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JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Dec. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.19
A Psychometric Evaluation of Preserving Cultural Heritage as a Form of Psychosocial Support
Machiko Kamiyama, Masae Sato, Reika Ichijo, Daisuke Sato, and John Morris
Great East Japan Earthquake, psychosocial support, cultural heritage, psychometric evaluation, quasi-experimental design
No.2 - Vol.19
Comparative Performance of Scenario Superposition by Sequential Bayesian Update for Tsunami Risk Evaluation
Reika Nomura, Louise Ayako Hirao-Vermare, Saneiki Fujita, Donsub Rim, Shuji Moriguchi, Randall J. LeVeque, and Kenjiro Terada
synthesizing tsunami scenarios, sequential Bayesian update, database of diverse fault ruptures
No.3 2 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 - Vol.19
Initial Responses of Mosques in Ishikawa and Toyama After the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Japan
Hitomu Kotani, Hirofumi Okai, Susumu Nejima, and Mari Tamura
mosques, Islam, Muslim, minority, foreign technical intern trainees
No.5 14 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness
No.6 - Vol.19
Analyzing Trends in the Medical Community During the Spanish Flu Pandemic in Japan with the Comprehensive Knowledge of Humanities and Sciences: A Case Study of the Medical Journal, The Japan Medical World
Atsushi Kawauchi, Natsuko Chubachi, Yasuhiro Miki, Kiyoshi Ito, and Eiichi N. Kodama
Spanish flu, pandemic, medical science, The Japan Medical World, comprehensive knowledge
No.7 24 Vol.18
Earthquake Damage Assessment of Buried Pipeline Networks in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Italo Inocente, Miguel Diaz, Jorge Gallardo, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Luis Quiroz, and Carlos Zavala
earthquake damage assessment, buried pipeline, fragility function, drinking water system, sewage system
No.8 - Vol.19
Recovery for Resilience: Exploring the Disconnect Between Collaborative Planning and Project Implementation in Post-Hurricane Sandy New York City
Kanako Iuchi and Donovan Finn
collaborative planning, recovery and resilience planning, BIG U/ESCR, Hurricane Sandy, longitudinal study
No.8 1 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.9 20 Vol.19
Recent Developments in Crowd Management: Theory and Applications
Katsuhiro Nishinari, Claudio Feliciani, Xiaolu Jia, and Sakurako Tanida
crowd management, stampede, crowd sensing, crowd simulation, crowd control
No.10 - Vol.19
Challenges and Potentials for “Supporting Supporters” on Education: A Practical and Rapid Case Study of the Centralized Information Portal Site in the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
Ryo Saito, Takashi Oda, Aiko Sakurai, Takeshi Sato, and Yo Fukushima
school education, information support, supporting supporters, centralized information portal site, 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

Count period : December 1-31, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Nov. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 4 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.2 2 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 - Vol.17
Verification of Damage Caused by the Genroku Earthquake and Tsunami from Tomb Stones
Hiroyuki Kaneko
Genroku earthquake and tsunami, tsunami victims, tomb stones, Buddhist names
No.4 15 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.5 14 Vol.19
The 2019 Rugby World Cup and Economic Impacts on Hotels Recovering from Disasters
David N. Nguyen
disasters, hotels, mega-events, tourism, COVID-19
No.6 27 Vol.8
Application of the Probability Evaluation for the Seasonal Reservoir Operation on Flood Mitigation and Water Supply in the Chao Phraya River Watershed, Thailand
Daisuke Komori, Cherry May Mateo, Akane Saya, Shinichiro Nakamura, Masashi Kiguchi, Phonchai Klinkhachorn, Thada Sukhapunnaphan, Adisorn Champathong, Kimio Takeya, and TaikanOki
dam reservoir operation, probability evaluation of discharge volume, flood mitigation, water resources reservation, Chao Phraya River
No.7 - Vol.14
Development of Resilient Information and Communications Technology for Relief Against Natural Disasters
Hiroshi Kumagai, Hiroshi Sakurauchi, Shinsuke Koitabashi, Takeaki Uchiyama, Shinichi Sasaki, Kazuhide Noda, Makoto Ishizaki, Satoshi Kotabe, Atsushi Yamamoto, Yoshitaka Shimizu, Yasuo Suzuki, Yasunori Owada, Katsuhiro Temma, Goshi Sato, Toshiaki Miyazaki, Peng Li, Yuichi Kawamoto, Nei Kato, and Hiroki Nishiyama
message distribution with V-Low broadcasting, multilingual early warning mail, portable ICT unit, NerveNet mesh network, expand access network areas
No.8 7 Vol.19
Development of the Volcanic Disaster Risk Reduction Education Program Using the ICT Tool “YOU@RISK Volcanic Disaster Edition” —Practical Verification at a Junior High School in the Mt. Nasu Area—
Toshimitsu Nagata, Tai-Young Yi, Reo Kimura, and Masaki Ikeda
volcanic disaster, instructional design (ID), ICT education, YOU@RISK, disaster risk reduction education program
No.9 12 Vol.18
Reconsideration of Urbanization in Tokyo Metropolitan Area Since 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake from the Perspective of Exposure
Osamu Murao, Kyota Fujiwara, Haruna Kato, Fumitake Yonemura, Keiko Inagaki, and Kimiro Meguro
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, urban disaster risk, fire spread, Tokyo, densely inhabited district (DID)
No.10 20 Vol.18
Evaluation of Tsunami Disasters Caused by the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake
Hiroyuki Kaneko
disaster prevention, earthquake, tsunami, flood, business continuity planning (BCP)
No.10 9 Vol.17
Cooperation Among Public Health Nurses in Municipalities and at Public Health Centers for Infection Control at Evacuation Shelters
Junko Kurita and Shinobu Yamaguchi
cooperation, evacuation shelter, infection control, public health center, public health nurse
No.10 27 Vol.15
Characteristics of the 2018 Bago River Flood of Myanmar
Daisuke Komori, Akiyuki Kawasaki, Nanami Sakai, Natsumi Shimomura, Akira Harada, Kohei Okuda, Chit Bo Bo Win, Aye Myat Thu, Khin Yadanar Tun, Wai Toe, and Win Win Zin
2018 Bago river flood, Bago river, satellite-based precipitation, record-high precipitation, dam reservoirs

Count period : November 1-30, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Oct. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.19
Inundation Processes with Active Sediment Transportation in the Floodplain of West Rapti River, Nepal
Narayan Prasad Subedi, Atsuhiro Yorozuya, and Shinji Egashira
flood disasters, flood flow, sediment transportation, sediment erosion and deposition, damage assessment
No.2 6 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 - Vol.19
Quality Assessment of Multiple UAV-SfM DEMs Derived for Impact Assessment of a Co-Seismic Avalanche in the Himalayas
Sojiro Sunako, Koji Fujita, Satoru Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Inoue, Walter W. Immerzeel, Takeki Izumi, and Rijan B. Kayastha
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), digital elevation model (DEM), quality assessment
No.4 3 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.5 - Vol.19
Difference of Soil Thickness Depending on Climate Zones and Geological Classification: Based on a Survey of Mountain Slopes in Japan
Hiromi Akita
soil thickness, climate zone, geological classification, probability density function, handy penetration test
No.6 - Vol.19
ISUT’s Information Support Activities in the Heavy Rain Since July 1, 2021
Ryota Sato, Kazushiro Yoshimori, Satoru Yusa, and Yuichiro Usuda
the heavy rain since July 1, 2021, Information Support Team (ISUT), disaster response activity, information sharing, common operational picture
No.7 - Vol.19
Development of the Volcanic Disaster Risk Reduction Education Program Using the ICT Tool “YOU@RISK Volcanic Disaster Edition” —Practical Verification at a Junior High School in the Mt. Nasu Area—
Toshimitsu Nagata, Tai-Young Yi, Reo Kimura, and Masaki Ikeda
volcanic disaster, instructional design (ID), ICT education, YOU@RISK, disaster risk reduction education program
No.8 - Vol.19
Progress and Challenges Toward Coherence Among Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, and Sustainable Development
Ritsuko Yamazaki-Honda
Sendai Framework, SDGs, climate change adaptation, disaster-related statistics, national DRR strategy
No.8 14 Vol.19
Ticketing and Crowd Management System for Attraction Facilities: An Aquarium Case Study
Yoshiaki Nakagawa, Yukari Abe, and Masami Isobe
tourist attractions, variable pricing, crowd management, revenue management, forecasting
No.9 13 Vol.17
Cooperation Among Public Health Nurses in Municipalities and at Public Health Centers for Infection Control at Evacuation Shelters
Junko Kurita and Shinobu Yamaguchi
cooperation, evacuation shelter, infection control, public health center, public health nurse
No.10 - Vol.19
Proposal of an Effective Way of Rescuing People from a Cable Car
Miroslav Betuš, Martin Konček, Marian Šofranko, Gabriel Wittenberger, and Jozef Čambál
evacuation, rescue, cable car, integrated rescue system

Count period : October 1-31, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Sep. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 13 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness
No.2 6 Vol.19
The 2019 Rugby World Cup and Economic Impacts on Hotels Recovering from Disasters
David N. Nguyen
disasters, hotels, mega-events, tourism, COVID-19
No.3 12 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.4 20 Vol.18
Analysis of Adaptive Pushover in Confined Masonry Dwellings with Height Irregularity in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Luis Lopez, and Michel Amancio
confined masonry, height irregularity, adaptive pushover, based displacement
No.5 19 Vol.18
Characterization of the Structural Typologies of Buildings in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Miguel Estrada, and Masashi Matsuoka
Lima metropolitan area, material, structural system, building typology
No.6 15 Vol.19
Recent Developments in Crowd Management: Theory and Applications
Katsuhiro Nishinari, Claudio Feliciani, Xiaolu Jia, and Sakurako Tanida
crowd management, stampede, crowd sensing, crowd simulation, crowd control
No.6 7 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.7 1 Vol.19
Transform to “What When” (TARA) Readiness from “What If” (KAMO)—Worries Beyond Multiple BCPs for Various Hazards in Japan
Masayoshi Igarashi, Yoshihisa Ueda, Hideyuki Kamikura, Kazuhiko Kitamura, Hiroaki Tanaka, Hirobumi Nagahashi, and Tomohiro Kokogawa
disaster resilience, disaster management, business continuity plan, crisis management plan
No.7 25 Vol.15
Flood Management in the Context of Climate and Land-Use Changes and Adaptation Within the Chao Phraya River Basin
Supattra Visessri and Chaiwat Ekkawatpanit
flood, flood management, Chao Phraya, climate change, land-use change
No.8 21 Vol.16
Developing a Model for Disaster Education to Improve Students’ Disaster Mitigation Literacy
Juhadi, Nur Hamid, Edy Trihatmoko, Meri Herlina, and Elvara Norma Aroyandini
earthquake, tsunami, lamban langgakh, disaster mitigation literacy, integration model
No.9 5 Vol.19
Historic Flood Events and Current Flood Hazard in Ulaanbaatar City, Central Mongolia
Serdyanjiv Narangerel and Yasuhiro Suzuki
precipitation, land use, flood hazard, flood disaster risk, flood countermeasures
No.9 4 Vol.19
Lesson Learned from Post-Disaster Psychosocial Support for Children in Palu, Central Sulawesi—Indonesia
Yasinta Astin Sokang, Petrayuna Dian Omega, Anita Novianty, Evans Garey, Anil Dawan, Rully D. Hutapea, and Ayu Siantoro
psychosocial support program, disaster, children, volunteer, faith-based organization
No.9 2 Vol.19
Study on the Prototype of Platform Tools and Practice Related to the “Sustainability Scoring Index” for Disaster Resilience of Local Governments in Japan
Aoba Fujisawa, Koko Ando, Yukihiro Masuda, Hiroyuki Fujita, Michio Araki, and Kazuaki Tanaka
disaster resilience, local government, disaster response, sustainability
No.10 15 Vol.19
Development of a Real-Time Crowd Flow Prediction and Visualization Platform for Crowd Management
Kensuke Yasufuku and Akira Takahashi
crowd flow prediction, crowd management, agent-based simulation, visualization
No.10 22 Vol.15
Social, Economic and Health Effects of the 2016 Alberta Wildfires: Pediatric Resilience
Julie L. Drolet, Caroline McDonald-Harker, Nasreen Lalani, Meagan McNichol, Matthew R. G. Brown, and Peter H. Silverstone
disaster recovery, wildfire, resilience, mental health

Count period : September 1-30, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Aug. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.19
Transform to “What When” (TARA) Readiness from “What If” (KAMO)—Worries Beyond Multiple BCPs for Various Hazards in Japan
Masayoshi Igarashi, Yoshihisa Ueda, Hideyuki Kamikura, Kazuhiko Kitamura, Hiroaki Tanaka, Hirobumi Nagahashi, and Tomohiro Kokogawa
disaster resilience, disaster management, business continuity plan, crisis management plan
No.2 - Vol.19
Study on the Prototype of Platform Tools and Practice Related to the “Sustainability Scoring Index” for Disaster Resilience of Local Governments in Japan
Aoba Fujisawa, Koko Ando, Yukihiro Masuda, Hiroyuki Fujita, Michio Araki, and Kazuaki Tanaka
disaster resilience, local government, disaster response, sustainability
No.3 - Vol.19
Understanding the Compound Risk Context of Goma City Through the Pressure and Release Model
Chrioni Tshiswaka-Tshilumba and Shingo Nagamatsu
urban vulnerability, root causes, sustainable recovery, land conflict in disaster, fragile and conflict-affected settings
No.4 - Vol.19
Lesson Learned from Post-Disaster Psychosocial Support for Children in Palu, Central Sulawesi—Indonesia
Yasinta Astin Sokang, Petrayuna Dian Omega, Anita Novianty, Evans Garey, Anil Dawan, Rully D. Hutapea, and Ayu Siantoro
psychosocial support program, disaster, children, volunteer, faith-based organization
No.5 - Vol.19
Historic Flood Events and Current Flood Hazard in Ulaanbaatar City, Central Mongolia
Serdyanjiv Narangerel and Yasuhiro Suzuki
precipitation, land use, flood hazard, flood disaster risk, flood countermeasures
No.6 1 Vol.19
The 2019 Rugby World Cup and Economic Impacts on Hotels Recovering from Disasters
David N. Nguyen
disasters, hotels, mega-events, tourism, COVID-19
No.7 - Vol.19
Development of a Model for Comprehensive Evaluation of Corporate Resilience Against Disasters (2)—An Examination Based on British Standard Institution’s Organizational Resilience Index
Kuniyuki Tashiro and Yoko Kitago
resilience, business continuity, business continuity management, evaluation
No.7 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.8 15 Vol.19
Estimation of Direct Damage Caused by the Nankai Trough Earthquake Considering Hazard and Social Characteristics
Qinglin Cui, Hiromitsu Nakamura, Yoshinobu Mizui, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
direct damage, damage estimation, instrumental seismic intensity, capital stock, Nankai Trough Earthquake
No.9 - Vol.19
Development of a Model for Comprehensive Evaluation of Corporate Resilience Against Disasters (1)—An Examination Based on Indicators Developed by “Resilient Organisations”
Kuniyuki Tashiro and Yoko Kitago
disaster prevention, earthquake, tsunami, flood, business continuity planning (BCP)
No.10 2 Vol.17
Cooperation Among Public Health Nurses in Municipalities and at Public Health Centers for Infection Control at Evacuation Shelters
Junko Kurita and Shinobu Yamaguchi
cooperation, evacuation shelter, infection control, public health center, public health nurse

Count period : August 1-31, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jul. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 4 Vol.19
The 2019 Rugby World Cup and Economic Impacts on Hotels Recovering from Disasters
David N. Nguyen
disasters, hotels, mega-events, tourism, COVID-19
No.2 12 Vol.17
Cooperation Among Public Health Nurses in Municipalities and at Public Health Centers for Infection Control at Evacuation Shelters
Junko Kurita and Shinobu Yamaguchi
cooperation, evacuation shelter, infection control, public health center, public health nurse
No.3 5 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 9 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.5 4 Vol.19
A Study on Digital Model for Decision-Making in Crisis Response
Naoko Kosaka, Shuji Moriguchi, Akihiro Shibayama, Tsuneko Kura, Naoko Shigematsu, Kazuki Okumura, Erick Mas, Makoto Okumura, Shunichi Koshimura, Kenjiro Terada, Akinori Fujino, Hiroshi Matsubara, and Masaki Hisada
digital model, landslide, river flooding, evacuation agent simulation, decision-making
No.5 9 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness
No.6 8 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.7 15 Vol.19
Features and Issues of Disaster Management Education Practices in Schools and Communities in Japan: Based on an Analysis of Activities of Organizations Participating in the “Disaster Management Education Challenge Plan” of the Cabinet Office
Reo Kimura and Masaki Ikeda
Disaster Management Education Challenge Plan, fundamental skills of disaster management, cluster analysis, awareness that disasters affect everyone
No.8 14 Vol.15
A Stakeholder Analysis Approach for Area Business Continuity Management: A Systematic Review
Sansanee Sapapthai, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Akira Kodaka, Chatpan Chintanapakdee, Eri Ino, and Kenji Watanabe
stakeholder analysis, disaster management, area-business continuity management (Area-BCM), business continuity management (BCM), SWOT analysis
No.9 13 Vol.17
Migration with Dignity: A Legal and Policy Framework
Shanna N. McClain, Carl Bruch, Erin Daly, James May, Yuko Hamada, Miko Maekawa, Nagisa Shiiba, Mikiyasu Nakayama, and Glykeria Tsiokanou
migration, dignity, human rights, migration with dignity
No.9 19 Vol.15
Integrated Study on Forecasting Volcanic Hazards of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
Masato Iguchi, Haruhisa Nakamichi, and Takeshi Tameguri
Sakurajima volcano, Vulcanian eruption, Plinian eruption, forecasting volcanic ash, evacuation plan
No.10 11 Vol.18
Estimation of the Seismic Source of the 1974 Lima Peru Earthquake and Tsunami (Mw 8.1)
Cesar Jimenez, Jorge Morales, Miguel Estrada, Bruno Adriano, Erick Mas, and Shunichi Koshimura
slip distribution, numerical simulation, tsunami inversion
No.10 17 Vol.18
Seismicity Based Maximum Magnitude Estimation of Subduction Earthquakes in Peru
Juan Carlos Tarazona, Zenon Aguilar, Nelson Pulido, Carlos Gonzales, Fernando Lazares, and Hiroe Miyake
maximum magnitude, subduction earthquakes, seismogenic sources, interface and intraslab earthquakes, seismic zonation

