


New! Fujipress Manuscript Manager, Our New Online Submission System

We are excited to announce the implementation of our new Manuscript Management System, Fujipress Manuscript Manager.

All submissions/reviews are now performed online. Once registered, you will have real-time access to the latest information about the papers you are reviewing.

This includes the ability to check their status and submit review results directly through the system.


新しく投稿査読システム Fujipress Manuscript Manager の運用を開始します。


IJAT: [Important notice] Publication charge revision
IJAT: [重要] 論文掲載料改定のお知らせ

Publication charge revision

Due to the increase in expenses for production and the improvement of our e-publication services, we will revise the publication charge of International Journal of Automation Technology. The new price will be applied to the submissions after June 1, 2024. For submissions made prior to this date, the old pricing will be applied.
This revision entails a significant change in our pricing structure, transitioning from page-based page charges to article-based Article Processing Charges, aligning with the recent trend of increasing importance of electronic media. Additionally, we will prioritize electronic versions over print editions. As a result, color charges will be discontinued, and all pages, including reprints, will be considered color pages. Reprints will be priced according to the number of pages, as they are printed materials.
For details on the new pricing, please refer to the page of instruction for authors — “For Authors.”
We will continue to strive for the maintenance of OPEN-ACCESS publication and improvement of services. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

March 1, 2024
IJAT Editorial Office, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


近年の物価上昇と今後のサービス向上の為、誠に勝手ながら2024年6月1日からの論文掲載料(Page Charge)の価格を改定させていただきます。2024年6月1日以降のご投稿より新価格を適用させていただきます(それまでにご投稿いただいた論文につきましては、旧価格となります)。
今回は、電子媒体の重要性が増している近年の潮流に合わせて、これまでのページ数に基づくPage Charge から、論文ごとの掲載料となるArticle Processing Chargeへ、価格体系の変更を含む大きな改定となります。また今後は、冊子体ではなく電子版を主力メディアとします。これに伴い、カラー料金を廃止します。電子版だけでなく冊子体も含めて、全ページカラーを基本とします。別刷りにつきましても、全ページカラー印刷とします。 別刷りは印刷物ですので、料金はページ数に応じた価格体系に変更させていただきます。新価格については、投稿案内のページ「著者の皆様へ」に掲示しております。

富士技術出版株式会社 IJAT編集部

JRM: [Important notice] Page charge revision
JRM: [重要] 論文掲載料価格改定のお知らせ

Publication charge revision

Due to the increase in expenses for production and the improvement of our e-publication services, we will revise the publication charge of Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics. The new price will be applied to the submissions after June 1, 2024. For submissions made prior to this date, the old pricing will be applied.
This revision entails a significant change in our pricing structure, transitioning from page-based page charges to article-based Article Processing Charges, aligning with the recent trend of increasing importance of electronic media. Additionally, we will prioritize electronic versions over print editions. As a result, color charges will be discontinued, and all pages, including reprints, will be considered color pages. Reprints will be priced according to the number of pages, as they are printed materials.
For details on the new pricing, please refer to the page of instruction for authors — “For Authors.”
We will continue to strive for the maintenance of OPEN-ACCESS publication and improvement of services. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

March 1, 2024
JRM Editorial Office, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


近年の物価上昇と今後のサービス向上の為、誠に勝手ながら2024年6月1日からの論文掲載料(Page Charge)の価格を改定させていただきます。2024年6月1日以降のご投稿より新価格を適用させていただきます(それまでにご投稿いただいた論文につきましては、旧価格となります)。
今回は、電子媒体の重要性が増している近年の潮流に合わせて、これまでのページ数に基づくPage Charge から、論文ごとの掲載料となるArticle Processing Chargeへ、価格体系の変更を含む大きな改定となります。また今後は、冊子体ではなく電子版を主力メディアとします。これに伴い、カラー料金を廃止します。電子版だけでなく冊子体も含めて、全ページカラーを基本とします。別刷りにつきましても、全ページカラー印刷とします。 別刷りは印刷物ですので、料金はページ数に応じた価格体系に変更させていただきます。新価格については、投稿案内のページ「著者の皆様へ」に掲示しております。

