
Call for Papers

Before Submission, please refer to "Materials for Submission" and "Submit a Manuscript".

IJAT Vol.19 No.4, July 5, 2025

Special Issue on Advanced Positioning Technology: Mechanisms, Actuators, Sensors, Control, Measurement and Industrial Applications

Submission Deadline: November 30, 2024 December 31, 2024
Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Kaiji Sato, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
Prof. Dr. Katsushi Furutani, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
Prof. Dr. Ryuta Sato, Nagoya University, Japan
Dr. Chun-Hong Park, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Korea
Prof. Dr. Yung-Tien Liu, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Organized by Technical Committee for Ultra-Precision Positioning, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE)
More details: IJATVol.19No.4CFP_ Advanced_Positioning_Technology.pdf
Submit papers:
Inquiry: IJAT Contact form or e-mail to email (IJAT Editorial Office)

Positioning systems play an important role in industrial and scientific applications. Therefore, their performance improvements and functional expansions are crucial. Positioning systems generally consist of mechanisms, actuators, controllers, and sensors, and the performance and functions of the system depend on their integration. Therefore, positioning technologies encompass these elements and their integration. Furthermore, technologies such as AI and IoT are being incorporated to improve the performance and functionalities, and expand the applications. This special issue aims to provide researchers with access to the latest research and practical case studies on elemental technologies for positioning, and industrial and peripheral technology applications. The topics of interest in this special issue include but are not limited to the following:

– Elemental technologies: Design and Characteristics of Mechanisms and Actuators, Control technology, Sensors, Measurement technology, System design, Simulations, Materials

– Industrial applications: Machine tools, Semiconductor manufacturing equipment, Measuring instruments, Robots, Scanning probe microscope

– Applications of peripheral technologies: AI, IoT, Signal processing, Image processing, DX, Green Technology.

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Last updated on Dec. 06, 2024