Count period : July 1-31, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jun. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.19
Transdisciplinary Approach: Toward Innovative Recovery and Disaster Risk Reduction
Mikio Ishiwatari, Miho Ohara, Khamarrul Azahari Razak, Masashi Inoue, Xiang Zheng, and Rajib Shaw
open data, innovation, policy making, science and technology, stakeholder’s engagement
No.2 - Vol.19
Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Toward a Society Wherein All People Can Choose How They Live: A Report from a Panel of World BOSAI Forum 2023
Yuta Hara, Takashi Izutsu, Eiko Narita, Koichi Tanaka, Natsuki Soda, Rika Sugata, Daisuke Sasaki, and Yuichi Ono
disaster risk reduction, inclusion, human dignity, planning in normal time, partnerships
No.3 - Vol.19
Factors Contributing to the Enhancement of Feasibility in Public–Private Partnership During Disasters
Tetsuya Torayashiki and Kenji Watanabe
public–private partnership, collaboration, agreement, disaster, path analysis
No.4 - Vol.19
Social Support Is Associated with Fewer Mental Health Problems Among Japanese Nurses During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
Michihiro Tsubaki, Yoshiyasu Ito, Takafumi Nagashima, Yoko Tsujimoto, Toru Anzai, Susumu Yagome, and Hideko Koizumi
anxiety, depression, occupational mental health, political issues, post-traumatic stress disorder
No.4 - Vol.19
Disaster Education Model for Prospective Science Teachers: Needs Analysis and Initial Development
Elvara Norma Aroyandini, Supriyadi, Ani Rusilowati, Hartono, and Juhadi
disaster education, disaster literacy, PBLC-STEM-D model, prospective science teachers, 21st century skills
No.4 - Vol.19
The 2019 Rugby World Cup and Economic Impacts on Hotels Recovering from Disasters
David N. Nguyen
disasters, hotels, mega-events, tourism, COVID-19
No.4 - Vol.19
A Study on Digital Model for Decision-Making in Crisis Response
Naoko Kosaka, Shuji Moriguchi, Akihiro Shibayama, Tsuneko Kura, Naoko Shigematsu, Kazuki Okumura, Erick Mas, Makoto Okumura, Shunichi Koshimura, Kenjiro Terada, Akinori Fujino, Hiroshi Matsubara, and Masaki Hisada
digital model, landslide, river flooding, evacuation agent simulation, decision-making
No.5 2 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.5 21 Vol.4
Tsunami Bore Impingement onto a Vertical Column
Halldor Arnason, Catherine Petroff, and Harry Yeh
tsunamis, bore, wake, turbulence, force, method of characteristics, cylinder, column
No.6 16 Vol.19
Ticketing and Crowd Management System for Attraction Facilities: An Aquarium Case Study
Yoshiaki Nakagawa, Yukari Abe, and Masami Isobe
tourist attractions, variable pricing, crowd management, revenue management, forecasting
No.7 - Vol.19
Panel Discussion in WBF 2023: New Collaboration for Building a Resilient Society
Noriko Uchida, Shuji Seto, Anawat Suppasri, Takahiro Ono, Makoto Kobayashi, Mari Yasuda, Fumika Iitoyo, Keiko Itabashi, and Fumihiko Imamura
industry-academia collaboration, BOSAI education, Eco-DRR, emergency communication, well-being
No.7 1 Vol.19
How Disaster Prevention Videos Contribute to Tsunami Evacuation: Subjective Motivation and Risk-Sensitive Attitude in a Simulation Experiment
Masato Takubo, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryo Ishibashi, Naoki Miura, and Azumi Tanabe-Ishibashi
disaster prevention education, earthquake, tsunami, evacuation decision
No.8 - Vol.19
Transition of the World BOSAI Forum: Looking Back at the Past Three Forums
Soraya Ono, Daisuke Sasaki, Yuta Hara, and Yuichi Ono
World BOSAI Forum, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, disaster risk reduction, participation
No.8 21 Vol.17
Associations Between Psychological Conditions and Social Capital Among Chinese International Students in Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Yuanyuan Teng and Keisuke Takemoto
COVID-19, international students, social capital, psychological conditions, social network
No.8 7 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.9 11 Vol.19
Using Virtual Reality to Study the Effectiveness of Crowd Control Medium and Information
Shuhei Miyano
crowd-control measures, control medium, control information, compliance behavior, virtual reality
No.9 7 Vol.19
SBAA: Simulation-Based Agile Approach to Crowd Control Planning
Masako Inoue, Kazutaka Kimura, and Atsushi Yamauchi
consensus building, crowd management, crowd control planning, crowd simulation, multi-agent simulation
No.9 6 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.9 9 Vol.16
Developing a Model for Disaster Education to Improve Students’ Disaster Mitigation Literacy
Juhadi, Nur Hamid, Edy Trihatmoko, Meri Herlina, and Elvara Norma Aroyandini
earthquake, tsunami, lamban langgakh, disaster mitigation literacy, integration model
No.9 20 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness
No.10 11 Vol.19
Development of a Real-Time Crowd Flow Prediction and Visualization Platform for Crowd Management
Kensuke Yasufuku and Akira Takahashi
crowd flow prediction, crowd management, agent-based simulation, visualization
No.10 18 Vol.19
Proposal for a Disaster Management Drill Program for High School Students Who Have Never Experienced a Disaster to Foster a Sense of “Awareness that Disaster Affects Everyone”
Reo Kimura and Kazuki Aikawa
awareness that disaster affects everyone (“wagakoto-ishiki”), instructional design (ID), ADDIE model, drone, gaming teaching materials
No.10 19 Vol.19
Damage by the 1855 Edo Earthquake and Response to the Disaster—Study Based on Edo Ohjishin no Zu (Picture Scroll of the 1855 Edo Earthquake)—
Reiko Sugimori
1855 Edo Earthquake, historical material, restoration process, disaster response, disaster risk reduction

Count period : June 1-30, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, May. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 9 Vol.19
How Disaster Prevention Videos Contribute to Tsunami Evacuation: Subjective Motivation and Risk-Sensitive Attitude in a Simulation Experiment
Masato Takubo, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryo Ishibashi, Naoki Miura, and Azumi Tanabe-Ishibashi
disaster prevention education, earthquake, tsunami, evacuation decision
No.2 9 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 22 Vol.19
Intelligent System Detection of Dead Victims at Natural Disaster Areas Using Deep Learning
Moch. Zen Samsono Hadi, Prima Kristalina, Aries Pratiarso, M. Helmi Fauzan, and Roycardo Nababan
volcanic disaster, drone, camera, deep learning
No.3 28 Vol.14
Drought Index for Peatland Wildfire Management in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia During El Niño Phenomenon
Novitasari Novitasari, Joko Sujono, Sri Harto, Azwar Maas, and Rachmad Jayadi
Keetch–Byram drought index (KBDI), number of fire alerts, El Niño, water table, peatland wildfire
No.4 3 Vol.19
Recent Developments in Crowd Management: Theory and Applications
Katsuhiro Nishinari, Claudio Feliciani, Xiaolu Jia, and Sakurako Tanida
crowd management, stampede, crowd sensing, crowd simulation, crowd control
No.4 23 Vol.14
Legal and Practical Measures for Environmental Migrants
Sofia O’Connor, Carl Bruch, and Miko Maekawa
migration, climate change, displacement, legal frameworks, livelihoods
No.5 8 Vol.19
New Capital City of Indonesia, an Opportunity or Threat for Ecotourism Resilience in East Borneo
Eman Sukmana and Amiril Azizah
ecotourism, scientific articles, new capital city, news articles, resilience
No.6 15 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.7 5 Vol.19
SBAA: Simulation-Based Agile Approach to Crowd Control Planning
Masako Inoue, Kazutaka Kimura, and Atsushi Yamauchi
consensus building, crowd management, crowd control planning, crowd simulation, multi-agent simulation
No.7 18 Vol.18
Preliminary System for the Estimation of Peak Ground Acceleration Distribution in Metropolitan Lima and Callao: Application in Recent Seismic Events
Carlos Gonzales, Roger Garay, Luis Moya, Fernando Lazares, Zenon Aguilar, Diana Calderon, Miguel Diaz, Masashi Matsuoka, and Carlos Zavala
seismic network, amplification factors, geospatial interpolation, peak ground acceleration, Lima
No.7 12 Vol.17
Cooperation Among Public Health Nurses in Municipalities and at Public Health Centers for Infection Control at Evacuation Shelters
Junko Kurita and Shinobu Yamaguchi
cooperation, evacuation shelter, infection control, public health center, public health nurse
No.7 7 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.8 16 Vol.19
Features and Issues of Disaster Management Education Practices in Schools and Communities in Japan: Based on an Analysis of Activities of Organizations Participating in the “Disaster Management Education Challenge Plan” of the Cabinet Office
Reo Kimura and Masaki Ikeda
Disaster Management Education Challenge Plan, fundamental skills of disaster management, cluster analysis, awareness that disasters affect everyone
No.9 21 Vol.16
Developing a Model for Disaster Education to Improve Students’ Disaster Mitigation Literacy
Juhadi, Nur Hamid, Edy Trihatmoko, Meri Herlina, and Elvara Norma Aroyandini
earthquake, tsunami, lamban langgakh, disaster mitigation literacy, integration model
No.10 26 Vol.16
Applicability of High-Resolution Geospatial Data Obtained by UAV Photogrammetry to Develop Drainage System Models for Pluvial Flood Analysis
Kyuhyun Park, Yoshihiro Shibuo, Junichi Katayama, Shinji Baba, and Hiroaki Furumai
pluvial flooding, UAV photogrammetry, high-resolution geospatial data survey, open channel shape survey, suburban area

Count period : May 1-31, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Apr. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.19
Ticketing and Crowd Management System for Attraction Facilities: An Aquarium Case Study
Yoshiaki Nakagawa, Yukari Abe, and Masami Isobe
tourist attractions, variable pricing, crowd management, revenue management, forecasting
No.2 - Vol.19
Comparative Study of Radiation Mapping Technologies for Nuclear Disaster Assessment
Kotaro Ochi, Evelyne Barker, Shigeo Nakama, Marc Gleizes, Erwan Manach, Vincent Faure, and Yukihisa Sanada
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, ambient dose equivalent rate, gamma-ray spectrometry, mapping technologies, intercomparison
No.3 - Vol.19
Recent Developments in Crowd Management: Theory and Applications
Katsuhiro Nishinari, Claudio Feliciani, Xiaolu Jia, and Sakurako Tanida
crowd management, stampede, crowd sensing, crowd simulation, crowd control
No.4 - Vol.19
Development of a Real-Time Crowd Flow Prediction and Visualization Platform for Crowd Management
Kensuke Yasufuku and Akira Takahashi
crowd flow prediction, crowd management, agent-based simulation, visualization
No.5 - Vol.19
Influencing Pedestrian Route Choice Through Environmental Stimuli: A Long-Term Ecological Experiment
Claudio Feliciani, Sakurako Tanida, Xiaolu Jia, and Katsuhiro Nishinari
crowd, environmental stimuli, route choice, pedestrian, crowd control
No.5 - Vol.19
Using Virtual Reality to Study the Effectiveness of Crowd Control Medium and Information
Shuhei Miyano
crowd-control measures, control medium, control information, compliance behavior, virtual reality
No.5 - Vol.19
SBAA: Simulation-Based Agile Approach to Crowd Control Planning
Masako Inoue, Kazutaka Kimura, and Atsushi Yamauchi
consensus building, crowd management, crowd control planning, crowd simulation, multi-agent simulation
No.6 12 Vol.18
Characterization of the Structural Typologies of Buildings in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Miguel Estrada, and Masashi Matsuoka
Lima metropolitan area, material, structural system, building typology
No.7 - Vol.19
Investigating Visitors’ Perceptions and Behaviors in a Crowded Situation at a Large-Scale Exhibition
Hyerin Kim, Claudio Feliciani, Sakurako Tanida, Xiaolu Jia, Tetsuya Aikoh, Yasushi Shoji, and Katsuhiro Nishinari
crowding, exhibitions, perceived crowding, tolerance levels, coping behavior
No.7 1 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.8 - Vol.19
Flood Risk Assessment of the Middle Reach of the Helmand River, Afghanistan
Karimullah Sefat and Ryota Tsubaki
flood risk, hydraulic model, hydrograph estimation, tilted floodplain
No.8 - Vol.19
Risk Mapping of COVID-19 to Create a Common Operating Picture Using Data from Wastewater Monitoring
Tomoko Takeda, Kazushiro Yoshimori, Eiji Haramoto, Shingo Toride, and Masaaki Kitajima
pandemic risk management, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, wastewater monitoring, common operating picture
No.8 9 Vol.19
New Capital City of Indonesia, an Opportunity or Threat for Ecotourism Resilience in East Borneo
Eman Sukmana and Amiril Azizah
ecotourism, scientific articles, new capital city, news articles, resilience
No.9 - Vol.19
Investigating the Congestion Levels on a Mesoscopic Scale During Outdoor Events
Sakurako Tanida, Claudio Feliciani, Xiaolu Jia, Hyerin Kim, Tetsuya Aikoh, and Katsuhiro Nishinari
crowd management, people density, sensing crowd, pedestrian, Bluetooth
No.9 9 Vol.19
How Disaster Prevention Videos Contribute to Tsunami Evacuation: Subjective Motivation and Risk-Sensitive Attitude in a Simulation Experiment
Masato Takubo, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryo Ishibashi, Naoki Miura, and Azumi Tanabe-Ishibashi
disaster prevention education, earthquake, tsunami, evacuation decision
No.9 2 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.10 - Vol.19
Evaluating Pedestrian Congestion Based on Missing Sensing Data
Xiaolu Jia, Claudio Feliciani, Sakurako Tanida, Daichi Yanagisawa, and Katsuhiro Nishinari
pedestrian congestion, congestion evaluation, missing data, pedestrian density, congestion number
No.10 - Vol.19
Modeling and Questionnaire Survey for Effective Regulated Egress Based on Level of Discomfort
Riku Miyagawa, Daichi Yanagisawa, Xiaolu Jia, Yasushi Shoji, Tetsuya Aikoh, and Katsuhiro Nishinari
regulated egress, discomfort, event, model, questionnaire
No.10 - Vol.19
Evaluation of Tsunami Evacuation Plans for an Underground Mall Using an Agent-Based Model
Akira Takahashi and Kensuke Yasufuku
evacuation plan, agent-based model, simulation, tsunami, underground mall

Count period : April 1-30, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Mar. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 7 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.2 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 13 Vol.14
Stampede Events and Strategies for Crowd Management
Chun-Hao Shao, Pei-Chun Shao, and Fang-Ming Kuo
stampede, crowd management, evacuation
No.4 19 Vol.18
A Questionnaire Survey of the Mental Health of Japanese Expatriates in China During the COVID-19 Epidemic in 2021
Yukari Kamei and Atsuo Hamada
coronavirus disease 2019, epidemic, expatriates, mental health, China
No.4 - Vol.15
Finding the Devastating Economic Disaster’s Root Causes of the 2011 Flood in Thailand: Why Did Supply Chains Make the Disaster Worse?
Tadashi Nakasu, Mamoru Miyamoto, Ruttiya Bhula-or, Tartat Mokkhamakkul, Sutee Anantsuksomsri, Yot Amornkitvikai, Sutpratana Duangkaew, and Toshio Okazumi
Chao Phraya River flood, industrial complexes, supply chain, root cause
No.5 7 Vol.19
Reconstructing Historical Terrain to Elucidate the Causes of Disaster Occurrence and Improve Disaster Prevention Literacy
Yuichi Ebina and Daisuke Sugawara
reconstruction of historical topography, old maps, old pictures, Great East Japan Earthquake, Miyako City
No.5 15 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.5 22 Vol.17
Alternatives for the Marshall Islands to Cope with the Anticipated Sea Level Rise by Climate Change
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura, Rie Okuda, Mai Fujii, Ryuta Takashima, Tomoya Murakawa, Erika Sakai, and Hiroaki Iwama
atoll country, climate change adaptation, Marshall Islands, migration, sea level rise
No.5 23 Vol.12
The Influences of Residents’ Evacuation Patterns in the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake on Public Risk Perceptions and Trust Toward Authorities
Shoji Ohtomo, Reo Kimura, and Naoshi Hirata
Kumamoto earthquake, risk communication, risk perception, similarity, trust
No.6 11 Vol.19
Intelligent System Detection of Dead Victims at Natural Disaster Areas Using Deep Learning
Moch. Zen Samsono Hadi, Prima Kristalina, Aries Pratiarso, M. Helmi Fauzan, and Roycardo Nababan
volcanic disaster, drone, camera, deep learning
No.6 5 Vol.18
Estimation of the Seismic Source of the 1974 Lima Peru Earthquake and Tsunami (Mw 8.1)
Cesar Jimenez, Jorge Morales, Miguel Estrada, Bruno Adriano, Erick Mas, and Shunichi Koshimura
slip distribution, numerical simulation, tsunami inversion
No.6 19 Vol.16
Vulnerability to Mega Underground Inundation and Evacuation Assuming Devastating Urban Flood
Yutaro Nakasaka and Taisuke Ishigaki
pluvial flood, underground inundation, evacuation, flood board, densely urbanized area
No.6 18 Vol.10
Comparative Analysis of Earthquake Emergency Response in China and Japan Based on Timeline: 311 Earthquake vs 512 Earthquake
Xiaoxia Du, Jun Zhang, Jianhua Xu, Zhuan He, Junyan Lai, Yigang Li, Reo Kimura, Haruo Hayashi, Masafumi Hosokawa, and Yukihisa Sakurada
timeline, earthquake, emergency response, comparative analysis
No.7 4 Vol.19
Features and Issues of Disaster Management Education Practices in Schools and Communities in Japan: Based on an Analysis of Activities of Organizations Participating in the “Disaster Management Education Challenge Plan” of the Cabinet Office
Reo Kimura and Masaki Ikeda
Disaster Management Education Challenge Plan, fundamental skills of disaster management, cluster analysis, awareness that disasters affect everyone
No.7 20 Vol.18
Arrangements for Telephone Consultation on Radiation Health Effects in a Nuclear Emergency in Japan: Lessons Learned from the Nuclear Accident in Fukushima, Japan, 2011
Hiroshi Okuno, Takeshi Kawakami, Fumitaka Watanabe, and Hidehiko Horikoshi
Basic Disaster Management Plan, TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, telephone consultation, radiation health effects
No.7 8 Vol.18
Disaster Preparedness Using Local Wisdom Approach in Palu City
Muhammad Rusydi, Yutdam Mudin, Rahmawati, and Sabhan
disaster prevention, local wisdom, earthquake, Palu City
No.7 20 Vol.17
Effects of Urban Development on Regional Climate Change and Flood Inundation in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bambang Adhi Priyambodoho, Shuichi Kure, Nurul Fajar Januriyadi, Mohammad Farid, Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez, Manabu Kanda, and So Kazama
flood inundation model, Indonesia, Jakarta, climate change, urban development
No.7 22 Vol.16
Developing a Model for Disaster Education to Improve Students’ Disaster Mitigation Literacy
Juhadi, Nur Hamid, Edy Trihatmoko, Meri Herlina, and Elvara Norma Aroyandini
earthquake, tsunami, lamban langgakh, disaster mitigation literacy, integration model
No.7 22 Vol.16
Public Reaction to Disaster Reconstruction Policy: Case Studies of the Fukushima and Chernobyl Nuclear Accidents
Tetsuya Nakamura, Steven Lloyd, Atsushi Maruyama, and Satoru Masuda
nuclear disaster area, reconstruction policy, Chernobyl nuclear power plant, TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, ordered logistic regression analysis
No.8 15 Vol.19
Development of Cloud-Based Support Tools for Effective Evacuation Focusing on Time-Phase from Pre-Registration to Post-Incident Response to Improve Literacy for Disaster Resilience
Munenari Inoguchi
literacy for disaster resilience, pre-registration, evacuation plan, life reconstruction, cloud-based support tool
No.8 6 Vol.18
Building Quality-Oriented Societies in Asia Through Effective Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Mikio Ishiwatari, Firdaus Ali, Guillermo Q. Tabios III, Joo-Heon Lee, and Hirotaka Matsuki
Kumamoto Declaration, finance, governance, science and technology
No.8 - Vol.16
Impact on Fisheries in Contaminated Water Discharged from Nuclear Power and Reprocessing Plants: The Cases of La Hague Reprocessing Plant, Sellafield Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant, and TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Tetsuya Nakamura, Steven Lloyd, Atsushi Maruyama, and Satoru Masuda
La Hague Reprocessing Plant, Sellafield Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant, TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, release of radioactively contaminated water, compensation for loss or damage
No.8 - Vol.16
Designing an Indonesian Disaster Management Information System with Local Characteristics: A Case Study of Mount Merapi
Amelia Santoso, Joniarto Parung, Dina Natalia Prayogo, and Ameilia Lolita
disaster management, information system, volcanic eruption
No.8 18 Vol.14
Influence of Religion, Culture and Education on Perception of Climate Change, and its Implications
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Irene Taafaki, Takuia Uakeia, Jennifer Seru, Yolanda McKay, and Hermon Lajar
climate change, culture, education, perception, religion
No.8 20 Vol.8
Effectiveness of Disaster-Based School Program on Students’ Earthquake-Preparedness
Wignyo Adiyoso and Hidehiko Kanegae
school, knowledge, risk perception, awareness, attitude, disaster preparedness, earthquake
No.9 2 Vol.19
New Capital City of Indonesia, an Opportunity or Threat for Ecotourism Resilience in East Borneo
Eman Sukmana and Amiril Azizah
ecotourism, scientific articles, new capital city, news articles, resilience
No.9 13 Vol.19
Estimation of Direct Damage Caused by the Nankai Trough Earthquake Considering Hazard and Social Characteristics
Qinglin Cui, Hiromitsu Nakamura, Yoshinobu Mizui, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
direct damage, damage estimation, instrumental seismic intensity, capital stock, Nankai Trough Earthquake
No.9 9 Vol.19
How Disaster Prevention Videos Contribute to Tsunami Evacuation: Subjective Motivation and Risk-Sensitive Attitude in a Simulation Experiment
Masato Takubo, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryo Ishibashi, Naoki Miura, and Azumi Tanabe-Ishibashi
disaster prevention education, earthquake, tsunami, evacuation decision
No.9 5 Vol.18
Health Literacy of the Elderly During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
Weerayut Muenboonme, Pachanat Nunthaitaweekul, and Bhichit Rattakul
health literacy, elderly, COVID-19 pandemic, disaster risk management, Thailand
No.9 22 Vol.18
A Brief Questionnaire on Healthcare Workers’ Awareness Toward the COVID-19 Vaccine and Antibody Tests
Noriko Shimasaki, Junko Ishii, Tomoko Kuwahara, and Haruna Nishijima
COVID-19, vaccine, antibody test, healthcare workers
No.9 23 Vol.17
The Critical Success Factors of Area-Business Continuity Management: A Systematic Review and Outlooks from the Public and Private Sectors
Kunruthai Meechang and Kenji Watanabe
critical success factor, area-business continuity management, public-private partnership, systematic review
No.9 23 Vol.17
Questionnaire Survey on COVID-19 Vaccination at Okayama University in Japan: Factors Promoting Vaccination Among Young Adults
Chigusa Higuchi, Naomi Matsumoto, Yoshiaki Iwasaki, Takashi Yorifuji, Junichiro Yamazaki, Yasutomo Nasu, and Hirofumi Makino
COVID-19 vaccine, vaccine hesitancy, young adults, information literacy, satisfaction
No.9 23 Vol.16
Rural Housing Reconstruction and Sustainable Development Post Wenchuan Earthquake: A Land Unification Perspective Using Dujiangyan City as an Example
Wumair Kabilijiang, Zhen Lan, Osamu Koide, Yuyu Geng, and Takaaki Kato
Wenchuan earthquake, rural-urban planning, land management, post-disaster reconstruction
No.9 - Vol.16
A Novel Recursive Non-Parametric DBSCAN Algorithm for 3D Data Analysis with an Application in Rockfall Detection
Pitisit Dillon, Pakinee Aimmanee, Akihiko Wakai, Go Sato, Hoang Viet Hung, and Jessada Karnjana
DBSCAN, divide and conquer, grid density, 3D point cloud, rockfall detection
No.9 16 Vol.15
Social, Economic and Health Effects of the 2016 Alberta Wildfires: Pediatric Resilience
Julie L. Drolet, Caroline McDonald-Harker, Nasreen Lalani, Meagan McNichol, Matthew R. G. Brown, and Peter H. Silverstone
disaster recovery, wildfire, resilience, mental health
No.9 18 Vol.15
Business Continuity Management: A Preliminary Systematic Literature Review Based on ScienceDirect Database
Kananut Charoenthammachoke, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, and Akira Kodaka
BCM, business continuity management, systematics literature review
No.9 17 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness
No.9 23 Vol.10
A Full-Scale Shaking Table Test on Philippine Concrete Hollow Blocks (CHB) Masonry Houses
Hiroshi Imai, Chikahiro Minowa, Angelito G. Lanuza, Henremagne C. Penarubia, Ishmael C. Narag, Renato U. Soridum, Jr., Kenji Okazaki, Tatsuo Narafu, Toshikazu Hanazato, and Hiroshi Inoue
shaking table test, concrete hollow block, non-engineered construction
No.10 5 Vol.19
Comparative Study of Literacy Enhancement on Volcanic Disaster Reduction for the Residents and Visitors in Mt. Ontakesan and Other Volcanic Areas
Masae Horii, Koshun Yamaoka, Haeng-Yoong Kim, Satoshi Takewaki, and Takahiro Kunitomo
volcanic disaster prevention literacy, education and dissemination, Mt. Ontakesan, high-risk modest scale eruption, qualitative studies
No.10 6 Vol.19
A Risk-Scrutinizing Attitude is Independent of Risk-Sensitive Attitude and May Hamper a Proper Protective Response: A Tsunami Simulation Experiment
Masato Takubo, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryo Ishibashi, Naoki Miura, and Azumi Tanabe-Ishibashi
disaster prevention, earthquake, tsunami, decision making
No.10 16 Vol.18
Estimation of Spatial Snowpack Properties in a Snow-Avalanche Release Area: An Extreme Case on Mt. Nodanishoji, Japan, in 2021
Yuta Katsuyama, Takafumi Katsushima, Satoru Adachi, and Yukari Takeuchi
extreme snow avalanche, snowpack stability, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
No.10 12 Vol.18
Korean Records of a Probable Tsunami in the Japan Sea in May 1415
Kentaro Hattori
Japan Sea, tsunami of 1415, sea surface abnormality
No.10 23 Vol.18
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake: Damages by the Quake and Tsunami
Masayuki Takemura
No.10 17 Vol.18
E-Defense Shake Table Experiments Implemented by NIED and Collaborative Research Projects in 2005–2022
Ryota Nishi, Yohsuke Kawamata, Ryuta Enokida, Takahito Inoue, and Kentaro Tabata
E-Defense, shake table, earthquake engineering, full-scale experiments
No.10 - Vol.17
Numerical Modeling of a Volcanic Hydrothermal System Based on Resistivity Structure
Yasuo Matsunaga and Wataru Kanda
Kusatsu-Shirane, hydrothermal system, numerical simulation, resistivity
No.10 - Vol.16
A Report of the Questionnaire Survey on Awareness of COVID-19 and Shelters
Arisa Yasui and Muneyoshi Numada
COVID-19, shelter management, awareness of risk, infectious disease measures, citizens
No.10 - Vol.16
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Supply Chain: A Discussion on Decentralization of the Supply Chain and Ensuring Interoperability
Eri Ino and Kenji Watanabe
Global Supply Chain (GSC), COVID-19, Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), Business Continuity Management (BCM), Area-BCM
No.10 20 Vol.15
Statistical Analysis of Building Damage from the 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan and its Storm Surge in the Philippines
Tanaporn Chaivutitorn, Thawalrat Tanasakcharoen, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Carl Vincent C. Caro, Alfredo Mahar Francisco A. Lagmay, Anawat Suppasri, Jeremy D. Bricker, Volker Roeber, Carine J. Yi, and Fumihiko Imamura
building damage, statistical analysis, storm surge, Super Typhoon Haiyan
No.10 13 Vol.15
A Stakeholder Analysis Approach for Area Business Continuity Management: A Systematic Review
Sansanee Sapapthai, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Akira Kodaka, Chatpan Chintanapakdee, Eri Ino, and Kenji Watanabe
stakeholder analysis, disaster management, area-business continuity management (Area-BCM), business continuity management (BCM), SWOT analysis
No.10 20 Vol.13
Comparison of Global Databases for Disaster Loss and Damage Data
Kana Moriyama, Daisuke Sasaki, and Yuichi Ono
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, disaster loss and damage data, global database, DesInventar
No.10 - Vol.9
Land Use and Landscape Structural Changes in the Ecoregions of Ghana
Effah Kwabena Antwi, John Boakye-Danquah, Stephen Boahen Asabere, Gerald A. B. Yiran, Seyram Kofi Loh, Kwabena Gyekye Awere, Felix K. Abagale, Kwabena Owusu Asubonteng, Emmanuel Morgan Attua, and Alex Barimah Owusu
landscape metrics, land change, landscape planning, urban sprawl, fragmentation

