
JRM Vol.25 No.1 pp. 183-191
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2013.p0183


Development of Multi-Scalable Microhand System with Precise Motion Ability

Ebubekir Avci*, Kenichi Ohara**, Tomohito Takubo**,
Yasushi Mae*, and Tatsuo Arai*

*Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, 1-3 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan

**Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University, 3-3-138 Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi, Osaka City, Osaka 558-8585, Japan

March 1, 2012
August 15, 2012
February 20, 2013
multi-scalability, parallel link mechanism, workspace analysis, micromanipulation
Numerous types of microhands have recently been designed to perform micromanipulation tasks that are crucial for micromachine assembly, microsurgery operations and biological cell analysis. Because most current microsystems are task-specific, the realization of a general-purpose microhand that is compatible with a wide range of applications is necessary. There are two problems to be solved in order to realize a general-purpose micromanipulation system however. First, creating a large workspace with high resolution in which to grasp multisized microobjects is still a challenging feature for available microhands. Second, precise motion throughout a large workspace for the transportation of microobjects in the limited space of a microscope is another arduous task. In this study, we propose a microhand system that achieves multiscalability, i.e., a large workspace with precise positioning for the grasping and transportation of multisized microobjects. This system has been designed with an optimized parallel mechanism in which the manipulability of different-sized microobjects is improved from 1–45 µm to 1–132 µm. The proposed rough-to-fine motion strategy that allows us to achieve a large range with high resolution positioning ability for performing the transportation task moreover minimized error from 17 µm to 0.18 µm.
Cite this article as:
E. Avci, K. Ohara, T. Takubo, Y. Mae, and T. Arai, “Development of Multi-Scalable Microhand System with Precise Motion Ability,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.25 No.1, pp. 183-191, 2013.
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