富士技術出版株式会社 JRM編集部

JDR: [Important notice] Publication charge revision
JDR: [重要] 論文掲載料改定のお知らせ

Publication charge revision

Due to the increase in expenses for production and the improvement of our e-publication services, we will revise the publication charge of Journal of Disaster Research. The new price will be applied to the submissions after June 1, 2024. For submissions made prior to this date, the old pricing will be applied.
This revision entails a significant change in our pricing structure, transitioning from page-based page charges to article-based Article Processing Charges, aligning with the recent trend of increasing importance of electronic media. Additionally, we will prioritize electronic versions over print editions. As a result, color charges will be discontinued, and all pages, including reprints, will be considered color pages. Reprints will be priced according to the number of pages, as they are printed materials.
For details on the new pricing, please refer to the page of instruction for authors — “For Authors.”
We will continue to strive for the maintenance of OPEN-ACCESS publication and improvement of services. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Feburuary 20, 2024
JDR Editorial Office, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


近年の物価上昇と今後のサービス向上の為、誠に勝手ながら2024年6月1日からの論文掲載料(Page Charge)の価格を改定させていただきます。2024年6月1日以降のご投稿より新価格を適用させていただきます(それまでにご投稿いただいた論文につきましては、旧価格となります)。
今回は、電子媒体の重要性が増している近年の潮流に合わせて、これまでのページ数に基づくPage Charge から、論文ごとの掲載料となるArticle Processing Chargeへ、価格体系の変更を含む大きな改定となります。また今後は、冊子体ではなく電子版を主力メディアとします。これに伴い、カラー料金を廃止します。電子版だけでなく冊子体も含めて、全ページカラーを基本とします。別刷りにつきましても、全ページカラー印刷とします。 別刷りは印刷物ですので、料金はページ数に応じた価格体系に変更させていただきます。新価格については、投稿案内のページ「著者の皆様へ」に掲示しております。

富士技術出版株式会社 JDR編集部

JACIII: [Important notice] Publication charge revision
JACIII: [重要] 論文掲載料改定のお知らせ

Publication charge revision

Due to the increase in expenses for production and the improvement of our e-publication services, we will revise the publication charge of Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics. The new price will be applied to the submissions after June 1, 2024. For submissions made prior to this date, the old pricing will be applied.
This revision entails a significant change in our pricing structure, transitioning from page-based page charges to article-based Article Processing Charges, aligning with the recent trend of increasing importance of electronic media. Additionally, we will prioritize electronic versions over print editions. As a result, color charges will be discontinued, and all pages, including reprints, will be considered color pages. Reprints will be priced according to the number of pages, as they are printed materials.
For details on the new pricing, please refer to the page of instruction for authors — “For Authors.”
We will continue to strive for the maintenance of OPEN-ACCESS publication and improvement of services. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Feburuary 20, 2024
JACIII Editorial Office, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


近年の物価上昇と今後のサービス向上の為、誠に勝手ながら2024年6月1日からの論文掲載料(Page Charge)の価格を改定させていただきます。2024年6月1日以降のご投稿より新価格を適用させていただきます(それまでにご投稿いただいた論文につきましては、旧価格となります)。
今回は、電子媒体の重要性が増している近年の潮流に合わせて、これまでのページ数に基づくPage Charge から、論文ごとの掲載料となるArticle Processing Chargeへ、価格体系の変更を含む大きな改定となります。また今後は、冊子体ではなく電子版を主力メディアとします。これに伴い、カラー料金を廃止します。電子版だけでなく冊子体も含めて、全ページカラーを基本とします。別刷りにつきましても、全ページカラー印刷とします。 別刷りは印刷物ですので、料金はページ数に応じた価格体系に変更させていただきます。新価格については、投稿案内のページ「著者の皆様へ」に掲示しております。

富士技術出版株式会社 JACIII編集部

[JRM] Call for Special Issues

JRM calls for proposals for forthcoming special issues of the journal. Special issues feature papers under a certain theme and publish them in a single issue. Although special issues are usually planned by the JRM Editorial Committee, the journal has decided to solicit proposals to incorporate cutting-edge breakthroughs and broaden the journal’s perspective.