Count period : March 1-31, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Feb. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.19
Proposal for a Disaster Management Drill Program for High School Students Who Have Never Experienced a Disaster to Foster a Sense of “Awareness that Disaster Affects Everyone”
Reo Kimura and Kazuki Aikawa
awareness that disaster affects everyone (“wagakoto-ishiki”), instructional design (ID), ADDIE model, drone, gaming teaching materials
No.2 - Vol.19
New Capital City of Indonesia, an Opportunity or Threat for Ecotourism Resilience in East Borneo
Eman Sukmana and Amiril Azizah
ecotourism, scientific articles, new capital city, news articles, resilience
No.3 1 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 - Vol.19
Features and Issues of Disaster Management Education Practices in Schools and Communities in Japan: Based on an Analysis of Activities of Organizations Participating in the “Disaster Management Education Challenge Plan” of the Cabinet Office
Reo Kimura and Masaki Ikeda
Disaster Management Education Challenge Plan, fundamental skills of disaster management, cluster analysis, awareness that disasters affect everyone
No.5 - Vol.19
Comparative Study of Literacy Enhancement on Volcanic Disaster Reduction for the Residents and Visitors in Mt. Ontakesan and Other Volcanic Areas
Masae Horii, Koshun Yamaoka, Haeng-Yoong Kim, Satoshi Takewaki, and Takahiro Kunitomo
volcanic disaster prevention literacy, education and dissemination, Mt. Ontakesan, high-risk modest scale eruption, qualitative studies
No.5 16 Vol.18
Health Literacy of the Elderly During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
Weerayut Muenboonme, Pachanat Nunthaitaweekul, and Bhichit Rattakul
health literacy, elderly, COVID-19 pandemic, disaster risk management, Thailand
No.5 8 Vol.18
Estimation of the Seismic Source of the 1974 Lima Peru Earthquake and Tsunami (Mw 8.1)
Cesar Jimenez, Jorge Morales, Miguel Estrada, Bruno Adriano, Erick Mas, and Shunichi Koshimura
slip distribution, numerical simulation, tsunami inversion
No.6 - Vol.19
A Risk-Scrutinizing Attitude is Independent of Risk-Sensitive Attitude and May Hamper a Proper Protective Response: A Tsunami Simulation Experiment
Masato Takubo, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryo Ishibashi, Naoki Miura, and Azumi Tanabe-Ishibashi
disaster prevention, earthquake, tsunami, decision making
No.6 6 Vol.18
Building Quality-Oriented Societies in Asia Through Effective Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Mikio Ishiwatari, Firdaus Ali, Guillermo Q. Tabios III, Joo-Heon Lee, and Hirotaka Matsuki
Kumamoto Declaration, finance, governance, science and technology
No.7 - Vol.19
Reconstructing Historical Terrain to Elucidate the Causes of Disaster Occurrence and Improve Disaster Prevention Literacy
Yuichi Ebina and Daisuke Sugawara
reconstruction of historical topography, old maps, old pictures, Great East Japan Earthquake, Miyako City
No.7 2 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.8 - Vol.19
Examining the Relationship Between Disaster Scenarios and Disaster Management Behavior During Earthquakes
Kosuke Nakazawa, Shoji Ohtomo, Reo Kimura, Toshimitsu Nagata, and Masaki Ikeda
earthquake disaster, disaster scenario, disaster management behavior, experience of victim, hazard map
No.8 5 Vol.18
Disaster Preparedness Using Local Wisdom Approach in Palu City
Muhammad Rusydi, Yutdam Mudin, Rahmawati, and Sabhan
disaster prevention, local wisdom, earthquake, Palu City
No.9 - Vol.19
How Disaster Prevention Videos Contribute to Tsunami Evacuation: Subjective Motivation and Risk-Sensitive Attitude in a Simulation Experiment
Masato Takubo, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryo Ishibashi, Naoki Miura, and Azumi Tanabe-Ishibashi
disaster prevention education, earthquake, tsunami, evacuation decision
No.9 4 Vol.9
The Largest Earthquakes We Should Prepare for
Toru Matsuzawa
largest earthquakes, M10, initial response to the earthquake and tsunami
No.10 - Vol.19
Open Science Initiatives by Sakurajima Volcano Observatory
Mayumi Sakamoto and Haruhisa Nakamichi
volcano, observatory, Sakurajima, disaster risk communication, open science

Count period : February 1-29, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jan. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 6 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.2 9 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.3 24 Vol.18
E-Defense Shake Table Experiments Implemented by NIED and Collaborative Research Projects in 2005–2022
Ryota Nishi, Yohsuke Kawamata, Ryuta Enokida, Takahito Inoue, and Kentaro Tabata
E-Defense, shake table, earthquake engineering, full-scale experiments
No.4 23 Vol.9
The Largest Earthquakes We Should Prepare for
Toru Matsuzawa
largest earthquakes, M10, initial response to the earthquake and tsunami
No.5 2 Vol.18
Disaster Preparedness Using Local Wisdom Approach in Palu City
Muhammad Rusydi, Yutdam Mudin, Rahmawati, and Sabhan
disaster prevention, local wisdom, earthquake, Palu City
No.6 5 Vol.18
Building Quality-Oriented Societies in Asia Through Effective Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Mikio Ishiwatari, Firdaus Ali, Guillermo Q. Tabios III, Joo-Heon Lee, and Hirotaka Matsuki
Kumamoto Declaration, finance, governance, science and technology
No.7 23 Vol.17
The Critical Success Factors of Area-Business Continuity Management: A Systematic Review and Outlooks from the Public and Private Sectors
Kunruthai Meechang and Kenji Watanabe
critical success factor, area-business continuity management, public-private partnership, systematic review
No.8 7 Vol.18
Arrangements for Telephone Consultation on Radiation Health Effects in a Nuclear Emergency in Japan: Lessons Learned from the Nuclear Accident in Fukushima, Japan, 2011
Hiroshi Okuno, Takeshi Kawakami, Fumitaka Watanabe, and Hidehiko Horikoshi
Basic Disaster Management Plan, TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, telephone consultation, radiation health effects
No.8 5 Vol.18
Estimation of Spatial Snowpack Properties in a Snow-Avalanche Release Area: An Extreme Case on Mt. Nodanishoji, Japan, in 2021
Yuta Katsuyama, Takafumi Katsushima, Satoru Adachi, and Yukari Takeuchi
extreme snow avalanche, snowpack stability, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
No.8 4 Vol.18
Estimation of the Seismic Source of the 1974 Lima Peru Earthquake and Tsunami (Mw 8.1)
Cesar Jimenez, Jorge Morales, Miguel Estrada, Bruno Adriano, Erick Mas, and Shunichi Koshimura
slip distribution, numerical simulation, tsunami inversion
No.8 22 Vol.18
Preliminary System for the Estimation of Peak Ground Acceleration Distribution in Metropolitan Lima and Callao: Application in Recent Seismic Events
Carlos Gonzales, Roger Garay, Luis Moya, Fernando Lazares, Zenon Aguilar, Diana Calderon, Miguel Diaz, Masashi Matsuoka, and Carlos Zavala
seismic network, amplification factors, geospatial interpolation, peak ground acceleration, Lima
No.9 17 Vol.18
Formulation of Dissemination Process of Phase-Free Concept for Effective Promotion of Disaster Prevention Education: A Case Study of Naruto City, Japan
Aki Shimbo, Amna Javed, Hideomi Gokon, and Youji Kohda
phase-free, disaster prevention education, earthquake, thematic analysis, qualitative research
No.9 19 Vol.18
Characterization of the Structural Typologies of Buildings in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Miguel Estrada, and Masashi Matsuoka
Lima metropolitan area, material, structural system, building typology
No.10 18 Vol.18
Impact Resistance Test of Cladding by Using Gravel
Takashi Maruyama and Masato Iguchi
impact resistance test, cladding, gravel, windborne debris, falling cinders
No.10 23 Vol.16
Developing a Model for Disaster Education to Improve Students’ Disaster Mitigation Literacy
Juhadi, Nur Hamid, Edy Trihatmoko, Meri Herlina, and Elvara Norma Aroyandini
earthquake, tsunami, lamban langgakh, disaster mitigation literacy, integration model
No.10 26 Vol.4
Tsunami Bore Impingement onto a Vertical Column
Halldor Arnason, Catherine Petroff, and Harry Yeh
tsunamis, bore, wake, turbulence, force, method of characteristics, cylinder, column

Count period : January 1-31, 2024

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Dec. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 14 Vol.18
Wavelet Transform Method for the Evaluation of the Seismic Response of One Isolated Building in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Joseph Jaramillo, Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Koichi Kusunoki, Italo Inocente, and Danty Otero
structural health monitoring, wavelet transform, earthquake, seismic response, monitoring system
No.2 - Vol.18
Disaster Preparedness Using Local Wisdom Approach in Palu City
Muhammad Rusydi, Yutdam Mudin, Rahmawati, and Sabhan
disaster prevention, local wisdom, earthquake, Palu City
No.3 - Vol.18
Korean Records of a Probable Tsunami in the Japan Sea in May 1415
Kentaro Hattori
Japan Sea, tsunami of 1415, sea surface abnormality
No.4 - Vol.18
Estimation of the Seismic Source of the 1974 Lima Peru Earthquake and Tsunami (Mw 8.1)
Cesar Jimenez, Jorge Morales, Miguel Estrada, Bruno Adriano, Erick Mas, and Shunichi Koshimura
slip distribution, numerical simulation, tsunami inversion
No.5 - Vol.18
Estimation of Spatial Snowpack Properties in a Snow-Avalanche Release Area: An Extreme Case on Mt. Nodanishoji, Japan, in 2021
Yuta Katsuyama, Takafumi Katsushima, Satoru Adachi, and Yukari Takeuchi
extreme snow avalanche, snowpack stability, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
No.5 - Vol.18
Building Quality-Oriented Societies in Asia Through Effective Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Mikio Ishiwatari, Firdaus Ali, Guillermo Q. Tabios III, Joo-Heon Lee, and Hirotaka Matsuki
Kumamoto Declaration, finance, governance, science and technology
No.6 4 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.7 - Vol.18
Arrangements for Telephone Consultation on Radiation Health Effects in a Nuclear Emergency in Japan: Lessons Learned from the Nuclear Accident in Fukushima, Japan, 2011
Hiroshi Okuno, Takeshi Kawakami, Fumitaka Watanabe, and Hidehiko Horikoshi
Basic Disaster Management Plan, TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, telephone consultation, radiation health effects
No.8 - Vol.18
Health Literacy of the Elderly During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
Weerayut Muenboonme, Pachanat Nunthaitaweekul, and Bhichit Rattakul
health literacy, elderly, COVID-19 pandemic, disaster risk management, Thailand
No.9 2 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.10 3 Vol.18
Reconsideration of Urbanization in Tokyo Metropolitan Area Since 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake from the Perspective of Exposure
Osamu Murao, Kyota Fujiwara, Haruna Kato, Fumitake Yonemura, Keiko Inagaki, and Kimiro Meguro
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, urban disaster risk, fire spread, Tokyo, densely inhabited district (DID)
No.10 14 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness

