Damage of Enterprises and Their Business Continuity in the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake
Hiroaki Maruya† and Tetsuya Torayashiki
International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University
468-1 Aramaki-Aza-Aoba, Aoba, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0845, Japan
†Corresponding author
Serious damages to enterprises as well as residences and infrastructure resulted from the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake. Important factories of the automobile, information technology, chemical, and other industries were located in the affected area. The nature of the damage was that there was significant damages to the building of enterprises located near the fault that caused the strong Earthquake. The geographical scope of damage to the enterprises was not very wide.
The authors performed continuous research on the public announcements posted on the websites of the affected enterprises for several months, following up with news reports on damaged enterprises and on-site interviews. We found that a considerable number of enterprises supplied their products to their important customers from substitute sites to achieve their business continuity. On the other hand, many enterprises attained early on-the-spot recovery, which might be explained partly by the fact that recovery of essential utilities, particularly electricity and telecommunications, was relatively quick.
The authors found many examples of effective utilization of the lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE). For example, some enterprises adopted the substitution strategy of business continuity management (BCM) that fulfills the responsibility to maintain supplies to the customers. Other enterprises that had experienced the GEJE avoided serious direct damage by having installed adequate earthquake countermeasures to their buildings and facilities.
- [1] Cabinet Office, “Committee for Policy Planning on Disaster Management Interim Report,” 2012 (in Japanese). [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [2] Cabinet Office, “Committee for Policy Planning on Disaster Management Final Report,” 2012. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [3] H. Maruya, “Proposal for Improvement of Business Continuity Management (BCM) Based on Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake,” J. of JSCE Vol.1, No.1, pp. 12-21, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2013.
- [4] The District Economics Research Institute of Kumamoto Area, “the Business Owner Questionnaire Survey about the Kumamoto Earthquake (the first part),” 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [5] Headquarters for Major Disaster Countermeasure (Cabinet Office), “Damage Conditions by the Earthquake Occurred in Kumamoto district, Kumamoto Pref. in 2016 (as of December 14, 2016 at 18:00),” 2016 (in Japanese). [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [6] Headquarters for Major Disaster Countermeasure (Cabinet Office), “Damage Conditions by the Earthquake Occurred in Kumamoto district, Kumamoto Pref. in 2016 (as of April 18, 2016 at 7:00),” 2016 (in Japanese). [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [7] Kyushu Economic Research Center, “Effect of Kumamoto Earthquake to Economy in Kyushu” (in Japanese), 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [8] The District Economics Research Institute of Kumamoto Area, “Retail Business as of Half Year after the Kumamoto Earthquake” (in Japanese), 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [9] Maruya, Hiroaki and Torayashiki, Tetsuya, “Influence to Enterprises by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake” (in Japanese), 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [10] Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd., “Report No. 3 on damage caused by earthquakes with epicenter in Kumamoto region, Kumamoto Prefecture, Apr.28, 2016,” 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [11] Toyota Co., Ltd., “Toyota to Restart Production on All Vehicle Assembly Lines from June 2,” 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [12] Honda Motor Co., Ltd., “Resumption of Production Affected by The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, August 24,” 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [13] HOYA Corporation, “Announcement on Impacts of the Kumamoto Earthquakes (Update)” (in Japanese), 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [14] Mitsubishi Electric, “Conditions of our semiconductor/device factories affected by the Kumamoto Earthquake” (in Japanese), May 2, 2016. As past announcements were deleted sequentially, this document is not available at present. However this document was quoted in .
- [15] Suntory holding Ltd., Shipment of the alcoholic beverages in the Kyushu area after the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake” (in Japanese), 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [16] The Nippon Synthetic Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., “Impact of 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes on Nippon Gohsei (8th Report) ,” May 31, 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [17] HORIBA, Ltd., “Notice of Influence by 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake (Update 3)” (in Japanese), April 22, 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [18] Rorze Corporation, “News on the effect of the Kumamoto Earthquake (Update 2)” (in Japanese), April 18, 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [19] Fuji Bellows Co., Ltd. “News about the influence caused by the Kumamoto Earthquake (follow-up)” (in Japanese), May 6, 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [20] Renesas Electronics Corporation, “Impact of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake on Renesas Electronics Operations Update 8 (Final)” (in Japanese), May 23, 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [21] Sony Corporation, “Status of Sony Group Manufacturing Operations Affected by the Earthquakes in the Kumamoto Region of Kumamoto Prefecture,” September 1, 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [22] Preceed Co., Ltd., “Ture Record ‘the Kumamoto Earthquake’: Recovery Status” (in Japanese), 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [23] Saishunkan Co., Ltd., “We started production of Domohorn Wrinkle” (in Japanese), April 26, 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
- [24] Saishunkan Co., Ltd., “Effect of Kumamoto Earthquake” (in Japanese) May 16, 2016. Website of Saishunkan [accessed May. 16, 2016] As the past announcement were deleted sequentially, this document is not available at present.
- [25] Consumers’ Co-operative Kumamoto, “COOP Kasuga achieved complete recovery at last!” (in Japanese), May 3, 2016. [accessed Dec. 27, 2016]
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