If you would like to plan and edit a special issue as a guest editor at JRM, please fill the proposal application form and send it to JRM Editorial Office via email. The Editorial Committee will examine the proposal and inform you of the committee’s decision.

Proposal Application Form (Word)Proposal Application Form (PDF)


JRM Editorial Office, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.



JRM特集企画募集 (PDF)応募フォーム (Word)応募フォーム (PDF)


富士技術出版株式会社 JRM編集部

Article Search function is significantly enhanced.

Article Search function has been significantly enhanced.

Please have a try.

Click here to move to the Article Search page or

Click the “Advanced Search” link in the “Search articles” widget at right top page.

[JRM] Indexed in DOAJ
[JRM] DOAJに収載されました

Indexed in DOAJ

Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (JRM) has been indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
DOAJ is a database of Open Access journals operated by Infrastructure Services for Open Access(IS4OA), UK. It includes high-quality, peer-reviewed journals which satisfy the strict criteria. In recent years where predatory journals become a social problem, DOAJ is known as “white list” of non-predatory journals and it guarantees the journal’s reliability. It is also expected to increase JRM’s international recognition and accessibility.
We would like to express our gratitude to all concerned, and will make efforts to further improve the journal value.
DOAJ indexed:

January 13, 2022
JRM Editorial Office, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


この度、Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (JRM)誌がDOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)に収載されました。
DOAJは、英国Infrastructure Services for Open Access(IS4OA)が運営するオープンアクセスジャーナルのデータベースで、厳格な基準を満たす、高品質の査読付きジャーナルを収載しています。ハゲタカジャーナルが社会問題化している昨今、DOAJはハゲタカでない優良OAジャーナルのホワイトリストと呼ばれ、DOAJに登録されたことで信頼性が保証され、国際的な認知度やアクセシビリティが高まることも期待されます。

富士技術出版株式会社 JRM編集部

[JACIII] Indexed in DOAJ
[JACIII] DOAJに収載されました

Indexed in DOAJ

Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII) has been indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
DOAJ is a database of Open Access journals operated by Infrastructure Services for Open Access(IS4OA), UK. It includes high-quality, peer-reviewed journals which satisfy the strict criteria. In recent years where predatory journals become a social problem, DOAJ is known as “white list” of non-predatory journals and it guarantees the journal’s reliability. It is also expected to increase JACIII’s international recognition and accessibility.
We would like to express our gratitude to all concerned, and will make efforts to further improve the journal value.
DOAJ indexed:

January 13, 2022
JACIII Editorial Office, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


この度、Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII)誌がDOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)に収載されました。
DOAJは、英国Infrastructure Services for Open Access(IS4OA)が運営するオープンアクセスジャーナルのデータベースで、厳格な基準を満たす、高品質の査読付きジャーナルを収載しています。ハゲタカジャーナルが社会問題化している昨今、DOAJはハゲタカでない優良OAジャーナルのホワイトリストと呼ばれ、DOAJに登録されたことで信頼性が保証され、国際的な認知度やアクセシビリティが高まることも期待されます。

富士技術出版株式会社 JACIII編集部

[JDR] Indexed in DOAJ
[JDR] DOAJに収載されました

Indexed in DOAJ

Journal of Disaster Research (JDR) has been indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
DOAJ is a database of Open Access journals operated by Infrastructure Services for Open Access(IS4OA), UK. It includes high-quality, peer-reviewed journals which satisfy the strict criteria. In recent years where predatory journals become a social problem, DOAJ is known as “white list” of non-predatory journals and it guarantees the journal’s reliability. It is also expected to increase JDR’s international recognition and accessibility.
We would like to express our gratitude to all concerned, and will make efforts to further improve the journal value.
DOAJ indexed:

January 13, 2022
JDR Editorial Office, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


この度、Journal of Disaster Research (JDR)誌がDOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)に収載されました。
DOAJは、英国Infrastructure Services for Open Access(IS4OA)が運営するオープンアクセスジャーナルのデータベースで、厳格な基準を満たす、高品質の査読付きジャーナルを収載しています。ハゲタカジャーナルが社会問題化している昨今、DOAJはハゲタカでない優良OAジャーナルのホワイトリストと呼ばれ、DOAJに登録されたことで信頼性が保証され、国際的な認知度やアクセシビリティが高まることも期待されます。

富士技術出版株式会社 JDR編集部

[IJAT] Indexed in DOAJ
[IJAT] DOAJに収載されました

Indexed in DOAJ

International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT) has been indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
DOAJ is a database of Open Access journals operated by Infrastructure Services for Open Access(IS4OA), UK. It includes high-quality, peer-reviewed journals which satisfy the strict criteria. In recent years where predatory journals become a social problem, DOAJ is known as “white list” of non-predatory journals and it guarantees the journal’s reliability. It is also expected to increase IJAT’s international recognition and accessibility.
We would like to express our gratitude to all concerned, and will make efforts to further improve the journal value.
DOAJ indexed:

January 13, 2022
IJAT Editorial Office, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


この度、International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT)誌がDOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)に収載されました。
DOAJは、英国Infrastructure Services for Open Access(IS4OA)が運営するオープンアクセスジャーナルのデータベースで、厳格な基準を満たす、高品質の査読付きジャーナルを収載しています。ハゲタカジャーナルが社会問題化している昨今、DOAJはハゲタカでない優良OAジャーナルのホワイトリストと呼ばれ、DOAJに登録されたことで信頼性が保証され、国際的な認知度やアクセシビリティが高まることも期待されます。

富士技術出版株式会社 IJAT編集部

[JACIII] Creative Commons license has been introduced
[JACIII] Creative Commonsライセンスを導入しました

Creative Commons license (CC BY-ND 4.0) has been applied to all JACIII papers as of September 1, 2021.

Creative Commons license is a means that creators show intention to grant the public permission to use their creative work under the specified condition.

CC BY-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International) allows users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, without permission from the publisher, as long as appropriate credit is given. By allowing free reuse of JACIII paper contents, improved accessibility and citations of JACIII papers are expected, thus contributing to development of science and technology.

JACIII is now recognized as a fully Open Access journal due to CC license.

Furthermore, it has become possible to upload final published version of JACIII paper to an institutional or public repository.

CC BY-ND 4.0 license is applied to all JACIII papers published after the first issue.

If you have any questions, please visit Creative Commons official website or contact JACIII Editorial Office.<JACIII Contact Form>

JACIIIでは、2021年9月1日よりCreative Commonsライセンス(CC BY-ND 4.0)を導入いたしました。







[JDR] Creative Commons license has been introduced
[JDR] Creative Commonsライセンスを導入しました

Creative Commons license (CC BY-ND 4.0) has been applied to all JDR papers as of August 1, 2021.

Creative Commons license is a means that creators show intention to grant the public permission to use their creative work under the specified condition.

CC BY-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International) allows users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, without permission from the publisher, as long as appropriate credit is given. By allowing free reuse of JDR paper contents, improved accessibility and citations of JDR papers are expected, thus contributing to development of science and technology.

JDR is now recognized as a fully Open Access journal due to CC license.

Furthermore, it has become possible to upload final published version of JDR paper to an institutional or public repository.

CC BY-ND 4.0 license is applied to all JDR papers published after the first issue.