Count period : December 1-31, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Nov. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 22 Vol.6
Green Revolution: Pathways to Food Security in an Era of Climate Variability and Change?
Netra Chhetri and Pashupati Chaudhary
food security, Green Revolution, climate change, science and technology policy
No.2 22 Vol.16
Analysis of Evacuation Time for Vulnerable Individuals During Inundation of Lowland Areas
Chang Yeon Bae and Kenichiro Kobayashi
multi-agent simulation, optimum route, flood disaster, wide-area evacuation
No.2 5 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.3 6 Vol.18
Reconsideration of Urbanization in Tokyo Metropolitan Area Since 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake from the Perspective of Exposure
Osamu Murao, Kyota Fujiwara, Haruna Kato, Fumitake Yonemura, Keiko Inagaki, and Kimiro Meguro
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, urban disaster risk, fire spread, Tokyo, densely inhabited district (DID)
No.3 20 Vol.18
Application of Stress Parameter from Liquefaction Analysis on the Landslide Induced Tsunami Simulation: A Case Study of the 2018 Palu Tsunami
Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, Koji Ichii, Soichiro Murata, and Iyan Eka Mulia
landslide, liquefaction, tsunami, shear-stress
No.3 22 Vol.17
Risk Narratives for Enhancing Regional Resilience: Constructing Evidence-Based Flood Disaster Response Scenarios
Tadashi Nakasu, Shiro Nonaka, Sutpratana Duangkaew, Kullachart Prathumchai, Akira Kodaka, and Mamoru Miyamoto
disasters, business continuity, narratives, resilience, disaster scenarios
No.4 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.5 10 Vol.18
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake: Fire Damage and Lessons Learned
Ai Sekizawa
No.5 - Vol.9
A Quantitative Estimate of Vulnerable People and Evaluation of Flood Evacuation Policy
Karina Vink, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi, and Kelly M. Kibler
disaster risk management, vulnerable people, social vulnerability, flood, evacuation
No.6 11 Vol.18
Voices of Foreign Residents in Yokohama and Tokyo at the Time of the 1923 Kanto Earthquake
Paola Albini and Kenji Satake
1923 Kanto earthquake, descriptions of earthquake effects, archival documents, foreign residents, naval commanders
No.6 13 Vol.18
E-Defense Shake Table Experiments Implemented by NIED and Collaborative Research Projects in 2005–2022
Ryota Nishi, Yohsuke Kawamata, Ryuta Enokida, Takahito Inoue, and Kentaro Tabata
E-Defense, shake table, earthquake engineering, full-scale experiments
No.7 21 Vol.10
Comparative Analysis of Earthquake Emergency Response in China and Japan Based on Timeline: 311 Earthquake vs 512 Earthquake
Xiaoxia Du, Jun Zhang, Jianhua Xu, Zhuan He, Junyan Lai, Yigang Li, Reo Kimura, Haruo Hayashi, Masafumi Hosokawa, and Yukihisa Sakurada
timeline, earthquake, emergency response, comparative analysis
No.7 - Vol.8
Extraction of Urban Information for Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment in Lima, Peru Using Satellite Imagery
Masashi Matsuoka, Hiroyuki Miura, Saburoh Midorikawa, and Miguel Estrada
building inventory data, earthquake damage estimation, urban sprawl, building height, landsat image, ALOS/PRISM, Lima City
No.8 1 Vol.18
Assessment of Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in Coastal Environments of Taiwan
Viola van Onselen, Mucahid Mustafa Bayrak, and Tsung-Yi Lin
coastal hazards, Eco-DRR, sand dunes, windbreak forests, mangroves
No.8 19 Vol.18
The Anticipated Nankai Trough Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan: Determinant Factors of Residents’ Pre-Event Evacuation Intentions
Kanan Hirano, Yo Fukushima, Hiroaki Maruya, Motoyuki Kido, and Motoaki Sugiura
evacuation behavior, tsunami, Nankai Trough earthquake, risk perception, questionnaire survey
No.8 24 Vol.16
Disaster Tourism as a Tool for Disaster Story Telling
Naoto Tanaka, Ikaptra, Satoru Kusano, Mariko Yamazaki, and Kazuo Matsumoto
disaster tourism, local identity, earthquake, sustainable development, community continuity planning (CCP)
No.8 - Vol.13
Seismic Hazard in Syria Based on Completeness Analysis and Assessment
Ahmed Alhourani, Junji Kiyono, Aiko Furukawa, and Hussam Eldein Zaineh
earthquake catalogue, magnitude of completeness, seismic modeling, hazard analysis of Syria, hazard assessment of Syria
No.9 2 Vol.18
Implementation of Hydrological Model for the Malino Catchment Area in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Ayuko Hirani Saleh, Akira Tai, Shinichiro Yano, and Mukhsan Putra Hatta
hydrological model, rainfall-runoff, tank model, Malino Catchment Area (MCA), Jeneberang watershed’s continuity planning
No.9 20 Vol.18
September 1st, 1923: The Great Kanto Earthquake (1) and (2)
Jun Suzuki
No.9 17 Vol.15
A Stakeholder Analysis Approach for Area Business Continuity Management: A Systematic Review
Sansanee Sapapthai, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Akira Kodaka, Chatpan Chintanapakdee, Eri Ino, and Kenji Watanabe
stakeholder analysis, disaster management, area-business continuity management (Area-BCM), business continuity management (BCM), SWOT analysis
No.9 4 Vol.14
Stampede Events and Strategies for Crowd Management
Chun-Hao Shao, Pei-Chun Shao, and Fang-Ming Kuo
stampede, crowd management, evacuation
No.9 - Vol.10
Development of Seismic Intensity Meter for the Philippines
Hiroshi Inoue, Zhengying Fan, Melchor Lasala, Robert Tiglao, Bartolome Bautista, Debbie Rivera, and Ishmael Narag
Seismic Intensity meter, PEIS, Philippine Eaqrthquake Intensity Scale, IT-Kyoshin seismometer, SATREPS
No.9 16 Vol.7
Slip Rate Estimation of the Lembang Fault West Java from Geodetic Observation
Irwan Meilano, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Heri Andreas, Irwan Gumilar, Dina Sarsito, Rahma Hanifa, Rino, Hery Harjono, Teruyuki Kato, Fumiaki Kimata, and Yoichi Fukuda
Lembang dault, GPS observation, slip rate, creeping and locking
No.10 7 Vol.18
Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction: A Long-Term Program of the IRDR International Centre of Excellence at Taipei (ICoE-Taipei)
Jian-Cheng Lee, Chung-Pai Chang, and Ying Liao
disaster risk reduction, capacity building, IRDR, ICoE Taipei
No.10 15 Vol.18
Formulation of Dissemination Process of Phase-Free Concept for Effective Promotion of Disaster Prevention Education: A Case Study of Naruto City, Japan
Aki Shimbo, Amna Javed, Hideomi Gokon, and Youji Kohda
phase-free, disaster prevention education, earthquake, thematic analysis, qualitative research
No.10 25 Vol.18
Proposal of a Recommended Correspondence Method for Companies and Organizations in Case of Partial Rupture of the Nankai Trough Earthquake
Hiroaki Maruya, Tetsuya Torayashiki, Hiroyuki Sasaki, and Fumihiko Imamura
Nankai Trough Earthquake, the case of partial rupture, companies and organizations, responses
No.10 22 Vol.17
Scenario Planning Approach to Pre-Event Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: The Case of the Future Mega-Tsunami Striking Kushimoto, Japan
Tamiyo Kondo and Shogo Takemoto
pre-event planning for post-disaster recovery, scenario planning, land use planning, collective residential relocation, the Nankai Trough earthquake
No.10 - Vol.15
Characteristics of the 2018 Bago River Flood of Myanmar
Daisuke Komori, Akiyuki Kawasaki, Nanami Sakai, Natsumi Shimomura, Akira Harada, Kohei Okuda, Chit Bo Bo Win, Aye Myat Thu, Khin Yadanar Tun, Wai Toe, and Win Win Zin
2018 Bago river flood, Bago river, satellite-based precipitation, record-high precipitation, dam reservoirs
No.10 22 Vol.8
Effectiveness of Disaster-Based School Program on Students’ Earthquake-Preparedness
Wignyo Adiyoso and Hidehiko Kanegae
school, knowledge, risk perception, awareness, attitude, disaster preparedness, earthquake
No.10 - Vol.8
Application of the Probability Evaluation for the Seasonal Reservoir Operation on Flood Mitigation and Water Supply in the Chao Phraya River Watershed, Thailand
Daisuke Komori, Cherry May Mateo, Akane Saya, Shinichiro Nakamura, Masashi Kiguchi, Phonchai Klinkhachorn, Thada Sukhapunnaphan, Adisorn Champathong, Kimio Takeya, and TaikanOki
dam reservoir operation, probability evaluation of discharge volume, flood mitigation, water resources reservation, Chao Phraya River

Count period : November 1-30, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Oct. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.18
Assessment of Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in Coastal Environments of Taiwan
Viola van Onselen, Mucahid Mustafa Bayrak, and Tsung-Yi Lin
coastal hazards, Eco-DRR, sand dunes, windbreak forests, mangroves
No.2 - Vol.18
Implementation of Hydrological Model for the Malino Catchment Area in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Ayuko Hirani Saleh, Akira Tai, Shinichiro Yano, and Mukhsan Putra Hatta
hydrological model, rainfall-runoff, tank model, Malino Catchment Area (MCA), Jeneberang watershed’s continuity planning
No.3 4 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 11 Vol.14
Stampede Events and Strategies for Crowd Management
Chun-Hao Shao, Pei-Chun Shao, and Fang-Ming Kuo
stampede, crowd management, evacuation
No.5 8 Vol.18
Strong Ground Motion of the 1923 Kanto, Japan Earthquake
Saburoh Midorikawa
strong ground motion, seismic intensity, seismogram, the 1923 Kanto earthquake
No.5 10 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.6 7 Vol.18
Reconsideration of Urbanization in Tokyo Metropolitan Area Since 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake from the Perspective of Exposure
Osamu Murao, Kyota Fujiwara, Haruna Kato, Fumitake Yonemura, Keiko Inagaki, and Kimiro Meguro
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, urban disaster risk, fire spread, Tokyo, densely inhabited district (DID)
No.7 - Vol.18
Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction: A Long-Term Program of the IRDR International Centre of Excellence at Taipei (ICoE-Taipei)
Jian-Cheng Lee, Chung-Pai Chang, and Ying Liao
disaster risk reduction, capacity building, IRDR, ICoE Taipei
No.8 - Vol.18
Analysis of Orientation Changes of S-Net Accelerometers due to Earthquake Motions
Yadab P. Dhakal and Takashi Kunugi
S-net, ocean-bottom seismographs, strong motions, rotation of sensors, earthquake early warning
No.9 20 Vol.18
Wavelet Transform Method for the Evaluation of the Seismic Response of One Isolated Building in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Joseph Jaramillo, Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Koichi Kusunoki, Italo Inocente, and Danty Otero
structural health monitoring, wavelet transform, earthquake, seismic response, monitoring system
No.9 18 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.9 22 Vol.17
Alternatives for the Marshall Islands to Cope with the Anticipated Sea Level Rise by Climate Change
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura, Rie Okuda, Mai Fujii, Ryuta Takashima, Tomoya Murakawa, Erika Sakai, and Hiroaki Iwama
atoll country, climate change adaptation, Marshall Islands, migration, sea level rise
No.10 15 Vol.18
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake: Fire Damage and Lessons Learned
Ai Sekizawa
No.10 20 Vol.18
Analysis of Adaptive Pushover in Confined Masonry Dwellings with Height Irregularity in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Luis Lopez, and Michel Amancio
confined masonry, height irregularity, adaptive pushover, based displacement
No.10 23 Vol.16
Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai
stormwater management, rainfall observation, integrated urban flood modelling, Internet of Things

Count period : October 1-31, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Sep. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.18
The Great Kanto Earthquake and the Tokyo Electric Light Company, Inc.: Moral Hazards Exacerbated by the Great Kanto Earthquake
Rihito Shima
The Great Kanto Earthquake, The Tokyo Electric Light Company, Inc., accounting manipulation, appraisal profit, allowance
No.2 - Vol.18
Voices of Foreign Residents in Yokohama and Tokyo at the Time of the 1923 Kanto Earthquake
Paola Albini and Kenji Satake
1923 Kanto earthquake, descriptions of earthquake effects, archival documents, foreign residents, naval commanders
No.3 - Vol.18
Charles A. Beard, Shinpei Goto, and “The Light of Western Experience”
David Mammen
Charles A. Beard, Shinpei Goto, Great Kanto Earthquake, reconstruction, Tokyo Institute for Municipal Research
No.4 2 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.5 - Vol.18
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake: Damages by the Quake and Tsunami
Masayuki Takemura
No.6 - Vol.18
Formulation of Dissemination Process of Phase-Free Concept for Effective Promotion of Disaster Prevention Education: A Case Study of Naruto City, Japan
Aki Shimbo, Amna Javed, Hideomi Gokon, and Youji Kohda
phase-free, disaster prevention education, earthquake, thematic analysis, qualitative research
No.7 - Vol.18
Reconsideration of Urbanization in Tokyo Metropolitan Area Since 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake from the Perspective of Exposure
Osamu Murao, Kyota Fujiwara, Haruna Kato, Fumitake Yonemura, Keiko Inagaki, and Kimiro Meguro
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, urban disaster risk, fire spread, Tokyo, densely inhabited district (DID)
No.8 - Vol.18
Strong Ground Motion of the 1923 Kanto, Japan Earthquake
Saburoh Midorikawa
strong ground motion, seismic intensity, seismogram, the 1923 Kanto earthquake
No.8 - Vol.18
September 1st, 1923: The Great Kanto Earthquake (3) and (4)
Yoshiteru Murosaki
No.9 - Vol.18
Significance of Medium-Wave AM Radio Broadcasting for Enhanced Disaster Resilience in Japan: A Case Study in the Kanto Region and Fukui Using Nonpowered Hoop-Shaped Radio
Eiichi Shoji
disaster-prevention radio, medium-wave AM broadcasting, nonpowered radio, sustainable radio, hoop-shaped radio
No.9 - Vol.18
September 1st, 1923: The Great Kanto Earthquake (1) and (2)
Jun Suzuki
No.10 13 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design

Count period : September 1-30, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Aug. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.12
The Evacuation of Thai Citizens During Japan’s 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes: An ICT Perspective
Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Panon Latcharote and Fumihiko Imamura
2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, evacuation, foreigners, information and communication technology
No.2 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 - Vol.18
Who Pays? Cost-Sharing for Disaster Management in the US and Japan
Mikio Ishiwatari, Daniel P. Aldrich, and Daisuke Sasaki
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), disaster relief, disaster recovery, public assistance, individual assistance
No.4 - Vol.18
Transdisciplinary Approach Toward Preparedness in a Mountainous Community in Central Taiwan and its Impact on Disaster Evacuation: A Case Study
Ting-Chi Tsao and Chen-Yu Chen
debris flow, disaster risk management, preparedness, Taiwan, transdisciplinary approach (TDA)
No.5 - Vol.18
How Does the Central Government Make a Remark in the International Arena of Disaster Risk Reduction? Focusing on the Frequency of Statement Publication at the UN Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
Yuta Hara, Daisuke Sasaki, and Yuichi Ono
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, global governance, spatial analysis, international studies, sustainability
No.5 10 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.6 1 Vol.18
Seismicity Based Maximum Magnitude Estimation of Subduction Earthquakes in Peru
Juan Carlos Tarazona, Zenon Aguilar, Nelson Pulido, Carlos Gonzales, Fernando Lazares, and Hiroe Miyake
maximum magnitude, subduction earthquakes, seismogenic sources, interface and intraslab earthquakes, seismic zonation
No.7 - Vol.18
Establishment of Training System to Cope with Mental Health and Social Issues in Disaster Recovery Public Housing After the Great East Japan Earthquake
Masatsugu Orui
Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE), human-resource development, mental health, life support advisor, disaster recovery public housing
No.8 6 Vol.18
Analysis of Adaptive Pushover in Confined Masonry Dwellings with Height Irregularity in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Luis Lopez, and Michel Amancio
confined masonry, height irregularity, adaptive pushover, based displacement
No.8 7 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.9 8 Vol.18
Application of Stress Parameter from Liquefaction Analysis on the Landslide Induced Tsunami Simulation: A Case Study of the 2018 Palu Tsunami
Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, Koji Ichii, Soichiro Murata, and Iyan Eka Mulia
landslide, liquefaction, tsunami, shear-stress
No.10 7 Vol.18
Assessment of Site Amplification Factors in Southern Lima, Peru Based on Microtremor H/V Spectral Ratios and Deep Neural Network
Hiroyuki Miura, Carlos Gonzales, Miguel Diaz, Miguel Estrada, Fernando Lazares, Zenon Aguilar, Da Pan, and Masashi Matsuoka
site amplification factor, microtremor H/V spectral ratio, deep neural network, Lima
No.10 11 Vol.18
Rapid Estimation of Direct Economic Losses Caused by Significant Earthquakes: An Evidence-Based Model and its Applications
Toshihisa Toyoda, Qinglin Cui, Masaki Ikeda, Hiromitsu Nakamura, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
direct economic damage, real-time estimation, seismic intensity scale, existing physical stocks, tsunami effect

Count period : August 1-31, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jul. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.18
Seismicity Based Maximum Magnitude Estimation of Subduction Earthquakes in Peru
Juan Carlos Tarazona, Zenon Aguilar, Nelson Pulido, Carlos Gonzales, Fernando Lazares, and Hiroe Miyake
maximum magnitude, subduction earthquakes, seismogenic sources, interface and intraslab earthquakes, seismic zonation
No.2 12 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.3 13 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 20 Vol.18
The Importance of Family and Community Approach in Reducing the Risk Faced by the Elderly During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Deny Hidayati, Widayatun, and Augustina Situmorang
COVID-19 pandemic, elderly, family and community approach, socio-economic vulnerability and risk
No.4 4 Vol.18
Characterization of the Structural Typologies of Buildings in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Miguel Estrada, and Masashi Matsuoka
Lima metropolitan area, material, structural system, building typology
No.5 6 Vol.18
Wavelet Transform Method for the Evaluation of the Seismic Response of One Isolated Building in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Joseph Jaramillo, Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Koichi Kusunoki, Italo Inocente, and Danty Otero
structural health monitoring, wavelet transform, earthquake, seismic response, monitoring system
No.6 8 Vol.18
Analysis of Adaptive Pushover in Confined Masonry Dwellings with Height Irregularity in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Luis Lopez, and Michel Amancio
confined masonry, height irregularity, adaptive pushover, based displacement
No.7 7 Vol.18
Assessment of Site Amplification Factors in Southern Lima, Peru Based on Microtremor H/V Spectral Ratios and Deep Neural Network
Hiroyuki Miura, Carlos Gonzales, Miguel Diaz, Miguel Estrada, Fernando Lazares, Zenon Aguilar, Da Pan, and Masashi Matsuoka
site amplification factor, microtremor H/V spectral ratio, deep neural network, Lima
No.7 11 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.8 14 Vol.18
Application of Stress Parameter from Liquefaction Analysis on the Landslide Induced Tsunami Simulation: A Case Study of the 2018 Palu Tsunami
Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, Koji Ichii, Soichiro Murata, and Iyan Eka Mulia
landslide, liquefaction, tsunami, shear-stress
No.8 15 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness
No.9 - Vol.13
Flood and Substance Transportation Analysis Using Satellite Elevation Data: A Case Study in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Masakazu Hashimoto, Nozomu Yoneyama, Kenji Kawaike, Tomonori Deguchi, Mohammed Abed Hossain, and Hajime Nakagawa
vertical accuracy, DEM, substance transportation analysis, flood analysis
No.10 9 Vol.18
Revising the 2007 Peru Earthquake Damage Monitoring Using Machine Learning Models and Satellite Imagery
Bruno Adriano, Hiroyuki Miura, Wen Liu, Masashi Matsuoka, Eduardo Portuguez, Miguel Diaz, and Miguel Estrada
building damage mapping, satellite imagery, deep learning, 2007 Peru earthquake
No.10 2 Vol.18
Earthquake Damage Assessment of Buried Pipeline Networks in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Italo Inocente, Miguel Diaz, Jorge Gallardo, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Luis Quiroz, and Carlos Zavala
earthquake damage assessment, buried pipeline, fragility function, drinking water system, sewage system
No.10 19 Vol.18
A Questionnaire Survey of the Mental Health of Japanese Expatriates in China During the COVID-19 Epidemic in 2021
Yukari Kamei and Atsuo Hamada
coronavirus disease 2019, epidemic, expatriates, mental health, China
No.10 20 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives

Count period : July 1-31, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jun. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.18
Seismicity Based Maximum Magnitude Estimation of Subduction Earthquakes in Peru
Juan Carlos Tarazona, Zenon Aguilar, Nelson Pulido, Carlos Gonzales, Fernando Lazares, and Hiroe Miyake
maximum magnitude, subduction earthquakes, seismogenic sources, interface and intraslab earthquakes, seismic zonation
No.2 - Vol.18
Earthquake Damage Assessment of Buried Pipeline Networks in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Italo Inocente, Miguel Diaz, Jorge Gallardo, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Luis Quiroz, and Carlos Zavala
earthquake damage assessment, buried pipeline, fragility function, drinking water system, sewage system
No.3 - Vol.18
Preliminary System for the Estimation of Peak Ground Acceleration Distribution in Metropolitan Lima and Callao: Application in Recent Seismic Events
Carlos Gonzales, Roger Garay, Luis Moya, Fernando Lazares, Zenon Aguilar, Diana Calderon, Miguel Diaz, Masashi Matsuoka, and Carlos Zavala
seismic network, amplification factors, geospatial interpolation, peak ground acceleration, Lima
No.4 - Vol.18
Characterization of the Structural Typologies of Buildings in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Miguel Estrada, and Masashi Matsuoka
Lima metropolitan area, material, structural system, building typology
No.5 - Vol.18
Estimation of the Restoration Period of the Water Supply System in Lima, Peru, After a Scenario Earthquake
Yoshihisa Maruyama, Ryo Ichimoto, Nobuoto Nojima, Italo Inocente, Jorge Gallardo, and Luis Quiroz
restoration period, water supply system, Lima, Peru, probabilistic assessment
No.6 - Vol.18
Wavelet Transform Method for the Evaluation of the Seismic Response of One Isolated Building in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Joseph Jaramillo, Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Koichi Kusunoki, Italo Inocente, and Danty Otero
structural health monitoring, wavelet transform, earthquake, seismic response, monitoring system
No.7 - Vol.18
Assessment of Site Amplification Factors in Southern Lima, Peru Based on Microtremor H/V Spectral Ratios and Deep Neural Network
Hiroyuki Miura, Carlos Gonzales, Miguel Diaz, Miguel Estrada, Fernando Lazares, Zenon Aguilar, Da Pan, and Masashi Matsuoka
site amplification factor, microtremor H/V spectral ratio, deep neural network, Lima
No.8 - Vol.18
Analysis of Adaptive Pushover in Confined Masonry Dwellings with Height Irregularity in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Luis Lopez, and Michel Amancio
confined masonry, height irregularity, adaptive pushover, based displacement
No.9 - Vol.18
Revising the 2007 Peru Earthquake Damage Monitoring Using Machine Learning Models and Satellite Imagery
Bruno Adriano, Hiroyuki Miura, Wen Liu, Masashi Matsuoka, Eduardo Portuguez, Miguel Diaz, and Miguel Estrada
building damage mapping, satellite imagery, deep learning, 2007 Peru earthquake
No.10 - Vol.18
In Challenge of Approaching Casualties and Injured People Due to a Damaging Earthquake
Carlos Zavala, Miguel Diaz, and Francisco Ríos
casualties, earthquake risk, damaging earthquake, estimation

