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Submit a Manuscript

All submissions/reviews are performed online. Please submit your paper electronically (PDF file is preferred).

Attention! Our new online submission site, Fujipress Manuscript Manager, has launched.

IJAT submission site:  (Fujipress Manuscript Manager)

You need to create account before submission. Please refer to the following manuals for details.

Author Guide (pdf)

Reviewer Guide (pdf)

The manuscripts submitted by October 31, 2024 to ScholarOne Manuscripts:  (ScholarOne Manuscripts)

Please note that those manuscripts will continue to be processed and reviewed on ScholarOne Manuscripts.

If you have any trouble or inquiries, please feel free to contact us via the IJAT contact form.

General information

Manuscripts are accepted for consideration by the Internation Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT) with the understanding that they represent original material, have not been published previously, are not being considered for publication elsewhere, and have been approved by each author.

The language for contributions is English.

Manuscripts may be submitted in Japanese, which are then translated by Fuji Technology Press Ltd., at the authors’ expense, and undergo full peer review.

Paper format for submission

Contributors are required to use the following LaTeX format or MS WORD format in the IJAT style.

[LaTeX format for IJAT Articles]

zip for LuaLaTeX NEW
zip  for upLaTeX NEW
zip (previous version)

The above compressed file also contains a manual (texManual.pdf) and the necessary template files (template.tex, in addition to .cls and clo. files)

[MS WORD format for IJAT Articles]


To clearly define the research’s position and importance, authors should survey international literatures and list 20 or more references before submission. For your consideration, all IJAT papers can be freely searched (by title, author, keywords, year etc.) and downloaded for free from our website. We encourage authors to include relevant IJAT publications in their references.

*When you refer to IJAT papers in references, please use following description as a journal title:
Int. J. Automation Technol.

Manuscript Types

The following types of contributions are accepted to the IJAT. All submitted manuscripts shall be peer-reviewed. All forms of published corrections may also be peer-reviewed at the discretion of the editors.

  • Research Papers
  • Technical Papers
  • Reviews
  • Reports
  • Letters

Authors are required to assign all copyrights in the manuscript to the publisher, Fuji Technology Press Ltd. The resulting article shall be published under a Creative Commons License CC BY-ND 4.0, or under a Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0 upon request from the author.

For all circumstances not covered above, authors or their institutions must request permission from the publisher.

See also our Copyright Policy.

Instructions for Contributors

Please confirm the following general information general information about the IJAT in advance.

About the peer-review process

The journal uses single-blind peer review. All submitted manuscripts are sent to two anonymous referees who evaluate them for originality, validity, novelty, methodology, correct citation of relevant work, and the importance of content and conclusions.

The time required for review depends on the referee response – usually within about 3 months. In the rare cases where this process takes longer, this may be due in part to difficulty in finding a second referee.

When reviews are completed, authors the receive referees’ comments and a decision of acceptance, conditional acceptance with minor revisions, revision and resubmission due to the need for major revisions, or nonacceptance.

Revised manuscripts are returned to the initial referees, who may request further revision. Once referees receive and confirm the manuscript, they make a final decision on acceptance or nonacceptance. This decision is then reported to the authors.

Publication Charge and Reprints

Notice of Publication Fee Revision (Effective for submissions from June 1, 2024 onwards)

  • The article processing charge (APC) is required for publication. This is mandatory publication fee for all authors.
  • The article processing charge (APC) is 150,000 yen per article.
  • Additional processing charge 10,000 yen is required in case of the final submission with WORD file format.
  • No other charges are required for publication.
  • Reprint orders are accepted in units of 100. For articles up to 12 pages, the price is 15,000 yen per 100 copies. For articles exceeding 12 pages, there is an additional charge of 4,000 yen for every 4 pages. The reprint fee remains the same even if color figures are included.
  • Overseas shipping will be added to the charge should reprints be ordered.
  • Inside Japan: sales tax is also added to the APC, other additional charges, and reprint charges.

Due to the transition to e-Journals starting as of 2025, the service of providing complimentary copies to authors upon publication will be discontinued at the end of 2024.

For submissions before May 31, 2024
  • A Page charge (publication fee) is required for publication. This is mandatory publication fee for all authors.
  • The page charge is the article processing charge (APC) and no other charges are required for publication, except for the color printing fee which is applied only if authors require color page(s) in printed matter. No color printing fee is applied for the electronic (pdf) version.
  • The page charge is determined by the actual number of pages published in IJAT, including the authors' profiles.
  • The color printing fee is extra 23,000 yen per color page, regardless of the number of figures contained.
  • Reprints can be ordered in multiples of 50 at the price of (60 yen) × (number of reprints), regardless of the number of printed pages and of whether the article contains color pages or not.
  • Overseas shipping will be added to the charge should reprints be ordered.

Discount and Waiver Policy

Discounts and waivers for article processing charges (APC) are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with priority given to authors affiliated with institutions in countries eligible for the Research4Life program ( In cases of demonstrated financial hardship, the journal will consider a pre-submission application for a discount or waiver from the corresponding author.

The application can be submitted via our online system, Fujipress Manuscript Manager, by filling out the relevant field at the time of submission. (Alternatively, the application can also be addressed directly to the Editorial Office via email at email). Please note that applications cannot be submitted after the peer review process has commenced.

Applications are reviewed by the Editorial Office of Fuji Technology Press, based on the quality of the research article (including, but not limited to, formatting and presentation, English proficiency, cited literature, and scope) and the authors’ financial circumstances. The final decision rests with the Editorial Office, not with the Editor or Editorial Board, ensuring editorial independence.

Your ability to pay will not influence the editorial peer review outcome.

Please note that discounts or waivers cannot be granted based on Research4Life eligibility if the paper includes authors from non-Research4Life countries. For example, in the cases where the corresponding author is from a Group A institution, and co-authors are from a Japanese institution (a non-Research4Life country).

Required Documents (After Acceptance)

When a manuscript is accepted, authors need to submit the following documents to the editorial office promptly (via mail or online or online) according to the following instructions.

  1. Pagecharge Agreement and Reprints Order Form: Scanned file;
  2. Copyright Transfer Form: Scanned file;
  3. Electronic files of your manuscript (with references and keywords) either in TeX or MS Word format;
  4. Figure files (JPEG, PNG or PDF format preferred for TeX);
  5. A profile for each author (with photos);
  6. (Template files for 1,2,5 can be downloaded below)

Please submit above materials at

Those above formats are available below.

Materials for final submission

[PDF format]

[MS Word format]

[Documents set]

Japanese documents are available. Click here to the Japanese page.

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Last updated on Feb. 07, 2025