If you have any questions, please visit Creative Commons official website or contact JDR Editorial Office.<JDR Contact Form>

JDRでは、2021年8月1日よりCreative Commonsライセンス(CC BY-ND 4.0)を導入いたしました。







[IJAT] Creative Commons license has been introduced
[IJAT] Creative Commonsライセンスを導入しました

Creative Commons license (CC BY-ND 4.0) has been applied to all IJAT papers as of August 1, 2021.

Creative Commons license is a means that creators show intention to grant the public permission to use their creative work under the specified condition.

CC BY-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International) allows users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, without permission from the publisher, as long as appropriate credit is given. By allowing free reuse of IJAT paper contents, improved accessibility and citations of IJAT papers are expected, thus contributing to development of science and technology.

IJAT is now recognized as a fully Open Access journal due to CC license.

Furthermore, it has become possible to upload final published version of IJAT paper to an institutional or public repository.

CC BY-ND 4.0 license is applied to all IJAT papers published after the first issue.

If you have any questions, please visit Creative Commons official website or contact IJAT Editorial Office.<IJAT Contact Form>

IJATでは、2021年8月1日よりCreative Commonsライセンス(CC BY-ND 4.0)を導入いたしました。







[JRM] Creative Commons license has been introduced
[JRM] Creative Commonsライセンスを導入しました

Creative Commons license (CC BY-ND 4.0) has been applied to all JRM papers as of August 1, 2021.

Creative Commons license is a means that creators show intention to grant the public permission to use their creative work under the specified condition.

CC BY-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International) allows users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, without permission from the publisher, as long as appropriate credit is given. By allowing free reuse of JRM paper contents, improved accessibility and citations of JRM papers are expected, thus contributing to development of science and technology.

JRM is now recognized as a fully Open Access journal due to CC license.

Furthermore, it has become possible to upload final published version of JRM paper to an institutional or public repository.

CC BY-ND 4.0 license is applied to all JRM papers published after the first issue.

If you have any questions, please visit Creative Commons official website or contact JRM Editorial Office.<JRM Contact Form>

JRMでは、2021年8月1日よりCreative Commonsライセンス(CC BY-ND 4.0)を導入いたしました。







Update of JRM Instruction to Authors 投稿規定改訂のお知らせ

The Instruction to Authors (ITA) has been revised as of August 1, 2020.

Please read the latest ITA before submitting your paper to JRM.
If you have any questions, please contact JRM Editorial Office.
<JRM Contact Form>



<JRM お問い合わせフォーム>


特集号企画の募集 Call for Special Issue






JRM特集号企画 提案書.docx

[Congratulation!] IJAT is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

We are glad to announce that the International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT) is now indexed by Clarivate Analytics’ (former Thomson Reuters’) Emerging Souces Citation Index (ESCI). ESCI is a new index provided by Clarivate Analytics from November 2015. ESCI will extend the universe of publications in Web of Science to include high-quality, peer-reviewed publications of regional importance and in emerging scientific fields. Papers published in IJAT are now searchable in Web of Science. IJAT can continue to be considered for inclusion in SCIE. We hope the papers published on IJAT will attract attention from researchers all over the world and contribute to promote the development of research. IJAT will make continuous efforts to be indexed in SCI.

You can find IJAT in Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science Master Journal List.


[Congratulation!] IJAT誌がClarivate Analytics社(旧Thomson Reuters社)のEmerging Source Citation Index (ESCI)に収録されました

IJATは、2015年11月より始動したClarivate Analytics社(旧Thomson Reuters社)が新たに構築し提供するEmerging Source Citation Index(ESCI)に収録されることになりました。ESCIはWeb of Science Core Collectionを構成する8つのファイル(Science Citation Index Expanded [SCIE]を含む)の一つとして新たにつくられたもので、特定の地域における重要なジャーナルや、新進で注目されている分野における重要なジャーナルを収録します。IJATがESCIに収録されることで、IJATに掲載される論文はWeb of Scienceで検索可能となります。また、SCIEへの収録の審査も継続して行なわれることになります。ESCI収録によって、IJATに掲載される論文が世界中のより多くの研究者の目に触れ、研究の発展に寄与することを願っています。IJATは引き続きSCIへの収録を目指していきます。