Count period : June 1-30, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, May. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 12 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 11 Vol.11
Promoting Education for Disaster Resilience and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
Aiko Sakurai and Takeshi Sato
disaster education, community, Japan, Sendai Framework, international cooperation
No.4 6 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.5 6 Vol.18
A Questionnaire Survey of the Mental Health of Japanese Expatriates in China During the COVID-19 Epidemic in 2021
Yukari Kamei and Atsuo Hamada
coronavirus disease 2019, epidemic, expatriates, mental health, China
No.6 6 Vol.18
Application of Stress Parameter from Liquefaction Analysis on the Landslide Induced Tsunami Simulation: A Case Study of the 2018 Palu Tsunami
Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, Koji Ichii, Soichiro Murata, and Iyan Eka Mulia
landslide, liquefaction, tsunami, shear-stress
No.7 8 Vol.18
Assessment of Hydraulic Fracturing in Earth Dams on Complex Foundations
Bunpoat Kunsuwan, Thawatchai Chalermpornchai, Warakorn Mairaing, and Wiphada Thepjanthra
hydraulic fracturing, arching effects, earth dams, complex foundations
No.7 16 Vol.18
Rapid Estimation of Direct Economic Losses Caused by Significant Earthquakes: An Evidence-Based Model and its Applications
Toshihisa Toyoda, Qinglin Cui, Masaki Ikeda, Hiromitsu Nakamura, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
direct economic damage, real-time estimation, seismic intensity scale, existing physical stocks, tsunami effect
No.8 14 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness
No.9 4 Vol.18
Proposal of a Recommended Correspondence Method for Companies and Organizations in Case of Partial Rupture of the Nankai Trough Earthquake
Hiroaki Maruya, Tetsuya Torayashiki, Hiroyuki Sasaki, and Fumihiko Imamura
Nankai Trough Earthquake, the case of partial rupture, companies and organizations, responses
No.9 16 Vol.18
Strategic Roadmapping Framework for Disaster Response: Case of COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccine Rollout Program in the UK
Yuna Yang, Sukrit Vinayavekhin, Robert Phaal, Eoin O’Sullivan, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19, disaster response, United Kingdom, strategic roadmapping, vaccine rollout program
No.9 20 Vol.17
Prediction of Reservoir Sedimentation in the Long Term Period Due to the Impact of Climate Change: A Case Study of Pleikrong Reservoir
Xuan Khanh Do, Thu Hien Nguyen, Le An Ngo, Micah Lourdes Felix, and Kwansue Jung
reservoir sedimentation, climate change, SWAT, bias corrected GCM/RCM model
No.9 17 Vol.17
Effects of Urban Development on Regional Climate Change and Flood Inundation in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bambang Adhi Priyambodoho, Shuichi Kure, Nurul Fajar Januriyadi, Mohammad Farid, Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez, Manabu Kanda, and So Kazama
flood inundation model, Indonesia, Jakarta, climate change, urban development
No.9 10 Vol.14
Stampede Events and Strategies for Crowd Management
Chun-Hao Shao, Pei-Chun Shao, and Fang-Ming Kuo
stampede, crowd management, evacuation
No.9 - Vol.8
Development of a Flow Routing Model Including Inundation Effect for the Extreme Flood in the Chao Phraya River Basin, Thailand 2011
Supattana Wichakul, Yasuto Tachikawa, Michiharu Shiiba, and Kazuaki Yorozu
flow routing model, dam operation model, inundation model, Chao Phraya River Basin
No.10 3 Vol.18
The Anticipated Nankai Trough Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan: Determinant Factors of Residents’ Pre-Event Evacuation Intentions
Kanan Hirano, Yo Fukushima, Hiroaki Maruya, Motoyuki Kido, and Motoaki Sugiura
evacuation behavior, tsunami, Nankai Trough earthquake, risk perception, questionnaire survey
No.10 17 Vol.17
Which Mode Will Be Effective in a Massive Evacuation?
Jun Lee and Jae Hun Kim
Eastern Japan Earthquake, evacuation distance, evacuation speed, evacuation mode
No.10 17 Vol.17
Promoting Coherence Among Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, and Sustainable Development for Disaster Resilience
Ritsuko Yamazaki-Honda
coherence, disaster resilience, climate change adaptation, Sendai Framework, SDGs
No.10 21 Vol.17
Scenario Planning Approach to Pre-Event Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: The Case of the Future Mega-Tsunami Striking Kushimoto, Japan
Tamiyo Kondo and Shogo Takemoto
pre-event planning for post-disaster recovery, scenario planning, land use planning, collective residential relocation, the Nankai Trough earthquake
No.10 5 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.10 17 Vol.14
Drought Index for Peatland Wildfire Management in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia During El Niño Phenomenon
Novitasari Novitasari, Joko Sujono, Sri Harto, Azwar Maas, and Rachmad Jayadi
Keetch–Byram drought index (KBDI), number of fire alerts, El Niño, water table, peatland wildfire
No.10 20 Vol.13
A Comparison of Disaster Management Plans for Both Japan and Myanmar
Rena Kikuchi, Muneyoshi Numada, May Myat Mon, Tun Naing, Khin Than Yu, and Kimiro Meguro
Myanmar, disaster management, disaster management plan, disaster management law, content analysis

Count period : May 1-31, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Apr. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 - Vol.18
Analysis of Land Price Changes Before and After Designation as Tsunami Disaster Alert Areas
Jun Sakamoto
tsunami disaster alert area, propensity score matching, difference-in-difference
No.3 - Vol.18
The Anticipated Nankai Trough Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan: Determinant Factors of Residents’ Pre-Event Evacuation Intentions
Kanan Hirano, Yo Fukushima, Hiroaki Maruya, Motoyuki Kido, and Motoaki Sugiura
evacuation behavior, tsunami, Nankai Trough earthquake, risk perception, questionnaire survey
No.4 - Vol.18
How a Household Survived a Natural Hazard-Triggered Blackout with Photovoltaic and Battery Energy System: A Report of 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake in Japan
Hitomu Kotani and Kazuyoshi Nakano
power outage, solar energy, energy storage, disaster response, resilience
No.4 - Vol.18
Proposal of a Recommended Correspondence Method for Companies and Organizations in Case of Partial Rupture of the Nankai Trough Earthquake
Hiroaki Maruya, Tetsuya Torayashiki, Hiroyuki Sasaki, and Fumihiko Imamura
Nankai Trough Earthquake, the case of partial rupture, companies and organizations, responses
No.5 5 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.6 - Vol.18
A Questionnaire Survey of the Mental Health of Japanese Expatriates in China During the COVID-19 Epidemic in 2021
Yukari Kamei and Atsuo Hamada
coronavirus disease 2019, epidemic, expatriates, mental health, China
No.6 - Vol.18
Application of Stress Parameter from Liquefaction Analysis on the Landslide Induced Tsunami Simulation: A Case Study of the 2018 Palu Tsunami
Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, Koji Ichii, Soichiro Murata, and Iyan Eka Mulia
landslide, liquefaction, tsunami, shear-stress
No.6 2 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.7 - Vol.12
An Analytical Study on Intentions of Disaster Prevention Expert Candidates
Toru Futagami, Tsuyoshi Hatori, and Netra P. Bhandary
disaster prevention expert, factor analysis, general public
No.8 - Vol.18
Assessment of Hydraulic Fracturing in Earth Dams on Complex Foundations
Bunpoat Kunsuwan, Thawatchai Chalermpornchai, Warakorn Mairaing, and Wiphada Thepjanthra
hydraulic fracturing, arching effects, earth dams, complex foundations
No.8 8 Vol.17
Effectiveness of an Elevated Road in Reducing Inundation Area of the Coast of Palu, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Muhammad Rizki Purnama, Mohammad Bagus Adityawan, Mohammad Farid, and Asrini Chrysanti
tsunami, elevated road, inundation, mitigation, Palu
No.9 - Vol.7
Government’s Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Atsushi Koresawa
Great East Japan Earthquake, Hyogo Framework for Action, tsunami, response, recovery
No.9 10 Vol.8
Lessons from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Disaster
Shunichi Koshimura, Satomi Hayashi, and Hideomi Gokon
2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami, tsunami fragility curve, numerical modeling, reconstruction
No.9 - Vol.18
Estimation of House Cleanup Work Volume Based on Disaster Volunteer Center Work Management Data —The Case of the 2015 Joso City—
Yoshinobu Mizui and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
flood, disaster volunteer, self-help, house cleanup work, damage classification
No.10 15 Vol.14
Stampede Events and Strategies for Crowd Management
Chun-Hao Shao, Pei-Chun Shao, and Fang-Ming Kuo
stampede, crowd management, evacuation
No.10 9 Vol.15
Business Continuity Management: A Preliminary Systematic Literature Review Based on ScienceDirect Database
Kananut Charoenthammachoke, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, and Akira Kodaka
BCM, business continuity management, systematics literature review
No.10 18 Vol.10
Initial Responses of the Government of Japan to the Great East Japan Earthquake (Earthquake and Tsunami) and Lessons Learned from Them
Akira Kotaki
role of the government in huge disasters, Government’s Extreme Disaster Management Headquarters, L2 and disaster reduction, improvement of information management and responses to disasters by exercise, 72 hours

Count period : April 1-30, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Mar. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 7 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.3 2 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 3 Vol.18
Rapid Estimation of Direct Economic Losses Caused by Significant Earthquakes: An Evidence-Based Model and its Applications
Toshihisa Toyoda, Qinglin Cui, Masaki Ikeda, Hiromitsu Nakamura, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
direct economic damage, real-time estimation, seismic intensity scale, existing physical stocks, tsunami effect
No.5 16 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.6 9 Vol.17
Development of Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction Education Program for Children with No Experience of Earthquake Disaster – Practice and Verification at Shichigahama Town, Miyagi Prefecture
Toshimitsu Nagata, Masaki Ikeda, Reo Kimura, and Takashi Oda
Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami, disaster risk reduction education, instructional design (ID), ICT education
No.7 14 Vol.8
Effectiveness of Disaster-Based School Program on Students’ Earthquake-Preparedness
Wignyo Adiyoso and Hidehiko Kanegae
school, knowledge, risk perception, awareness, attitude, disaster preparedness, earthquake
No.7 16 Vol.16
Developing a Model for Disaster Education to Improve Students’ Disaster Mitigation Literacy
Juhadi, Nur Hamid, Edy Trihatmoko, Meri Herlina, and Elvara Norma Aroyandini
earthquake, tsunami, lamban langgakh, disaster mitigation literacy, integration model
No.7 20 Vol.16
Study on Combining Two Faster R-CNN Models for Landslide Detection with a Classification Decision Tree to Improve the Detection Performance
Asadang Tanatipuknon, Pakinee Aimmanee, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Ken T. Murata, Akihiko Wakai, Go Sato, Hoang Viet Hung, Kanokvate Tungpimolrut, Suthum Keerativittayanun, and Jessada Karnjana
Faster R-CNN, classification decision tree, landslide detection, satellite imagery
No.7 8 Vol.18
Risk Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Era of Social Media
Changchun Feng and Kabilijiang Umaier
COVID-19, emergency management, social media, risk communication
No.8 13 Vol.17
Scenario Planning Approach to Pre-Event Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: The Case of the Future Mega-Tsunami Striking Kushimoto, Japan
Tamiyo Kondo and Shogo Takemoto
pre-event planning for post-disaster recovery, scenario planning, land use planning, collective residential relocation, the Nankai Trough earthquake
No.8 - Vol.11
Natural Disaster Measures on Tokyo Metro
Toshiaki Kogure
seismic strengthening, water sealing doors, flood-gates, the Flood Control Act, timeline
No.8 4 Vol.18
Public Evaluation of the Reconstruction and Regeneration of Fukushima 10 Years After the Earthquake
Tetsuya Nakamura, Steven Lloyd, Atsushi Maruyama, and Satoru Masuda
Fukushima NPP, Great East Japan Earthquake, reconstruction policy, Fukushima Innovation Coast Initiative Framework, community assessment
No.8 16 Vol.17
Effectiveness of an Elevated Road in Reducing Inundation Area of the Coast of Palu, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Muhammad Rizki Purnama, Mohammad Bagus Adityawan, Mohammad Farid, and Asrini Chrysanti
tsunami, elevated road, inundation, mitigation, Palu
No.9 20 Vol.15
Business Continuity Management: A Preliminary Systematic Literature Review Based on ScienceDirect Database
Kananut Charoenthammachoke, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, and Akira Kodaka
BCM, business continuity management, systematics literature review
No.10 17 Vol.4
Tsunami Bore Impingement onto a Vertical Column
Halldor Arnason, Catherine Petroff, and Harry Yeh
tsunamis, bore, wake, turbulence, force, method of characteristics, cylinder, column
No.10 10 Vol.18
Modeling and Simulation of In-Hospital Disaster Medicine in a Mass Casualty Event for the Resilience Evaluation of BCPs
Mizuki Umemoto, Shunsuke Kadono, Taro Kanno, Kazumi Kajiyama, Sachika Sharikura, Ryoko Ikari, Masashi Yoneyama, and Sheuwen Chuang
disaster prevention, earthquake, business continuity planning (BCP), mass casualty incident
No.10 20 Vol.8
Lessons from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Disaster
Shunichi Koshimura, Satomi Hayashi, and Hideomi Gokon
2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami, tsunami fragility curve, numerical modeling, reconstruction
No.10 - Vol.16
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Supply Chain: A Discussion on Decentralization of the Supply Chain and Ensuring Interoperability
Eri Ino and Kenji Watanabe
Global Supply Chain (GSC), COVID-19, Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), Business Continuity Management (BCM), Area-BCM
No.10 18 Vol.17
Integrating Health Considerations into Local Level Recovery Planning: An Exploration of Florida’s Recovery and Redevelopment Plans
Megan Archer, Katherine Pedersen, Mallory Kennedy, and Nicole A. Errett
disaster, recovery, planning, health promotion
No.10 21 Vol.3
Recent Peat Fire Activity in the Mega Rice Project Area, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Erianto Indra Putra, Hiroshi Hayasaka, Hidenori Takahashi, and Aswin Usup
Peat fire, hotspot, sea surface temperature anomalies, drought, ground water level

Count period : March 1-31, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Feb. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 - Vol.18
Rapid Estimation of Direct Economic Losses Caused by Significant Earthquakes: An Evidence-Based Model and its Applications
Toshihisa Toyoda, Qinglin Cui, Masaki Ikeda, Hiromitsu Nakamura, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
direct economic damage, real-time estimation, seismic intensity scale, existing physical stocks, tsunami effect
No.4 - Vol.18
Public Evaluation of the Reconstruction and Regeneration of Fukushima 10 Years After the Earthquake
Tetsuya Nakamura, Steven Lloyd, Atsushi Maruyama, and Satoru Masuda
Fukushima NPP, Great East Japan Earthquake, reconstruction policy, Fukushima Innovation Coast Initiative Framework, community assessment
No.5 - Vol.18
Co-Evolution Framework Between Humans and Simulations: Planning Post-Disaster Restoration of a Water Distribution Network
Shunichi Tada, Kento Wakayama, Taro Kanno, Yuji Kawase, and Kazuo Furuta
knowledge management, simulation-based training, simulation-based optimization, disaster response, water distribution networks
No.6 4 Vol.17
Alternatives for the Marshall Islands to Cope with the Anticipated Sea Level Rise by Climate Change
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura, Rie Okuda, Mai Fujii, Ryuta Takashima, Tomoya Murakawa, Erika Sakai, and Hiroaki Iwama
atoll country, climate change adaptation, Marshall Islands, migration, sea level rise
No.7 9 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.8 7 Vol.18
Risk Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Era of Social Media
Changchun Feng and Kabilijiang Umaier
COVID-19, emergency management, social media, risk communication
No.9 15 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness
No.9 8 Vol.7
Tsunami Evacuation Simulation for Disaster Education and City Planning
Yozo Goto, Muzailin Affan, Agussabti, Yudha Nurdin, Diyah K. Yuliana, and Ardiansyah
tsunami, evacuation, simulation, multiagent model, disaster education
No.9 3 Vol.17
Development of Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction Education Program for Children with No Experience of Earthquake Disaster – Practice and Verification at Shichigahama Town, Miyagi Prefecture
Toshimitsu Nagata, Masaki Ikeda, Reo Kimura, and Takashi Oda
Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami, disaster risk reduction education, instructional design (ID), ICT education
No.10 11 Vol.17
Late Holocene Tephrostratigraphy at Chokai Volcano, Northern Japan, and Contribution to Hazard Assessment
Tsukasa Ohba, Shintaro Hayashi, Masao Ban, Takumi Imura, Yusuke Minami, and Masahiro Endo
trench survey, tephra, ash componentry, eruption scenarios
No.10 7 Vol.17
Effects of Urban Development on Regional Climate Change and Flood Inundation in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bambang Adhi Priyambodoho, Shuichi Kure, Nurul Fajar Januriyadi, Mohammad Farid, Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez, Manabu Kanda, and So Kazama
flood inundation model, Indonesia, Jakarta, climate change, urban development
No.10 - Vol.18
Modeling and Simulation of In-Hospital Disaster Medicine in a Mass Casualty Event for the Resilience Evaluation of BCPs
Mizuki Umemoto, Shunsuke Kadono, Taro Kanno, Kazumi Kajiyama, Sachika Sharikura, Ryoko Ikari, Masashi Yoneyama, and Sheuwen Chuang
disaster prevention, earthquake, business continuity planning (BCP), mass casualty incident

Count period : February 1-28, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jan. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 - Vol.18
Lactoferrin as a Possible Preventive and Therapeutic Agent Against SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Michiyo Kobayashi-Sakamoto, Toyonobu Maeda, Junko Yusa, Hideki Tani, Yasumasa Kato, and Kimiharu Hirose
COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Lactoferrin
No.3 18 Vol.17
Development of Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction Education Program for Children with No Experience of Earthquake Disaster – Practice and Verification at Shichigahama Town, Miyagi Prefecture
Toshimitsu Nagata, Masaki Ikeda, Reo Kimura, and Takashi Oda
Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami, disaster risk reduction education, instructional design (ID), ICT education
No.3 2 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 - Vol.18
Life and Stress of Japanese Children and Adolescents During the Prolonged Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic
Junko Okuyama, Shuji Seto, Yu Fukuda, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Funakoshi, and Shin-Ichi Izumi
prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, children and adolescents, web survey, exercise, stress
No.4 19 Vol.17
Alternatives for the Marshall Islands to Cope with the Anticipated Sea Level Rise by Climate Change
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura, Rie Okuda, Mai Fujii, Ryuta Takashima, Tomoya Murakawa, Erika Sakai, and Hiroaki Iwama
atoll country, climate change adaptation, Marshall Islands, migration, sea level rise
No.5 19 Vol.17
The Critical Success Factors of Area-Business Continuity Management: A Systematic Review and Outlooks from the Public and Private Sectors
Kunruthai Meechang and Kenji Watanabe
critical success factor, area-business continuity management, public-private partnership, systematic review
No.5 - Vol.18
Strategic Roadmapping Framework for Disaster Response: Case of COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccine Rollout Program in the UK
Yuna Yang, Sukrit Vinayavekhin, Robert Phaal, Eoin O’Sullivan, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19, disaster response, United Kingdom, strategic roadmapping, vaccine rollout program
No.5 5 Vol.17
Effectiveness of an Elevated Road in Reducing Inundation Area of the Coast of Palu, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Muhammad Rizki Purnama, Mohammad Bagus Adityawan, Mohammad Farid, and Asrini Chrysanti
tsunami, elevated road, inundation, mitigation, Palu
No.6 19 Vol.17
Agent-Based Simulation and Modeling of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometric Analysis
Jing Tang, Sukrit Vinayavekhin, Manapat Weeramongkolkul, Chanakan Suksanon, Kantapat Pattarapremcharoen, Sasinat Thiwathittayanuphap, and Natt Leelawat
agent-based modeling, agent-based simulation, COVID-19, bibliometric analysis, literature review
No.6 - Vol.18
Information Seeking and COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors: A Comparison Between Immigrants and the Host Population in Japan
Yuanyuan Teng, Tomoya Hanibuchi, and Tomoki Nakaya
COVID-19, immigrants, information seeking, preventive behaviors, Japan
No.6 19 Vol.17
COVID-19 Impact on Tourism Business Continuity in Indonesia: A Preliminary Systematic Review
Alfan Kurnia Yudha, Jing Tang, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19 impact, Indonesia, systematic review, tourism, tourism
No.7 23 Vol.17
Development of a Scale for Disaster-Prevention Consciousness – Structure of Disaster-Prevention Consciousness of Those Who Lack Expertise in Disaster Prevention
Kan Shimazaki and Miki Ozeki
disaster-prevention consciousness, psychological scale, factor analysis
No.7 24 Vol.16
Why Does Disaster Storytelling Matter for a Resilient Society?
Shingo Nagamatsu, Yoshinobu Fukasawa, and Ikuo Kobayashi
Disaster Storytelling, narrative of disaster, disaster education, community recovery, disaster resilience
No.7 25 Vol.12
Development of a Remotely Controlled Semi-Underwater Heavy Carrier Robot for Unmanned Construction Works
Shin’ichi Yuta
unmanned construction, urgent disaster restoration, utilization range expansion of unmanned construction, semi-underwater vehicle, machine guidance for tele-operated construction machines
No.7 16 Vol.17
Effects of Urban Development on Regional Climate Change and Flood Inundation in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bambang Adhi Priyambodoho, Shuichi Kure, Nurul Fajar Januriyadi, Mohammad Farid, Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez, Manabu Kanda, and So Kazama
flood inundation model, Indonesia, Jakarta, climate change, urban development
No.7 - Vol.18
Risk Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Era of Social Media
Changchun Feng and Kabilijiang Umaier
COVID-19, emergency management, social media, risk communication

