
JRM Most Downloaded Papers, November 2016

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 2 Vol.28
Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Performance-Driven PID Controller
Toru Yamamoto, Takuya Kinoshita, Yoshihiro Ohnishi, and Sirish L. Shah
control performance assessment, performance-driven control, process control, PID control, closed-loop data
No.2 - Vol.20
Hierarchical Implicit Feedback Structure in Passive Dynamic Walking
Yasuhiro Sugimoto and Koichi Osuka
Passive Dynamic Walking, Poincaré map, stability analysis, bifurcation
No.2 - Vol.22
Dynamic Locomotion of Quadrupeds Tekken3&4 Using Simple Navigation
Yasuhiro Fukuoka, Hiroki Katabuchi, and Hiroshi Kimura
quadruped robot, central pattern generator (CPG), dynamic walking, navigation
No.2 - Vol.23
3D Terrain Reconstruction by Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using SIFT-Based Monocular SLAM
Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume,
and Shinji Suzuki
SLAM, SIFT, UAV, 3D reconstruction
No.2 - Vol.27
Human Detection and Face Recognition Using 3D Structure of Head and Face Surfaces Detected by RGB-D Sensor
Michio Tanaka, Hiroki Matsubara, and Takashi Morie
home service robot, image processing, human detection and recognition, RGB-D sensor
No.2 - Vol.28
Drone Technology, Cutting-Edge Drone Business, and Future Prospects
Kenzo Nonami
drone, mini-surveyor, drone business, cutting-edge drone technology, mini-surveyor consortium
No.2 - Vol.28
Practical Applications of HORNET to Inspect Walls of Structures
Yuhei Tokura, Kohei Toba, and Yogo Takada
mobile robot, operation stability, vertical wall, inspection, outdoor activity
No.2 1 Vol.28
Monocular Vision-Based Localization Using ORB-SLAM with LIDAR-Aided Mapping in Real-World Robot Challenge
Adi Sujiwo, Tomohito Ando, Eijiro Takeuchi, Yoshiki Ninomiya, and Masato Edahiro
visual localization, autonomous vehicle, field robotics, Tsukuba Challenge
No.2 - Vol.28
Fictitious Reference Signal Based Real-Time Update of State Feedback Gains and its Experimental Verification
Yuki Okano and Osamu Kaneko
data-driven control, fictitious reference iterative tuning, real-time control, state feedback gains, integral type servo systems
No.2 - Vol.28
FRIT of Internal Model Controllers for Poorly Damped Linear Time Invariant Systems: Kautz Expansion Approach
Hnin Si and Osamu Kaneko
data-driven approach, fictitious reference iterative tuning (FRIT), internal model control (IMC), poorly damped systems, Kautz expansion
No.3 - Vol.1
A Concept of Mechatronics
Makoto Kajitani

Count period : November 1-30, 2016

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