Clarivate Analytics社のWeb of Science収録誌リストで検索可能です。


事務所移転のご案内/Office Relocation




住  所:〒101-0047 東京都千代田区内神田1-15-7


電話番号: 03-5577-3851

FAX番号 : 03-5577-3861





Our office has been moved to the address below as of August 7th, 2017

[New Office]


Unizo Uchikanda 1-Chome Bldg. 2F

1-15-7 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan

Phone: +81-3-5577-3851

Fax:  +81-3-5577-3861

*Please note that the phone/fax numbers have been changed. Our e-mail address remains unchanged.



Download procedure for full-text pdfs will be simplified from August 6th

We are going to simplify the download procedure of our journals’ full-text pdfs from August 6th, 2017.

After login, a full-text pdf can be directly downloaded by clicking “Full text” button in the journal top pages or in an abstract page of each paper (for free).

If you don’t have an account yet, please create it from here.

We would be pleased if you will feel easier to download pdfs and get more access to our journal papers.

In case of any comments, we are welcome to hear from you.


弊社ジャーナル(OPEN ACCESS)の論文pdf (Full-text) を,より簡易にダウンロードいただけるよう,ダウンロード手順の変更を2017年8月6日に予定しております。





Spoofed emails with our domain,, have been found again.

Spoofed emails with our domain,, have been detected again recently. Those emails with malware files were recently sent from Russia (judged by the IPaddresses). We would ask you pay attention to those spooed emails and to be casious to open attached files.


[Congratulation!] JDR is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

We are glad to announce that the Journal of Disaster Research (JDR) is now indexed in Clarivate Analytics’ Emerging Souces Citation Index (ESCI). ESCI is a new index provided by Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters IP & Science) from November 2015. ESCI has extended the universe of publications in Web of Science to include high-quality, peer-reviewed publications of regional importance and in emerging scientific fields. Papers published in JDR are now searchable in Web of Science. JDR can continue to be considered for inclusion in SCIE. By inclusion of JDR to ESCI, we hope the papers published on JDR will attract much attention from researchers all over the world and contribute to promote the development of research. JDR will make continuous efforts to be indexed in SCI.


[Congratulation!] JDR誌のClarivate Analytics社 Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI)への収録が決定しました

JDRは、Clarivate Analytics (旧 Thomson Reuters IP & Science)社が2015年11月より新たに提供しているEmerging Source Citation Index(ESCI)に収録されることになりました。ESCIはWeb of Science Core Collectionを構成する8つのファイル(Science Citation Index Expanded [SCIE]を含む)の一つとして新たにつくられたもので、特定の地域における重要なジャーナルや、新進で注目されている分野における重要なジャーナルを収録します。JDRがESCIに収録されることで、JDRに掲載される論文はWeb of Scienceで検索可能となります。また、SCIEへの収録の審査も継続して行なわれることになります。ESCI収録によって、JDRに掲載される論文が世界中のより多くの研究者の目に触れ、研究の発展に寄与することを願っています。JDRは引き続きSCIへの収録を目指していきます。


[Congratulation!] JRM is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

We are glad to announce that the Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (JRM) is now indexed by Thomson Reuters’ Emerging Souces Citation Index (ESCI). ESCI is a new index provided by Thomson Reuters from November 2015. ESCI will extend the universe of publications in Web of Science to include high-quality, peer-reviewed publications of regional importance and in emerging scientific fields. Papers published in JRM are now searchable in Web of Science. JRM can continue to be considered for inclusion in SCIE. We hope the papers published on JRM will attract attention from researchers all over the world and contribute to promote the development of research. JRM will make continuous efforts to be indexed in SCI.