Count period : January 1-31, 2023

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Dec. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 2 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 9 Vol.17
Origin Time of the 1854 Tokai Earthquake Recorded in the Logbook of the Russian Frigate Diana
Reiko Sugimori, Kazuko Ariizumi, and Kenji Satake
1854 Tokai earthquake, Russian frigate, origin time, historical material, primary source
No.4 15 Vol.6
A Research of the Elevator Evacuation Performance and Strategies for Taipei 101 Financial Center
Shen-Wen Chien and Wei-Jou Wen
elevator, evacuation, Taipei 101, fire safety
No.5 9 Vol.17
Scenario Planning Approach to Pre-Event Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: The Case of the Future Mega-Tsunami Striking Kushimoto, Japan
Tamiyo Kondo and Shogo Takemoto
pre-event planning for post-disaster recovery, scenario planning, land use planning, collective residential relocation, the Nankai Trough earthquake
No.6 12 Vol.17
Policies of Disaster Management in Japan for Preparation for Nankai Megathrust Earthquake
Yoshiaki Kawata
Nankai earthquake, disaster resilience, tsunami, national catastrophe, Ministry of Disaster Management
No.7 2 Vol.17
Industrial Area Business Continuity Management Exercise: An Experimental Validation for Flood in Thailand
Akira Kodaka, Natt Leelawat, Kenji Watanabe, Jaehyun Park, Jing Tang, Eri Ino, and Naohiko Kohtake
Business continuity management, Business continuity plan, industrial complex, Industrial Area BCM, flood
No.7 2 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.8 11 Vol.15
Business Continuity Management: A Preliminary Systematic Literature Review Based on ScienceDirect Database
Kananut Charoenthammachoke, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, and Akira Kodaka
BCM, business continuity management, systematics literature review
No.8 17 Vol.17
Applying the Particle Filter to the Volcanic Ash Tracking PUFF Model for Assimilating Multi-Parameter Radar Observation
Hiroshi L. Tanaka, Haruhisa Nakamichi, Keiichi Kondo, Shoichi Akami, and Masato Iguchi
PUFF model, particle filter, MP radar, data assimilation, Sakura-jima volcano
No.9 4 Vol.17
An Approach to Flood Hazard Mapping for the Chao Phraya River Basin Using Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation Model
Anurak Sriariyawat, Bounhome Kimmany, Mamoru Miyamoto, Daiki Kakinuma, Shakti P. C., and Supattra Visessri
Chao Phraya River Basin, RRI model, flood hazard map, flood inundation area, flood duration
No.10 13 Vol.17
The Use of Digital Media and Modes of Communication of Affected People: A Case Study of Earthquakes in East Java, Indonesia
Rachmah Ida, Sri Widiyantoro, Endra Gunawan, Euis Sunarti, Gayatri Indah Marliyani, and Muhammad Saud
digital media, social media use, disaster relief, development communication, disaster response
No.10 18 Vol.17
Portrait of Indonesian Family During One Year the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Factors Influencing Family Welfare and Resilience
Euis Sunarti, Aliya Faizah Fithriyah, Nikmatul Khoiriyah, Winny Novyanti, Intan Islamia, and Viena R Hasanah
economic pressure, family resilience, food coping strategies, stress, welfare

Count period : December 1-31, 2022

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Nov. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 12 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.2 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.2 10 Vol.17
Industrial Area Business Continuity Management Exercise: An Experimental Validation for Flood in Thailand
Akira Kodaka, Natt Leelawat, Kenji Watanabe, Jaehyun Park, Jing Tang, Eri Ino, and Naohiko Kohtake
Business continuity management, Business continuity plan, industrial complex, Industrial Area BCM, flood
No.3 9 Vol.17
Effects of Urban Development on Regional Climate Change and Flood Inundation in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bambang Adhi Priyambodoho, Shuichi Kure, Nurul Fajar Januriyadi, Mohammad Farid, Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez, Manabu Kanda, and So Kazama
flood inundation model, Indonesia, Jakarta, climate change, urban development
No.4 11 Vol.17
An Approach to Flood Hazard Mapping for the Chao Phraya River Basin Using Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation Model
Anurak Sriariyawat, Bounhome Kimmany, Mamoru Miyamoto, Daiki Kakinuma, Shakti P. C., and Supattra Visessri
Chao Phraya River Basin, RRI model, flood hazard map, flood inundation area, flood duration
No.5 13 Vol.17
Alternatives for the Marshall Islands to Cope with the Anticipated Sea Level Rise by Climate Change
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura, Rie Okuda, Mai Fujii, Ryuta Takashima, Tomoya Murakawa, Erika Sakai, and Hiroaki Iwama
atoll country, climate change adaptation, Marshall Islands, migration, sea level rise
No.5 7 Vol.17
COVID-19 Impact on Tourism Business Continuity in Indonesia: A Preliminary Systematic Review
Alfan Kurnia Yudha, Jing Tang, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19 impact, Indonesia, systematic review, tourism, tourism
No.5 19 Vol.17
Application of Open Data in Disaster Risk Research: A Preliminary Review Using Bibliometric Analysis
Jingyi Gao, Wei Chen, and Osamu Murao
disaster risk, open data, bibliometric method, Web of Science Core Collection, CiteSpace
No.6 6 Vol.17
Promoting Coherence Among Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, and Sustainable Development for Disaster Resilience
Ritsuko Yamazaki-Honda
coherence, disaster resilience, climate change adaptation, Sendai Framework, SDGs
No.6 23 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness
No.6 8 Vol.17
Development of the Japan Tsunami Hazard Information Station (J-THIS)
Yuji Dohi, Hiromitsu Nakamura, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
tsunami, probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment (PTHA), Nankai Trough, Web API
No.7 28 Vol.8
Effectiveness of Disaster-Based School Program on Students’ Earthquake-Preparedness
Wignyo Adiyoso and Hidehiko Kanegae
school, knowledge, risk perception, awareness, attitude, disaster preparedness, earthquake
No.7 19 Vol.16
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Supply Chain: A Discussion on Decentralization of the Supply Chain and Ensuring Interoperability
Eri Ino and Kenji Watanabe
Global Supply Chain (GSC), COVID-19, Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), Business Continuity Management (BCM), Area-BCM
No.7 - Vol.10
Current Issues Regarding the Incident Command System in the Philippines
Miho Ohara and Hisaya Sawano
Incident Command System (ICS), Republic of the Philippines, crisis management, disaster response
No.7 2 Vol.17
Case Study on Damage and Recovery of Water Supply Related Facilities Damaged by Recent Flood Disasters
Junichi Sakai, Takaya Onodera, and Koji Ikeuchi
flood, damage and recovery, water supply related facilities, questionnaire survey
No.8 17 Vol.17
The Critical Success Factors of Area-Business Continuity Management: A Systematic Review and Outlooks from the Public and Private Sectors
Kunruthai Meechang and Kenji Watanabe
critical success factor, area-business continuity management, public-private partnership, systematic review
No.8 20 Vol.13
Reviewing National Cybersecurity Strategies
Shigeo Mori and Atsuhiro Goto
cybersecurity, national strategies, capacity maturity model
No.8 4 Vol.17
Probable Flood Inundation Depth and Extent in the Chao Phraya River Basin for Different Return Periods
Shakti P. C., Mamoru Miyamoto, Daiki Kakinuma, Ryohei Misumi, Anurak Sriariyawat, and Supattra Visessri
return period rainfall, hyetograph, hydrological simulation, flood inundation, Chao Phraya
No.9 10 Vol.17
Development of an Inundation Model for Creating Industrial Park-Scale Risk Information for Area-BCM
Daiki Kakinuma, Mamoru Miyamoto, Yosuke Nakamura, Anurak Sriariyawat, and Supattra Visessri
Chao Phraya River, business continuity planning (BCP), business continuity management (BCM), flood inundation, two-scale model
No.9 23 Vol.17
Scenario Planning Approach to Pre-Event Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: The Case of the Future Mega-Tsunami Striking Kushimoto, Japan
Tamiyo Kondo and Shogo Takemoto
pre-event planning for post-disaster recovery, scenario planning, land use planning, collective residential relocation, the Nankai Trough earthquake
No.9 26 Vol.15
Implementation of Post Disaster Needs Assessment in Indonesia: Literature Review
Yasuhito Jibiki, Dicky Pelupessy, Daisuke Sasaki, and Kanako Iuchi
Indonesia, Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA), literature review, BNPB, Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA)
No.10 20 Vol.14
Climate Change, Migration, and Vulnerability: Overview of the Special Issue
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Scott Drinkall, and Daisuke Sasaki
atoll countries, climate change, livelihood, migration, Pacific
No.10 16 Vol.14
Stampede Events and Strategies for Crowd Management
Chun-Hao Shao, Pei-Chun Shao, and Fang-Ming Kuo
stampede, crowd management, evacuation
No.10 26 Vol.17
Impact of COVID-19 Measures on Mobility in Bangkok, Thailand
Ampan Laosunthara, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Piyaporn Sochoeiya, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Akira Kodaka, Yasushi Onda, and Naohiko Kohtake
COVID-19, measures, mobility, public transportation, Thailand
No.10 24 Vol.16
Twitter Sentiment Analysis of Bangkok Tourism During COVID-19 Pandemic Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm
Thanapat Sontayasara, Sirawit Jariyapongpaiboon, Arnon Promjun, Napat Seelpipat, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Jing Tang, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19, sentiment analysis, Bangkok, tourism, support vector machine
No.10 26 Vol.15
Social, Economic and Health Effects of the 2016 Alberta Wildfires: Pediatric Resilience
Julie L. Drolet, Caroline McDonald-Harker, Nasreen Lalani, Meagan McNichol, Matthew R. G. Brown, and Peter H. Silverstone
disaster recovery, wildfire, resilience, mental health

Count period : November 1-30, 2022

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Oct. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 2 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 - Vol.17
Case Study on Damage and Recovery of Water Supply Related Facilities Damaged by Recent Flood Disasters
Junichi Sakai, Takaya Onodera, and Koji Ikeuchi
flood, damage and recovery, water supply related facilities, questionnaire survey
No.3 4 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 - Vol.17
Probable Flood Inundation Depth and Extent in the Chao Phraya River Basin for Different Return Periods
Shakti P. C., Mamoru Miyamoto, Daiki Kakinuma, Ryohei Misumi, Anurak Sriariyawat, and Supattra Visessri
return period rainfall, hyetograph, hydrological simulation, flood inundation, Chao Phraya
No.5 - Vol.17
Development of Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction Education Program for Children with No Experience of Earthquake Disaster – Practice and Verification at Shichigahama Town, Miyagi Prefecture
Toshimitsu Nagata, Masaki Ikeda, Reo Kimura, and Takashi Oda
Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami, disaster risk reduction education, instructional design (ID), ICT education
No.6 - Vol.17
Promoting Coherence Among Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, and Sustainable Development for Disaster Resilience
Ritsuko Yamazaki-Honda
coherence, disaster resilience, climate change adaptation, Sendai Framework, SDGs
No.7 - Vol.17
COVID-19 Impact on Tourism Business Continuity in Indonesia: A Preliminary Systematic Review
Alfan Kurnia Yudha, Jing Tang, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19 impact, Indonesia, systematic review, tourism, tourism
No.8 - Vol.17
Contributions of E-Defense Shaking Table to Earthquake Engineering and its Future
Toshihiko Horiuchi, Makoto Ohsaki, Masahiro Kurata, Julio A. Ramirez, Takuzo Yamashita, and Koichi Kajiwara
E-Defense, earthquake engineering, shaking table experiment, numerical simulation, data publication
No.8 - Vol.17
Development of the Japan Tsunami Hazard Information Station (J-THIS)
Yuji Dohi, Hiromitsu Nakamura, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
tsunami, probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment (PTHA), Nankai Trough, Web API
No.9 8 Vol.17
Effects of Urban Development on Regional Climate Change and Flood Inundation in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bambang Adhi Priyambodoho, Shuichi Kure, Nurul Fajar Januriyadi, Mohammad Farid, Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez, Manabu Kanda, and So Kazama
flood inundation model, Indonesia, Jakarta, climate change, urban development
No.10 - Vol.17
Development of an Inundation Model for Creating Industrial Park-Scale Risk Information for Area-BCM
Daiki Kakinuma, Mamoru Miyamoto, Yosuke Nakamura, Anurak Sriariyawat, and Supattra Visessri
Chao Phraya River, business continuity planning (BCP), business continuity management (BCM), flood inundation, two-scale model
No.10 - Vol.17
Industrial Area Business Continuity Management Exercise: An Experimental Validation for Flood in Thailand
Akira Kodaka, Natt Leelawat, Kenji Watanabe, Jaehyun Park, Jing Tang, Eri Ino, and Naohiko Kohtake
Business continuity management, Business continuity plan, industrial complex, Industrial Area BCM, flood

Count period : October 1-31, 2022

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Sep. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.10
Disaster Warning System in the Philippines Through Enterprise Engineering Perspective: A Study on the 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan
Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Shuichi Kure, Carine J. Yi, Cherry May R. Mateo, and Fumihiko Imamura
business process management, enterprise engineering, storm surge, typhoon, warning system
No.2 3 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.3 30 Vol.16
A Novel Recursive Non-Parametric DBSCAN Algorithm for 3D Data Analysis with an Application in Rockfall Detection
Pitisit Dillon, Pakinee Aimmanee, Akihiko Wakai, Go Sato, Hoang Viet Hung, and Jessada Karnjana
DBSCAN, divide and conquer, grid density, 3D point cloud, rockfall detection
No.4 15 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.5 23 Vol.17
Scenario Planning Approach to Pre-Event Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: The Case of the Future Mega-Tsunami Striking Kushimoto, Japan
Tamiyo Kondo and Shogo Takemoto
pre-event planning for post-disaster recovery, scenario planning, land use planning, collective residential relocation, the Nankai Trough earthquake
No.5 7 Vol.17
Identifying Anomalies in Seismic Velocity and Scattering Property Changes at Active Volcanoes Based on Seismic Interferometry and the Local Outlier Probability Method
Takashi Hirose, Hideki Ueda, and Eisuke Fujita
anomaly detection, seismic interferometry, active volcano, local outlier probability
No.6 10 Vol.17
Development of Portable SAR for Detection of Volcano Deformation: Application of SAR Interferometry to the Repeated Observation Data
Taku Ozawa, Yuji Himematsu, Akira Nohmi, and Masanori Miyawaki
volcano deformation, SCOPE, GB-SAR, car-borne, man-borne
No.7 16 Vol.12
The Evacuation of Thai Citizens During Japan’s 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes: An ICT Perspective
Natt Leelawat, Anawat Suppasri, Panon Latcharote and Fumihiko Imamura
2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, evacuation, foreigners, information and communication technology
No.7 25 Vol.17
Impact of COVID-19 Measures on Mobility in Bangkok, Thailand
Ampan Laosunthara, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Piyaporn Sochoeiya, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Akira Kodaka, Yasushi Onda, and Naohiko Kohtake
COVID-19, measures, mobility, public transportation, Thailand
No.7 23 Vol.17
Risk Narratives for Enhancing Regional Resilience: Constructing Evidence-Based Flood Disaster Response Scenarios
Tadashi Nakasu, Shiro Nonaka, Sutpratana Duangkaew, Kullachart Prathumchai, Akira Kodaka, and Mamoru Miyamoto
disasters, business continuity, narratives, resilience, disaster scenarios
No.8 14 Vol.17
Effects of Urban Development on Regional Climate Change and Flood Inundation in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bambang Adhi Priyambodoho, Shuichi Kure, Nurul Fajar Januriyadi, Mohammad Farid, Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez, Manabu Kanda, and So Kazama
flood inundation model, Indonesia, Jakarta, climate change, urban development
No.9 5 Vol.17
Applying the Particle Filter to the Volcanic Ash Tracking PUFF Model for Assimilating Multi-Parameter Radar Observation
Hiroshi L. Tanaka, Haruhisa Nakamichi, Keiichi Kondo, Shoichi Akami, and Masato Iguchi
PUFF model, particle filter, MP radar, data assimilation, Sakura-jima volcano
No.9 27 Vol.16
Stability Analysis of Slopes with Terraced Topography in Sapa, Northern Vietnam: Semi-Infinite Slope Assumption with Specific Lengths for Slope Failure
Akihiko Wakai, Akino Watanabe, Nguyen Van Thang, Takashi Kimura, Go Sato, Kazunori Hayashi, Nanaha Kitamura, Takatsugu Ozaki, Hoang Viet Hung, Nguyen Duc Manh, and Tran The Viet
slope failure, heavy rainfall, stability analysis, terraced topography, specific lengths concept
No.10 9 Vol.17
Numerical Modeling of a Volcanic Hydrothermal System Based on Resistivity Structure
Yasuo Matsunaga and Wataru Kanda
Kusatsu-Shirane, hydrothermal system, numerical simulation, resistivity
No.10 27 Vol.17
Alternatives for the Marshall Islands to Cope with the Anticipated Sea Level Rise by Climate Change
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura, Rie Okuda, Mai Fujii, Ryuta Takashima, Tomoya Murakawa, Erika Sakai, and Hiroaki Iwama
atoll country, climate change adaptation, Marshall Islands, migration, sea level rise

