaster in Hakha, Chin State of Myanmar

May Myat Mon*,†, Tun Naing*, Muneyoshi Numada**, Khin Than Yu***, Kimiro Meguro**, and Kyaw Zin Latt*

*Department of Engineering Geology, Yangon Technology University
Insein 11011, Yangon, Yangon Region, Myanmar

Corresponding author

**International Center for Urban Safety Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

***Department of Civil Engineering, Yangon Technology University, Yangon, Myanmar

September 4, 2017
February 14, 2018
February 20, 2018
regional geologic condition, landslide hazard, previous major landslide in 2015, landslide risk management in Hakha

Myanmar has experienced many types of geologic hazards such as earthquakes and landslides and to a lesser extent, subsidence. In recent years, landslides have been a major form natural disaster in Myanmar, especially in the country’s mountainous regions, such as Chin State. In geomorphological terms, Myanmar has two mountainous regions: namely the Western Ranges and the Eastern Highlands. Steep slopes, unstable geologic conditions, and heavy monsoon rains make these regions the most landslide-prone areas in Myanmar.

The study area, Hakha City and its environs, is situated in Chin State, which occupies a part of the Western Ranges. Chin State suffers many landslide incidents each year. Human settlement has recently increased as a result of rapid population growth. Consequently, natural and man-made disasters are on the rise and affecting people more than before. The most devastating landslide on record in Myanmar occurred in July 2015 due to the impact of Cyclone Koman. After this landslide, some places of Hakha City resettled in new location. However, a detailed slope stability analysis and assessment of the new location have not yet been carried out. In addition, management procedures and systems for the relocation and resettlement process still need to be evaluated for the urban safety space. Existing research and papers focus mainly on the areas affected by the landslide rather than on the city’s new location based on geographic information system (GIS) tools. It is essential to study the potential risk of landslides in the new location properly, and identify an appropriate management system.

Geological conditions including highly weathered and crushed rocks, heavy rainfall intensity, and poor drainage systems combine slope stability. Systematic management programs and technical control methods can mitigate the number and magnitude of future disasters.

Cite this article as:
M. Mon, T. Naing, M. Numada, K. Yu, K. Meguro, and K. Latt, “Analysis of Disaster Response During Landslide Disaster in Hakha, Chin State of Myanmar,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.13 No.1, pp. 99-115, 2018.
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