Force Compensating Trajectories for Redundant Robots: Experimental Results
Daniela Vassileva*, George Boiadjiev**, Haruhisa Kawasaki***,
and Tetsuya Mouri***
*Harmonic Drive Systems Inc., 1856-1 Hotakamaki, Azumino, Nagano 399-8305, Japan
**Mechatronics Systems Department, Institute of Mechanics, BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., bl. 4, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
***Department of Human and Inf. Syst., Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1193, Japan
The proposed control strategy is simple, no additional penalty functions are used to restraint the end-effector motion as in the case of the conventional methods. No pseudo inverse kinematics calculations are required; the desired trajectories are generated directly in the configuration space. No complicated control schemes are introduced, the proposed method is based on solving algebraic systems of equations and finding eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
In the paper the results from simulations and experiments based on the proposed method are presented and discussed.
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