Count period : September 1-30, 2022

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Aug. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 16 Vol.16
The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: A Message from Japan to Thailand
Natt Leelawat, Ampan Laosunthara, Jing Tang, Anawat Suppasri, Anat Ruangrassamee, Prasert Akkharaprathompong, and Fumihiko Imamura
2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami, 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, Japan, Thailand, World Tsunami Awareness Day
No.2 - Vol.17
Late Holocene Tephrostratigraphy at Chokai Volcano, Northern Japan, and Contribution to Hazard Assessment
Tsukasa Ohba, Shintaro Hayashi, Masao Ban, Takumi Imura, Yusuke Minami, and Masahiro Endo
trench survey, tephra, ash componentry, eruption scenarios
No.3 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.3 - Vol.17
Numerical Simulations of Dome-Collapse Pyroclastic Density Currents Using faSavageHutterFOAM: Application to the 3 June 1991 Eruption of Unzen Volcano, Japan
Hiroyuki A. Shimizu
pyroclastic density current (PDC), dense granular current, depth-averaged model, OpenFOAM, Unzen volcano
No.4 - Vol.17
A Simple Method for the Analysis of Fumarolic Gases Using Response-Adjusted Sensors with a UAV
Kouki Matsu’ura, Akihiko Terada, Toshiya Mori, and Takato Ono
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), MultiGas, volcanic gas, time constant, sensor response
No.5 - Vol.17
Applying the Particle Filter to the Volcanic Ash Tracking PUFF Model for Assimilating Multi-Parameter Radar Observation
Hiroshi L. Tanaka, Haruhisa Nakamichi, Keiichi Kondo, Shoichi Akami, and Masato Iguchi
PUFF model, particle filter, MP radar, data assimilation, Sakura-jima volcano
No.6 - Vol.17
Conduit Flow Dynamics During the 1986 Sub-Plinian Eruption at Izu-Oshima Volcano
Tomofumi Kozono, Hidemi Ishibashi, Satoshi Okumura, and Takahiro Miwa
mafic eruption, Izu-Oshima, conduit flow model, conduit geometry
No.7 - Vol.17
Temporal Changes of Magmas That Caused Lava-Dome Eruptions of Haruna Volcano in the Past 45,000 Years
Yuki Suzuki, Yurika Toeda, Shinya Kimura, and Rei Tanaka
Haruna volcano, lava dome, enclave, mush-like felsic magma, magma mixing
No.7 - Vol.17
Identifying Anomalies in Seismic Velocity and Scattering Property Changes at Active Volcanoes Based on Seismic Interferometry and the Local Outlier Probability Method
Takashi Hirose, Hideki Ueda, and Eisuke Fujita
anomaly detection, seismic interferometry, active volcano, local outlier probability
No.8 - Vol.17
Impact on the Electric Infrastructure Due to Volcanic Ash from a Hydrovolcanic Eruption of Aso Volcano in 2016
Masashi Nagai and Setsuya Nakada
hydrovolcanic eruption, ash attachment on insulators, major power outage, ash enriched in volcanic fluid, Kumamoto Earthquake
No.8 - Vol.17
Construction and Provision of Digital Photographic Archives by Using the Japan Volcanological Data Network System: Application to the 1990–1995 Mount Unzen Eruption Disaster
Yuhki Kohno, Hideki Ueda, and Setsuya Nakada
volcanology, photographic data, data storage and retrieval, JVDN, volcanic disasters
No.9 - Vol.17
Numerical Modeling of a Volcanic Hydrothermal System Based on Resistivity Structure
Yasuo Matsunaga and Wataru Kanda
Kusatsu-Shirane, hydrothermal system, numerical simulation, resistivity
No.9 - Vol.17
Geologic and Petrologic Characteristics of the Lahar Deposits at the Western Foot of Zao Volcano
Masao Ban, Konosuke Kawashima, Kae Tsunematsu, Takumi Imura, Kyoko S. Kataoka, and Tohru Yamanoi
lahar deposit, lahar risk, eruption associated lahar, debris flow, Zao volcano
No.10 - Vol.17
Development of Portable SAR for Detection of Volcano Deformation: Application of SAR Interferometry to the Repeated Observation Data
Taku Ozawa, Yuji Himematsu, Akira Nohmi, and Masanori Miyawaki
volcano deformation, SCOPE, GB-SAR, car-borne, man-borne
No.10 - Vol.17
High Precision Lava Flow Simulation Using 8K Drone Digital Elevation Data
Eisuke Fujita, Hiroyuki A. Shimizu, and Haruhisa Nakamichi
8K, digital elevation map, drone, lava flow, volcanic hazard
No.10 - Vol.17
Simple Graphical Pre- and Post-Processor for 3-D Magnetotelluric Inversion
Ryo Tanaka
3-D magnetotelluric inversion, pre- and post-processor, resistivity structure, GUI, volcano

Count period : August 1-31, 2022

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jul. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 7 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 2 Vol.17
Risk Narratives for Enhancing Regional Resilience: Constructing Evidence-Based Flood Disaster Response Scenarios
Tadashi Nakasu, Shiro Nonaka, Sutpratana Duangkaew, Kullachart Prathumchai, Akira Kodaka, and Mamoru Miyamoto
disasters, business continuity, narratives, resilience, disaster scenarios
No.4 3 Vol.17
Effects of Urban Development on Regional Climate Change and Flood Inundation in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bambang Adhi Priyambodoho, Shuichi Kure, Nurul Fajar Januriyadi, Mohammad Farid, Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez, Manabu Kanda, and So Kazama
flood inundation model, Indonesia, Jakarta, climate change, urban development
No.5 4 Vol.17
Evaluation of Historical Wildfires in Tohoku Region Using Satellite-Based High-Fire-Severity Index
Grace Puyang Emang, Yoshiya Touge, and So Kazama
fire severity, crown fire, dryness, Landsat NDVI, land surface model
No.6 6 Vol.17
Impact of COVID-19 Measures on Mobility in Bangkok, Thailand
Ampan Laosunthara, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Piyaporn Sochoeiya, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Akira Kodaka, Yasushi Onda, and Naohiko Kohtake
COVID-19, measures, mobility, public transportation, Thailand
No.7 11 Vol.7
Disinfection Against the Outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
Junsuke Shirai
disinfection, disinfectant, Foot-and-mouth disease, virus
No.7 11 Vol.17
Prediction of Reservoir Sedimentation in the Long Term Period Due to the Impact of Climate Change: A Case Study of Pleikrong Reservoir
Xuan Khanh Do, Thu Hien Nguyen, Le An Ngo, Micah Lourdes Felix, and Kwansue Jung
reservoir sedimentation, climate change, SWAT, bias corrected GCM/RCM model
No.8 21 Vol.4
Tsunami Bore Impingement onto a Vertical Column
Halldor Arnason, Catherine Petroff, and Harry Yeh
tsunamis, bore, wake, turbulence, force, method of characteristics, cylinder, column
No.8 16 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.8 26 Vol.8
Effectiveness of Disaster-Based School Program on Students’ Earthquake-Preparedness
Wignyo Adiyoso and Hidehiko Kanegae
school, knowledge, risk perception, awareness, attitude, disaster preparedness, earthquake
No.8 26 Vol.15
Finding the Devastating Economic Disaster’s Root Causes of the 2011 Flood in Thailand: Why Did Supply Chains Make the Disaster Worse?
Tadashi Nakasu, Mamoru Miyamoto, Ruttiya Bhula-or, Tartat Mokkhamakkul, Sutee Anantsuksomsri, Yot Amornkitvikai, Sutpratana Duangkaew, and Toshio Okazumi
Chao Phraya River flood, industrial complexes, supply chain, root cause
No.8 22 Vol.15
A Stakeholder Analysis Approach for Area Business Continuity Management: A Systematic Review
Sansanee Sapapthai, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Akira Kodaka, Chatpan Chintanapakdee, Eri Ino, and Kenji Watanabe
stakeholder analysis, disaster management, area-business continuity management (Area-BCM), business continuity management (BCM), SWOT analysis
No.8 25 Vol.11
Natural Disaster Measures on Tokyo Metro
Toshiaki Kogure
seismic strengthening, water sealing doors, flood-gates, the Flood Control Act, timeline
No.9 27 Vol.16
Evaluation of Real-Time Water Level Prediction Technology Using Statistical Models for Reducing Urban Flood Risk
Mitsuhiro Nakashima, Shoichi Sameshima, Yuki Kimura, and Midori Yoshimoto
inland flood, smart manhole cover, real-time prediction, statistical model, convolutional neural network
No.9 10 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.9 8 Vol.17
Tsunami-Induced Drift Motion and Numerical Simulation Using Various Models
Riko Morita, Kazuya Nojima, Yu Chida, and Taro Arikawa
tsunami, drift motion, hydraulic experiment, numerical simulation
No.9 23 Vol.16
Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai
stormwater management, rainfall observation, integrated urban flood modelling, Internet of Things
No.10 24 Vol.15
Assessing Flood Risk of the Chao Phraya River Basin Based on Statistical Rainfall Analysis
Shakti P. C., Mamoru Miyamoto, Ryohei Misumi, Yousuke Nakamura, Anurak Sriariyawat, Supattra Visessri, and Daiki Kakinuma
probability distribution, return period of rainfall, design hyetograph, flood inundation, Chao Phraya Basin
No.10 27 Vol.12
Experience-Based Training in Earthquake Evacuation for School Teachers
Kyosuke Takahashi, Hitoshi Inomo, Wataru Shiraki, Chikako Isouchi, and Mari Takahashi
training system, virtual reality, disaster reduction education, school disaster reduction, earthquake
No.10 16 Vol.11
Modifying Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Towards an Effective Auto-Mobile Business Continuity Management (BCM): A Quantitative Approach
Abednico Lopang Montshiwa, Akio Nagahira, and Shuichi Ishida
business continuity plan (BCP), business continuity management (BCM), supply chain cooperation, business impact analysis (BIA), risk ranking (RR)
No.10 8 Vol.17
Migration with Dignity: A Legal and Policy Framework
Shanna N. McClain, Carl Bruch, Erin Daly, James May, Yuko Hamada, Miko Maekawa, Nagisa Shiiba, Mikiyasu Nakayama, and Glykeria Tsiokanou
migration, dignity, human rights, migration with dignity
No.10 27 Vol.16
Development and Evaluation of ICT Operation Support System for Urban Flood Control Facilities
Yusuke Sakae, Masaya Endo, and Yoshikazu Nakayama
operation support system for urban flood control facilities, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), eXtended RAdar Information Network (XRAIN), real-time flood prediction
No.10 20 Vol.15
Research on Pre-Modern Earthquakes Based on Fusion of Humanities and Sciences
Masaharu Ebara, Akihito Nishiyama, Taisuke Murata, and Reiko Sugimori
disaster prevention, earthquake, pre-modern, historical material, archeology
No.10 - Vol.13
Total Electron Content Observations by Dense Regional and Worldwide International Networks of GNSS
Takuya Tsugawa, Michi Nishioka, Mamoru Ishii, Kornyanat Hozumi, Susumu Saito, Atsuki Shinbori, Yuichi Otsuka, Akinori Saito, Suhaila M. Buhari, Mardina Abdullah, and Pornchai Supnithi
GNSS, ionosphere, total electron content, TEC, loss-of-lock
No.10 18 Vol.17
Highly Skilled Migrant Workers as a Vulnerability of Small Island Developing States During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cases of Three Countries in Micronesia
Miko Maekawa, Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura, Takayasu Yoshida, and Nagisa Shiiba
COVID-19, distance education, Micronesia, migrant worker, telemedicine
No.10 18 Vol.15
Business Continuity Management: A Preliminary Systematic Literature Review Based on ScienceDirect Database
Kananut Charoenthammachoke, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, and Akira Kodaka
BCM, business continuity management, systematics literature review

Count period : July 1-31, 2022

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jun. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 - Vol.17
Risk Narratives for Enhancing Regional Resilience: Constructing Evidence-Based Flood Disaster Response Scenarios
Tadashi Nakasu, Shiro Nonaka, Sutpratana Duangkaew, Kullachart Prathumchai, Akira Kodaka, and Mamoru Miyamoto
disasters, business continuity, narratives, resilience, disaster scenarios
No.3 - Vol.17
Effects of Urban Development on Regional Climate Change and Flood Inundation in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bambang Adhi Priyambodoho, Shuichi Kure, Nurul Fajar Januriyadi, Mohammad Farid, Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez, Manabu Kanda, and So Kazama
flood inundation model, Indonesia, Jakarta, climate change, urban development
No.4 - Vol.17
Evaluation of Historical Wildfires in Tohoku Region Using Satellite-Based High-Fire-Severity Index
Grace Puyang Emang, Yoshiya Touge, and So Kazama
fire severity, crown fire, dryness, Landsat NDVI, land surface model
No.5 - Vol.17
Scenario Planning Approach to Pre-Event Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: The Case of the Future Mega-Tsunami Striking Kushimoto, Japan
Tamiyo Kondo and Shogo Takemoto
pre-event planning for post-disaster recovery, scenario planning, land use planning, collective residential relocation, the Nankai Trough earthquake
No.6 - Vol.17
Impact of COVID-19 Measures on Mobility in Bangkok, Thailand
Ampan Laosunthara, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Piyaporn Sochoeiya, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Akira Kodaka, Yasushi Onda, and Naohiko Kohtake
COVID-19, measures, mobility, public transportation, Thailand
No.6 - Vol.17
Memorialization Tools for Systematically Expanding Disaster Risk Reduction Across Space and Time
Reid Basher and Yuichi Ono
Great East Japan Earthquake, systems approach, memorialization, disaster risk reduction
No.7 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.8 - Vol.17
Tsunami-Induced Drift Motion and Numerical Simulation Using Various Models
Riko Morita, Kazuya Nojima, Yu Chida, and Taro Arikawa
tsunami, drift motion, hydraulic experiment, numerical simulation
No.8 9 Vol.17
Migration with Dignity: A Legal and Policy Framework
Shanna N. McClain, Carl Bruch, Erin Daly, James May, Yuko Hamada, Miko Maekawa, Nagisa Shiiba, Mikiyasu Nakayama, and Glykeria Tsiokanou
migration, dignity, human rights, migration with dignity
No.9 21 Vol.17
The Construction of the Historical Disaster Evidence Database and its Effectiveness
Taisuke Murata
disaster evidence, archaeological excavation, earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood
No.10 8 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives

Count period : June 1-30, 2022 (the ranking data was renewed on Jul. 25 since former data was not exactly correct.)

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, May. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 8 Vol.12
An Analytical Study on Intentions of Disaster Prevention Expert Candidates
Toru Futagami, Tsuyoshi Hatori, and Netra P. Bhandary
disaster prevention expert, factor analysis, general public
No.3 10 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 25 Vol.7
Disinfection Against the Outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
Junsuke Shirai
disinfection, disinfectant, Foot-and-mouth disease, virus
No.5 4 Vol.17
Migration, Dignity, Fragility, and Pandemics: Overview of the Special Issue
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Shanna N. McClain, Ryo Fujikura, and Daisuke Sasaki
climate change, COVID-19, dignity, livelihood, migration
No.6 17 Vol.17
The Application of AHP to Determine the Priority Drainage System on Flood Mitigation in Surabaya – Indonesia
Yang Ratri Savitri, Ryuji Kakimoto, Rawshan Ara Begum, Nadjadji Anwar, Wasis Wardoyo, and Erma Suryani
analytical hierarchy process, decision making, flood risk, drainage, watershed
No.7 2 Vol.8
Development of Disaster Knowledge Magazine Using Disaster Knowledge Transmission and Practical Study on its Evaluation
Ryoga Ishihara and Nobuhiko Matsumura
disaster knowledge transmission, livelihood disaster reduction, urban development against disasters, disaster reduction education
No.8 5 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.9 3 Vol.17
Migration with Dignity: A Legal and Policy Framework
Shanna N. McClain, Carl Bruch, Erin Daly, James May, Yuko Hamada, Miko Maekawa, Nagisa Shiiba, Mikiyasu Nakayama, and Glykeria Tsiokanou
migration, dignity, human rights, migration with dignity
No.10 18 Vol.7
Cutaneous Papillomatosis in Cattle
Shinichi Hatama
bovine papillomavirus (BPV), epithelial papillomatosis, fibropapillomatosis, BPV-9
No.10 21 Vol.16
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Supply Chain: A Discussion on Decentralization of the Supply Chain and Ensuring Interoperability
Eri Ino and Kenji Watanabe
Global Supply Chain (GSC), COVID-19, Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), Business Continuity Management (BCM), Area-BCM
No.10 20 Vol.17
Impact of COVID-19 on the Employment of and Employment Support for People with Disabilities
Kaede Morimoto, Junko Hoshii, Chito Masuda, Kana Endo, Akiko Sahira, Kayano Yotsumoto, and Takeshi Hashimoto
COVID-19, employment and employment support, people with disabilities, mental health
No.10 24 Vol.17
Effectiveness of and Immune Responses to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines and Their Mechanisms
Eiichi Gohda
COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, mRNA vaccine, immune response
No.10 22 Vol.15
Business Continuity Management: A Preliminary Systematic Literature Review Based on ScienceDirect Database
Kananut Charoenthammachoke, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, and Akira Kodaka
BCM, business continuity management, systematics literature review

Count period : May 1-31, 2022

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Apr. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 - Vol.8
Development of Disaster Knowledge Magazine Using Disaster Knowledge Transmission and Practical Study on its Evaluation
Ryoga Ishihara and Nobuhiko Matsumura
disaster knowledge transmission, livelihood disaster reduction, urban development against disasters, disaster reduction education
No.3 - Vol.17
Migration with Dignity: A Legal and Policy Framework
Shanna N. McClain, Carl Bruch, Erin Daly, James May, Yuko Hamada, Miko Maekawa, Nagisa Shiiba, Mikiyasu Nakayama, and Glykeria Tsiokanou
migration, dignity, human rights, migration with dignity
No.4 11 Vol.16
Numerical Simulations Using Various Models for Tsunamis Due to a Fluid or Rigid Bodies Falling Down a Uniform Slope
Taro Kakinuma, Mitsuru Yanagihara, Tsunakiyo Iribe, Kuninori Nagai, Chisato Hara, Natsuki Hamada, Tatsuya Nakagaki, Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, Ikha Magdalena, Kaori Nagai, Rika Kannonji, Songgui Chen, Tomoki Shirai, and Taro Arikawa
tsunami, landslide, rigid body, numerical simulation, hydraulic experiment
No.4 - Vol.17
Migration, Dignity, Fragility, and Pandemics: Overview of the Special Issue
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Shanna N. McClain, Ryo Fujikura, and Daisuke Sasaki
climate change, COVID-19, dignity, livelihood, migration
No.5 - Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.5 - Vol.17
Alternatives for the Marshall Islands to Cope with the Anticipated Sea Level Rise by Climate Change
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura, Rie Okuda, Mai Fujii, Ryuta Takashima, Tomoya Murakawa, Erika Sakai, and Hiroaki Iwama
atoll country, climate change adaptation, Marshall Islands, migration, sea level rise
No.6 - Vol.17
Migration in the Midst of a Pandemic: A Case Study of Pacific Islanders in Oregon
Scott Drinkall, Jackie Leung, and Kapiolani Micky
migration with dignity, Pacific Islander, COVID-19, Micronesian, Oregon
No.6 - Vol.17
The Construction of the Historical Disaster Evidence Database and its Effectiveness
Taisuke Murata
disaster evidence, archaeological excavation, earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood
No.7 - Vol.17
Origin Time of the 1854 Tokai Earthquake Recorded in the Logbook of the Russian Frigate Diana
Reiko Sugimori, Kazuko Ariizumi, and Kenji Satake
1854 Tokai earthquake, Russian frigate, origin time, historical material, primary source
No.8 - Vol.12
An Analytical Study on Intentions of Disaster Prevention Expert Candidates
Toru Futagami, Tsuyoshi Hatori, and Netra P. Bhandary
disaster prevention expert, factor analysis, general public
No.9 - Vol.17
Development of Fragility Curves for Japanese Buildings Based on Integrated Damage Data from the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake
Kazuaki Torisawa, Masashi Matsuoka, Kei Horie, Munenari Inoguchi, and Fumio Yamazaki
2016 Kumamoto earthquake, building damage, peak ground velocity, fragility curve
No.10 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.10 12 Vol.16
Collaborative Development of Green Infrastructure: Urban Flood Control Measures on Small-Scale Private Lands
Fumiko Taura, Masaki Ohme, and Yukihiro Shimatani
green infrastructure, urban flood control measures, runoff reduction, rain garden, community design

