
JRM Vol.21 No.1 pp. 95-103
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2009.p0095


A Quantitative Navigability Measure of Rough Maps

Jooseop Yun and Jun Miura

Department of Information and Computer Sciences, Toyohashi University of Technology, 1-1 Hibarigaoka, Tenpaku, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8580, Japan

November 15, 2007
August 19, 2008
February 20, 2009
mobile robot, rough map, sketch-based navigation, navigability measure.
This paper discusses a sketch interface that can be used to guide a mobile robot along a specified path in its unfamiliar place. With the sketch interface, the user draws a rough map to give navigation tasks to robots. Because sketched maps often suffer from various inaccuracies and large errors in landmarks, we discuss what kinds of uncertainties in the rough maps would mainly have effects on navigating a robot. The effects of such inaccuracies on robot navigation are analyzed in simulated environments. A quantitative navigability measure of rough maps is then developed based on the analysis. Experimental results are also presented for validating the navigability measure.
Cite this article as:
J. Yun and J. Miura, “A Quantitative Navigability Measure of Rough Maps,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.21 No.1, pp. 95-103, 2009.
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