
JRM Vol.21 No.1 pp. 113-120
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2009.p0113


Performance Evaluation of Rotor Flux-Oriented Control on FPGA for Advanced AC Drives

Stéphane Simard*, Rachid Beguenane*,
and Jean-Gabriel Mailloux*

Department of Applied Sciences, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, 555, boul. de l'université, Chicoutimi, Quebec, G7H 2B1, Canada

February 7, 2008
September 29, 2008
February 20, 2009
AC induction motor drives, rotor flux-oriented control, field programmable gate arrays, xilinx system generator, simulink.
Hardware implementation of mechatronic systems become more and more feasible with the constant development of simulation software tools and more performing computer hardware. The work presented here explains the use of Matlab/Simulink and Xilinx System Generator tools and FPGA hardware in designing, simulating and evaluating control laws for mechatronic systems. Particularly, this paper reports improved results for FPGA implementation and hardware/software co-simulation of a rotor flux-oriented control loop for three-phase AC induction motors. On FPGA, the computation time achieved for the complete control loop proves to be short enough that many enhancements proposed in theory become possible, including the use of neural networks, matrix calculations, on-line monitoring, advanced control of PWM inverter-fed AC machines, and multiple hybrid controls, without affecting system performance or sacrificing precision.
Cite this article as:
S. Simard, R. Beguenane, and J. Mailloux, “Performance Evaluation of Rotor Flux-Oriented Control on FPGA for Advanced AC Drives,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.21 No.1, pp. 113-120, 2009.
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