
JRM Vol.26 No.5 pp. 551-565
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2014.p0551


A Path-Following Feedback Control Law of a Five-Axle, Three-Steering Coupled-Vehicle System

Hiroaki Yamaguchi*, Ryota Kameyama*,**, and Atsushi Kawakami*

*Department of Integrated Information Technology, College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University, 5-10-1 Fuchinobe, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa 252-5258, Japan

**Rolling Stock Electrical Systems Design Department, Mito Rail Systems Product Division, Rail Systems Company, Hitachi, Ltd., 1070 Ichige, Hitachinaka-shi, Ibaraki 312-8506, Japan

September 27, 2013
June 6, 2014
October 20, 2014
nonholonomic system, chained form, coupled-vehicle system, path-following, Lyapunov’s second method
Experimental coupled-vehicle system
This paper presents a new path-following feedback control law of a five-axle, three-steering coupledvehicle system which enables specifying the movements and rotations of its two carriers quantitatively, according to the operating environment. The kinematical equations of the coupled-vehicle system are first converted into time differential equations in a threechain, single-generator chained form. The time differential equations in the chained form are secondly converted into new differential equations with a new variable. The new control law enables the relative orientation between the two carriers to be constant in either a straight-bed carrier configuration or a V-bed carrier configuration, and simultaneously enables the orientations of these carriers functioning as a single carrier relative to the direction of the tangent of the path to be changed quantitatively, according to the locations of obstacles for avoiding collision with them. Asymptotic stability of the new control law is guaranteed by the linear control theory and the Lyapunov’s second method. Especially, the form of the new differential equations facilitates the design of the Lyapunov functions. The validity of the new control law is verified by an experimental five-axle, three-steering coupledvehicle system.
Cite this article as:
H. Yamaguchi, R. Kameyama, and A. Kawakami, “A Path-Following Feedback Control Law of a Five-Axle, Three-Steering Coupled-Vehicle System,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.26 No.5, pp. 551-565, 2014.
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