
JRM Most Downloaded Papers, Jun. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.29
Open Source Integrated Planner for Autonomous Navigation in Highly Dynamic Environments
Hatem Darweesh, Eijiro Takeuchi, Kazuya Takeda, Yoshiki Ninomiya, Adi Sujiwo, Luis Yoichi Morales, Naoki Akai, Tetsuo Tomizawa, and Shinpei Kato
autonomous driving, path planning, open source software
No.2 2 Vol.33
Aerial Manipulation Using Multirotor UAV: A Review from the Aspect of Operating Space and Force
Robert Ladig, Hannibal Paul, Ryo Miyazaki, and Kazuhiro Shimonomura
multirotor UAV, aerial manipulation, tasks in high altitude, physical interaction
No.3 - Vol.34
Data-Driven Model-Free Adaptive Displacement Control for Tap-Water-Driven Artificial Muscle and Parameter Design Using Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning
Satoshi Tsuruhara and Kazuhisa Ito
model-free adaptive control, virtual reference feedback tuning, data-driven control, water-hydraulic systems, McKibben artificial muscle
No.4 8 Vol.34
Review of Electronics-Free Robotics: Toward a Highly Decentralized Control Architecture
Yoichi Masuda and Masato Ishikawa
electronics-free robotics, embodied intelligence, autonomous decentralized control
No.5 - Vol.34
Analysis of Measuring Precision of 3D Model of Ishigaki Stone in Kumamoto Castle Using Automatic CMG Crane System
Nobutomo Matsunaga, Masaki Kuwahara, Hiroshi Okajima, and Gou Koutaki
Kumamoto Castle, earthquake, Ishigaki, 3D scanner, control moment gyro
No.5 11 Vol.34
Ostrich-Inspired Soft Robotics: A Flexible Bipedal Manipulator for Aggressive Physical Interaction
Hiromi Mochiyama, Megu Gunji, and Ryuma Niiyama
soft robotics, ostrich, underactuated mechanism, continuum manipulator, hyper-many-DOF manipulator
No.6 3 Vol.33
Soft Robotics: Research, Challenges, and Prospects
Wenchuan Zhao, Yu Zhang, and Ning Wang
soft robots, key technologies, application fields, main challenges, development trend
No.7 7 Vol.34
Overview of the Kakenhi Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas: Science of Soft Robots
Koichi Suzumori
soft robot, soft robotics, Kakenhi, interdisciplinary
No.8 9 Vol.33
Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) Simulation of Drone Delivery Models in 2030 Japan
Atsushi Oosedo, Hiroaki Hattori, Ippei Yasui, and Kenya Harada
drone, simulator, simulation model, unmanned aircraft system traffic management, drone delivery
No.8 19 Vol.31
Development of SCARA Robots
Kazuo Yamafuji
assembly automation, robot for assembly, SCARA robots, consortium, application
No.9 - Vol.34
Design and Manufacture of a New Debris Retrieval Robot
Yohei Kobayashi, Ryotaro Kayawake, Keito Sagane, Kazuaki Murai, and Yasuo Utsumi
nuclear power, debris, Fukushima decommissioning, social doctor, KOSEN
No.9 24 Vol.29
Development and Evaluation of a Low Cost Cuffless Systolic Blood Pressure Device
Jörg Güttler, Muhammad Karim, Christos Georgoulas, and Thomas Bock
capacitive electrodes, pulse transit time, systolic blood pressure, smart furniture, active assisted living
No.9 - Vol.34
Hydraulic Robotic Leg for HYDROïD Robot: Modeling and Control
Ahmed Abdellatif Hamed Ibrahim, Anas Ammounah, Samer Alfayad, Sami Tliba, Fethi Ben Ouezdou, and Stéphane Delaplace
humanoid robot, hydraulic actuation, HYDROïD robot, position controller, dynamic modeling
No.9 22 Vol.32
Design and Practice of a Model-Based Development Education in Hydraulic Systems
Mikiya Sako, Shin Wakitani, Masatoshi Kozui, Toru Yamamoto, Koji Yamashita, Kazushige Koiwai, and Yoichiro Yamazaki
hydraulic systems, model based development (MBD), cooperative education, model in the loop simulation (MILS), hardware in the loop simulation (HILS)
No.9 - Vol.34
Planning the Shortest Carrying Trajectory Including Path and Attitude Change Considering Gripping Constraints
Takahiro Ario and Ikuo Mizuuchi
planning, transport, gripper, constraint problem, optimization
No.10 - Vol.34
Development of Multi-Articulated Tracked Vehicle with a Sensorless Salvaging Bucket for Decommissioning
Junji Hirasawa, Shun Isobe, Yusuke Kuramochi, Mitsuhiro Nishino, and Yoshihisa Nihei
tracked vehicle, moving robot, teleoperate, sensorless mechanism, robot contest
No.10 14 Vol.34
Automatic Transplanting Equipment for Chain Pot Seedlings in Shaft Tillage Cultivation
Junya Tatsuno, Kiyoshi Tajima, and Masayoshi Kato
farming robot, planting equipment, chain pot seedling, minimum tillage, motorized
No.10 - Vol.34
Creative Robot Contests for Decommissioning as Conceived by College of Technology or KOSEN Educators
Tomoharu Doi, Mitsuyoshi Shimaoka, and Shigekazu Suzuki
Creative Robot Contest for Decommissioning, problem based learning, human resource development

Count period : June 1-30, 2022 (the ranking data was renewed on Jul. 25 since former data was not exactly correct.)

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