CFD Analysis of Takeoff from a Water Surface for an Insect-Scale Aerial/Aquatic Robot
Noa Hashimoto, Rui Suzuki, and Koki Kikuchi

Department of Advanced Robotics, Faculty of Advanced Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology
2-17-1 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan
To develop an insect-scale aerial/aquatic robot, we analyzed takeoff mechanisms to counteract surface tension, such as paddling, slapping, and clap-and-fling. Because a diving beetle, Eretes griseus, takes off directly from the water surface, a flapping-wing robot is promising as an alternative to a drone with multiple rotary wings. In this study, we first investigated diving beetle flight with a three-dimensional high-speed camera system and analyzed the motion characteristics. Subsequently, we developed a computational fluid dynamics method that tracked the water surface using a volume of fluid method, reproduced the motion with a multibody model, treated the deformation of the elastic membrane wing with the phase delay of the joint angle functions, and simulated takeoff, that is, the transition from water to air, and hovering near the water surface. The simulation result showed that during the transition, the slapping motion exerted the maximum and average lift per unit of body weight of 18 and 9.2, respectively, while those of paddling produced 0.46 and 0.23, respectively. The water surface effect improved the lift by 25% at the normalized height of less than 0.44 and disappeared at a height greater than 0.7. During hovering, while the clap-and-fling motion improved lift by 2.6% and the water surface effect was 9.8%, the synergy effect was 22%. In addition, the former enhanced it significantly after the fling, while the latter was remarkable during the wing acceleration phase. In contrast to ground effects, flapping reduced the water level and caused the ripples, dynamically changing the water surface effect.

Water surface state at 33 ms
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