[Congratulation!] JRM誌のThomson Reuters社 Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI)への収録が決定しました

JRMは、2015年11月より始動したThomson Reuters社が新たに構築し提供するEmerging Source Citation Index(ESCI)に収録されることになりました。ESCIはWeb of Science Core Collectionを構成する8つのファイル(Science Citation Index Expanded [SCIE]を含む)の一つとして新たにつくられたもので、特定の地域における重要なジャーナルや、新進で注目されている分野における重要なジャーナルを収録します。JRMがESCIに収録されることで、JRMに掲載される論文はWeb of Scienceで検索可能となります。また、SCIEへの収録の審査も継続して行なわれることになります。ESCI収録によって、JRMに掲載される論文が世界中のより多くの研究者の目に触れ、研究の発展に寄与することを願っています。JRMは引き続きSCIへの収録を目指していきます。


DOI registration completed  (DOI登録のお知らせ)

We have completed DOI registration of all our journals.
All papers published so far have been given DOI and papers to be published in the future will also be given DOI.
You can find DOI numbers in table of contents of each journal and abstract pages of each paper.
Please make good use of DOI for your research activities.



[Congratulation!] JACIII is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

We are glad to announce that the Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII) is now indexed by Thomson Reuters’ Emerging Souces Citation Index (ESCI). ESCI is a new index provided by Thomson Reuters from November 2015. ESCI will extend the universe of publications in Web of Science to include high-quality, peer-reviewed publications of regional importance and in emerging scientific fields. Papers published in JACIII are now searchable in Web of Science. JACIII can continue to be considered for inclusion in SCIE. We hope the papers published on JACIII will attract attention from researchers all over the world and contribute to promote the development of research. JACIII will make continuous efforts to be indexed in SCI.

[Congratulation!] JACIII誌のThomson Reuters社 Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI)への収録が決定しました

JACIIIは、2015年11月より始動したThomson Reuters社が新たに構築し提供するEmerging Source Citation Index(ESCI)に収録されることになりました。ESCIはWeb of Science Core Collectionを構成する8つのファイル(Science Citation Index Expanded [SCIE]を含む)の一つとして新たにつくられたもので、特定の地域における重要なジャーナルや、新進で注目されている分野における重要なジャーナルを収録します。JACIIIがESCIに収録されることで、JACIIIに掲載される論文はWeb of Scienceで検索可能となります。また、SCIEへの収録の審査も継続して行なわれることになります。ESCI収録によって、JACIIIに掲載される論文が世界中のより多くの研究者の目に触れ、研究の発展に寄与することを願っています。JACIIIは引き続きSCIへの収録を目指していきます。

Paypal is now available for Payment

There are now two payment methods available for payment.
 1) Paypal: For more detail, please refer to PayPal Pte. Ltd.
 2) Credit card: this settlement service is provided by Veritrans Inc.
In both cases, the whole transaction process is handled by Paypal or Varitrans and no information of credit card and/or account is processed on our website.

 1) ペイパル(Paypal)。詳細はPaypalのホームページをご覧ください。
 2) クレジットカード。ベリトランス株式会社 により決済されます。 

New Site Open ! サイトリニューアルのお知らせ

Announcement: Website Renewal

We renewed our website from 7th December 2015 to improve our E-publication service.
An account created in old site is disabled.
We are asking you to change your bookmark/link to new URLs of this website and
re-created your account for download papers in this website (free).
Your cooperation would be appreciated.

New site is desgined based on HTML5 and CSS3 for modern browsers, e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE9,10,11, Opera. Could you please use modern browsers?



尚、新サイトはHTML5およびCSS3を使用しておりますので、Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE9,10,11, Opera等の新世代ブラウザーをお使いください。IE8,7,6等のブラウザーでは正しく表示されない場合があります。

*This site is desgined based on HTML5 and CSS3 for modern browsers, e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera.

Last updated on Jan. 19, 2025