Count period : April 1-30, 2022

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Mar. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 2 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 11 Vol.17
Policies of Disaster Management in Japan for Preparation for Nankai Megathrust Earthquake
Yoshiaki Kawata
Nankai earthquake, disaster resilience, tsunami, national catastrophe, Ministry of Disaster Management
No.3 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 10 Vol.17
Building Disaster Resilience amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Transdisciplinary Approach for Decision Making
Masashi Inoue, Masaru Arakida, Youb Raj Paudyal, Khamarrul Azahari Razak, Ting-Chi Tsao, Chandan Ghosh, Warren Ladbrook, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi, and Mikio Ishiwatari
transdisciplinary approach, COVID-19, resilience, disaster risk management, information and communication technology (ICT)
No.4 5 Vol.16
What Helps Early Recovery of Disaster-Affected Small Businesses: A Case Study of a Local Cooperative Affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Jin Li and Fei Zhou
small business, disaster recovery, leadership, local community, the Great East Japan Earthquake
No.5 20 Vol.16
Twitter Sentiment Analysis of Bangkok Tourism During COVID-19 Pandemic Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm
Thanapat Sontayasara, Sirawit Jariyapongpaiboon, Arnon Promjun, Napat Seelpipat, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Jing Tang, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19, sentiment analysis, Bangkok, tourism, support vector machine
No.5 9 Vol.17
Extreme Solar Flare as a Catastrophic Risk
Hiroaki Isobe, Takuya Takahashi, Daikichi Seki, and Yosuke Yamashiki
solar flares, space weather, space utilization
No.5 1 Vol.17
Volcanic Ash from the June 17, 1962 Eruption of Yakedake Volcano: Stereomicroscopic, XRD, and Water-Soluble Components Analyses
Muga Yaguchi, Takeshi Ohba, Yasuo Hirayama, and Nozomi Numanami
Yakedake volcano, volcanic ash, pyrite, gypsum, water-soluble components
No.6 22 Vol.16
Impact on Fisheries in Contaminated Water Discharged from Nuclear Power and Reprocessing Plants: The Cases of La Hague Reprocessing Plant, Sellafield Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant, and TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Tetsuya Nakamura, Steven Lloyd, Atsushi Maruyama, and Satoru Masuda
La Hague Reprocessing Plant, Sellafield Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant, TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, release of radioactively contaminated water, compensation for loss or damage
No.6 21 Vol.16
Method to Generate Building Damage Maps by Combining Aerial Image Processing and Crowdsourcing
Hidehiko Shishido, Koyo Kobayashi, Yoshinari Kameda, and Itaru Kitahara
crowdsourcing, aerial image processing, bullet-time video, building damage map
No.6 5 Vol.17
Agent-Based Simulation and Modeling of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometric Analysis
Jing Tang, Sukrit Vinayavekhin, Manapat Weeramongkolkul, Chanakan Suksanon, Kantapat Pattarapremcharoen, Sasinat Thiwathittayanuphap, and Natt Leelawat
agent-based modeling, agent-based simulation, COVID-19, bibliometric analysis, literature review
No.6 21 Vol.16
Multi-Data Integration System to Capture Detailed Strong Ground Motion in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area
Shin Aoi, Takeshi Kimura, Tomotake Ueno, Shigeki Senna, and Hiroki Azuma
detailed strong ground motion, multi-data integration system, MeSO-net, K-NET/KiK-net, MOWLAS
No.6 8 Vol.16
Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai
stormwater management, rainfall observation, integrated urban flood modelling, Internet of Things
No.6 13 Vol.17
COVID-19 and Spanish Flu, the Representative Pandemics of the 21st and 20th Centuries
Sumio Shinoda
COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, vaccine, Spanish flu, influenza

Count period : March 1-31, 2022

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Feb. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.17
Volcanic Ash from the June 17, 1962 Eruption of Yakedake Volcano: Stereomicroscopic, XRD, and Water-Soluble Components Analyses
Muga Yaguchi, Takeshi Ohba, Yasuo Hirayama, and Nozomi Numanami
Yakedake volcano, volcanic ash, pyrite, gypsum, water-soluble components
No.2 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.3 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 7 Vol.17
Life Alterations and Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: Two-Time Comparison
Junko Okuyama, Shuji Seto, Yu Fukuda, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Funakoshi, and Shin-Ichi Izumi
COVID-19 pandemic, web-based survey, longitudinal survey, stress
No.5 4 Vol.16
What Helps Early Recovery of Disaster-Affected Small Businesses: A Case Study of a Local Cooperative Affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Jin Li and Fei Zhou
small business, disaster recovery, leadership, local community, the Great East Japan Earthquake
No.5 2 Vol.17
Agent-Based Simulation and Modeling of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometric Analysis
Jing Tang, Sukrit Vinayavekhin, Manapat Weeramongkolkul, Chanakan Suksanon, Kantapat Pattarapremcharoen, Sasinat Thiwathittayanuphap, and Natt Leelawat
agent-based modeling, agent-based simulation, COVID-19, bibliometric analysis, literature review
No.6 - Vol.17
Pre-Existing Inequalities, Post-Event Social Environmental Changes, and Long-Term Trajectories of Life Recovery: Findings from Five-Wave Natori City Life Recovery Panel Survey
Shinya Fujimoto, Fuminori Kawami, Anna Matsukawa, Shosuke Sato, and Shigeo Tatsuki
the Great East Japan Earthquake, life recovery, pre-existing inequalities, post-event social environmental changes, panel data analysis
No.7 20 Vol.17
Effectiveness of and Immune Responses to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines and Their Mechanisms
Eiichi Gohda
COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, mRNA vaccine, immune response
No.7 - Vol.17
Effect of the Seven Critical Elements on Life Recovery Following the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster
Fuminori Kawami, Haruo Hayashi, Reo Kimura, Keiko Tamura, Munenari Inoguchi, and Shigeo Tatsuki
the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster, life recovery, subjective recovery, social survey, the Seven Critical Elements Model
No.8 5 Vol.16
Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai
stormwater management, rainfall observation, integrated urban flood modelling, Internet of Things
No.8 20 Vol.17
Portrait of Indonesian Family During One Year the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Factors Influencing Family Welfare and Resilience
Euis Sunarti, Aliya Faizah Fithriyah, Nikmatul Khoiriyah, Winny Novyanti, Intan Islamia, and Viena R Hasanah
economic pressure, family resilience, food coping strategies, stress, welfare
No.9 - Vol.17
Extreme Solar Flare as a Catastrophic Risk
Hiroaki Isobe, Takuya Takahashi, Daikichi Seki, and Yosuke Yamashiki
solar flares, space weather, space utilization
No.9 - Vol.17
Numerical Simulation Study of Debris Particles Movement Characteristics by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Shoji Ueta, Natsuki Hosono, Ryusuke Kuroki, and Yosuke Yamashiki
debris flow, numerical simulations, SPH
No.10 18 Vol.17
Building Disaster Resilience amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Transdisciplinary Approach for Decision Making
Masashi Inoue, Masaru Arakida, Youb Raj Paudyal, Khamarrul Azahari Razak, Ting-Chi Tsao, Chandan Ghosh, Warren Ladbrook, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi, and Mikio Ishiwatari
transdisciplinary approach, COVID-19, resilience, disaster risk management, information and communication technology (ICT)
No.10 - Vol.17
When is a CAT Index Futures Traded and Preferred to Reinsurance? – Tradeoff Between Basis Risk and Adverse Selection –
Kazuhiko Ohashi
insurance-linked securities (ILS), reinsurance, CAT (catastrophe) futures, basis risk, adverse selection

Count period : February 1-28, 2022

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jan. 2022

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 - Vol.17
Agent-Based Simulation and Modeling of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometric Analysis
Jing Tang, Sukrit Vinayavekhin, Manapat Weeramongkolkul, Chanakan Suksanon, Kantapat Pattarapremcharoen, Sasinat Thiwathittayanuphap, and Natt Leelawat
agent-based modeling, agent-based simulation, COVID-19, bibliometric analysis, literature review
No.3 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 2 Vol.16
What Helps Early Recovery of Disaster-Affected Small Businesses: A Case Study of a Local Cooperative Affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Jin Li and Fei Zhou
small business, disaster recovery, leadership, local community, the Great East Japan Earthquake
No.5 10 Vol.16
Twitter Sentiment Analysis of Bangkok Tourism During COVID-19 Pandemic Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm
Thanapat Sontayasara, Sirawit Jariyapongpaiboon, Arnon Promjun, Napat Seelpipat, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Jing Tang, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19, sentiment analysis, Bangkok, tourism, support vector machine
No.5 5 Vol.16
Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai
stormwater management, rainfall observation, integrated urban flood modelling, Internet of Things
No.6 20 Vol.5
Study on Radiation Shielding Performance of Reinforced Concrete Wall After the Earthquake
Keiji Sekine , Yoshinari Munakata, Osamu Kontani, and Koji Oishi
seismic disaster, reinforced concrete wall, crack width, radioactive waste, shielding performance
No.7 - Vol.17
Life Alterations and Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: Two-Time Comparison
Junko Okuyama, Shuji Seto, Yu Fukuda, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Funakoshi, and Shin-Ichi Izumi
COVID-19 pandemic, web-based survey, longitudinal survey, stress
No.8 5 Vol.16
The Reality of Disaster Mitigation Activities for Companies in Tokyo’s Central Business District: A Case Study on Support for Stranded Commuters in the Initial Period in Chuo-Ku
U Hiroi, Jun Shindo, Tsuyoshi Kurome, Takeshi Toratani, and Sakurako Miyata
stranded commuters, central business district, Chuo-ku Tokyo
No.9 15 Vol.16
Vulnerability to Mega Underground Inundation and Evacuation Assuming Devastating Urban Flood
Yutaro Nakasaka and Taisuke Ishigaki
pluvial flood, underground inundation, evacuation, flood board, densely urbanized area
No.9 8 Vol.16
Numerical Simulations Using Various Models for Tsunamis Due to a Fluid or Rigid Bodies Falling Down a Uniform Slope
Taro Kakinuma, Mitsuru Yanagihara, Tsunakiyo Iribe, Kuninori Nagai, Chisato Hara, Natsuki Hamada, Tatsuya Nakagaki, Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, Ikha Magdalena, Kaori Nagai, Rika Kannonji, Songgui Chen, Tomoki Shirai, and Taro Arikawa
tsunami, landslide, rigid body, numerical simulation, hydraulic experiment
No.10 18 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness

Count period : January 1-31, 2022

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Dec. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 3 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 - Vol.16
What Helps Early Recovery of Disaster-Affected Small Businesses: A Case Study of a Local Cooperative Affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Jin Li and Fei Zhou
small business, disaster recovery, leadership, local community, the Great East Japan Earthquake
No.3 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 - Vol.16
Developing a Model for Disaster Education to Improve Students’ Disaster Mitigation Literacy
Juhadi, Nur Hamid, Edy Trihatmoko, Meri Herlina, and Elvara Norma Aroyandini
earthquake, tsunami, lamban langgakh, disaster mitigation literacy, integration model
No.5 - Vol.16
The Reality of Disaster Mitigation Activities for Companies in Tokyo’s Central Business District: A Case Study on Support for Stranded Commuters in the Initial Period in Chuo-Ku
U Hiroi, Jun Shindo, Tsuyoshi Kurome, Takeshi Toratani, and Sakurako Miyata
stranded commuters, central business district, Chuo-ku Tokyo
No.5 2 Vol.16
Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai
stormwater management, rainfall observation, integrated urban flood modelling, Internet of Things
No.6 - Vol.16
Hydrological Modeling of the Astore River Basin, Pakistan, by Integrating Snow and Glacier Melt Processes and Climate Scenarios
Sohaib Baig, Takahiro Sayama, and Kaoru Takara
Himalaya, climate change, Astore River basin, Indus River, river flows
No.7 - Vol.16
Assessing the Intermediate Function of Local Academic Institutions During the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Aceh, Indonesia
Daisuke Sasaki, Hizir Sofyan, Novi Reandy Sasmita, Muzailin Affan, and Nizamuddin Nizamuddin
Aceh, intermediate function, quantitative approach, Indonesia, disaster response and recovery
No.8 4 Vol.16
Numerical Simulations Using Various Models for Tsunamis Due to a Fluid or Rigid Bodies Falling Down a Uniform Slope
Taro Kakinuma, Mitsuru Yanagihara, Tsunakiyo Iribe, Kuninori Nagai, Chisato Hara, Natsuki Hamada, Tatsuya Nakagaki, Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, Ikha Magdalena, Kaori Nagai, Rika Kannonji, Songgui Chen, Tomoki Shirai, and Taro Arikawa
tsunami, landslide, rigid body, numerical simulation, hydraulic experiment
No.8 - Vol.16
Applicability of the Numerical Simulation of the Impulsive Wave Pressure of Solitary Waves
Taro Arikawa, Kenya Takahashi, Kojiro Suzuki, Naoto Kihara, Daishi Okamoto, and Jun Mitsui
tsunami, impulsive force, 3D numerical simulations, solitary wave, blind test
No.8 14 Vol.16
Development of Dam Safety Remote Monitoring and Evaluation System
Jittiwut Suwatthikul, Rangsarit Vanijjirattikhan, Unpong Supakchukul, Kumpee Suksomboon, Rungtip Nuntawattanasirichai, Jirayut Phontip, Udom Lewlomphaisarl, Kanokvate Tangpimolrut, and Sirichete Samranyoodee
remote terminal unit, dam safety evaluation, reservoir operation, expert systems
No.9 - Vol.16
Public Reaction to Disaster Reconstruction Policy: Case Studies of the Fukushima and Chernobyl Nuclear Accidents
Tetsuya Nakamura, Steven Lloyd, Atsushi Maruyama, and Satoru Masuda
nuclear disaster area, reconstruction policy, Chernobyl nuclear power plant, TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, ordered logistic regression analysis
No.10 - Vol.16
Rural Housing Reconstruction and Sustainable Development Post Wenchuan Earthquake: A Land Unification Perspective Using Dujiangyan City as an Example
Wumair Kabilijiang, Zhen Lan, Osamu Koide, Yuyu Geng, and Takaaki Kato
Wenchuan earthquake, rural-urban planning, land management, post-disaster reconstruction
No.10 - Vol.16
Benefits of Defining Geological Sensitive Zones in the Mitigation of Disasters Along Earthquake Fault Zones in Taiwan – The Case of Milun Fault
Tyan-Ming Chu, Wen-Jeng Huang, Tsung-Yi Lin, Shih-Ting Lu, Yen-Chiu Liu, Cheng-Shing Chiang, and Yi-Huei Chang
earthquake fault zone, surface rupture, Milun Fault, Taiwan
No.10 15 Vol.16
Twitter Sentiment Analysis of Bangkok Tourism During COVID-19 Pandemic Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm
Thanapat Sontayasara, Sirawit Jariyapongpaiboon, Arnon Promjun, Napat Seelpipat, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Jing Tang, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19, sentiment analysis, Bangkok, tourism, support vector machine

Count period : December 1-31, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Nov. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 25 Vol.16
Demonstration of Stormwater Management Technology by Short-Term Rainfall Prediction and Real-Time Runoff Analysis System Using Small X-Band Radar
Ryo Matsuoka and Shinichiro Oki
stormwater management, flood-damage mitigation, X-band dual polarization radar, drainage pump control, resident’s self-help and mutual assistance
No.2 13 Vol.16
Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai
stormwater management, rainfall observation, integrated urban flood modelling, Internet of Things
No.3 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.3 8 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 21 Vol.16
Evaluation of Real-Time Water Level Prediction Technology Using Statistical Models for Reducing Urban Flood Risk
Mitsuhiro Nakashima, Shoichi Sameshima, Yuki Kimura, and Midori Yoshimoto
inland flood, smart manhole cover, real-time prediction, statistical model, convolutional neural network
No.4 2 Vol.16
Numerical Simulations Using Various Models for Tsunamis Due to a Fluid or Rigid Bodies Falling Down a Uniform Slope
Taro Kakinuma, Mitsuru Yanagihara, Tsunakiyo Iribe, Kuninori Nagai, Chisato Hara, Natsuki Hamada, Tatsuya Nakagaki, Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, Ikha Magdalena, Kaori Nagai, Rika Kannonji, Songgui Chen, Tomoki Shirai, and Taro Arikawa
tsunami, landslide, rigid body, numerical simulation, hydraulic experiment
No.5 13 Vol.4
Tsunami Fragility — A New Measure to Identify Tsunami Damage —
Shunichi Koshimura, Yuichi Namegaya, and Hideaki Yanagisawa
fragility curve, tsunami damage estimation, remote sensing, numerical modeling, historical tsunamis
No.6 25 Vol.7
Hydrological Analysis of the Situ Gintung Dam Failure
Joko Sujono
dam failure, flood routing, spillway
No.7 22 Vol.12
Experimental Study on Dam-Break Hydrodynamic Characteristics Under Different Conditions
Hui Liu and Haijiang Liu
dam-break wave, water level, flow velocity, downstream water depth, upstream reservoir length
No.7 24 Vol.16
Examination of Flood Countermeasures Utilizing a Yokohama City Main Rainwater Pipeline and Public–Private Anti-Flood Measures
Masato Hayakawa, Tomohiko Nakajima, and Ryo Hakoda
urban flood, climate change, torrential rainfall, stormwater management, storage facilities
No.7 20 Vol.16
Study on Water Level Prediction Using Observational Data from a Multi-Parameter Phased Array Weather Radar
Kazuhiro Yoshimi, Masakazu Wada, and Yukio Hiraoka
MP-PAWR, VIL Nowcast, water level prediction, sewerage management system

Count period : November 1-30, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Oct. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 21 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 - Vol.16
Numerical Simulations Using Various Models for Tsunamis Due to a Fluid or Rigid Bodies Falling Down a Uniform Slope
Taro Kakinuma, Mitsuru Yanagihara, Tsunakiyo Iribe, Kuninori Nagai, Chisato Hara, Natsuki Hamada, Tatsuya Nakagaki, Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, Ikha Magdalena, Kaori Nagai, Rika Kannonji, Songgui Chen, Tomoki Shirai, and Taro Arikawa
tsunami, landslide, rigid body, numerical simulation, hydraulic experiment
No.3 - Vol.16
Numerical Simulation of Urban Inundation Processes and Their Hydraulic Quantities – Tsunami Analysis Hackathon Theme 1 –
Tomohiro Yasuda, Kentaro Imai, Yoshinori Shigihara, Taro Arikawa, Toshitaka Baba, Naotaka Chikasada, Yuuki Eguchi, Masato Kamiya, Masaaki Minami, Toshiharu Miyauchi, Kazuya Nojima, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Anawat Suppasri, and Yuho Tominaga
tsunami analysis hackathon, tsunami inundation simulation, numerical models, topography data, reproducibility
No.4 - Vol.16
Comparisons of Numerical Models on Formation of Sediment Deposition Induced by Tsunami Run-Up
Ako Yamamoto, Yuki Kajikawa, Kei Yamashita, Ryota Masaya, Ryo Watanabe, and Kenji Harada
tsunami sediment transport, hydraulic experiment, numerical simulations, model comparisons
No.5 - Vol.16
Knowledge Creation for Community Resilience (KCCR): A Conceptual Model
Rina Suryani Oktari, Khairul Munadi, Rinaldi Idroes, and Hizir Sofyan
knowledge management, SECI, disaster, climate change
No.6 - Vol.16
Proposal of Disaster Prevention Learning in Consideration of Comprehensiveness Based on Analysis of the New Courses of Study in Disaster
Shinya Miura, Haruo Hayashi, Etsuko Koda, Tomohiro Naganuma, Naohiro Fujikawa, Manabu Sasaki, Naomi Kobori, and Nakako Oyanagi
courses of study, disaster prevention learning, curriculum, text mining
No.7 - Vol.16
Two Major Elements of Life Recovery After a Disaster: Their Impacts Dependent on Housing Damage and the Contributions of Psycho-Behavioral Factors
Shosuke Sato, Ryo Ishibashi, and Motoaki Sugiura
life recovery, power to live, housing recovery, well-being, the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
No.8 - Vol.16
Inter-Model Comparison for Tsunami Debris Simulation
Tomoyuki Takabatake, Jacob Stolle, Koji Hiraishi, Naoto Kihara, Kazuya Nojima, Yoshinori Shigihara, Taro Arikawa, and Ioan Nistor
tsunami, debris, numerical modelling, inter-model comparison, Hackathon
No.8 9 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.9 - Vol.16
Comparison of the Initial Overseas Evacuation Operations Due to COVID-19: A Focus on Asian Countries
Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Kodchakorn Krutphong, Suwajo Chaichanasiri, Taro Kanno, Chen-Wei Li, Lien Thi Quynh Le, Ho Quic Dung, Kumpol Saengtabtim, and Ampan Laosunthara
COVID-19, disaster evacuation, pandemic evacuation, overseas evacuation, process management
No.10 - Vol.16
Development of Disaster Management Education Program to Enhance Disaster Response Capabilities of Schoolchildren During Heavy Rainfall – Implementation at Elementary School in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, a Disaster-Stricken Area
Masaki Ikeda, Toshimitsu Nagata, Reo Kimura, Tai-Young Yi, Shingo Suzuki, Shingo Nagamatsu, Takashi Oda, Shun Endo, Mitsuhiro Hatakeyama, Seigo Yoshikawa, Satoru Adachi, Shinya Miura, and Junya Take
flood, elementary education, disaster management, instructional design (ID), ADDIE

Count period : October 1-31, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Sep. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.16
The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: A Message from Japan to Thailand
Natt Leelawat, Ampan Laosunthara, Jing Tang, Anawat Suppasri, Anat Ruangrassamee, Prasert Akkharaprathompong, and Fumihiko Imamura
2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami, 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, Japan, Thailand, World Tsunami Awareness Day
No.2 - Vol.16
Learning from Megadisasters in Japan: Sharing Lessons with the World
Mikio Ishiwatari, Federica Ranghieri, Kazushige Taniguchi, and Satoru Mimura
disaster risk reduction (DRR), Great East Japan Earthquake, Great Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) Earthquake, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), World Bank
No.3 - Vol.16
Issues in Tsunami Countermeasures from the Viewpoint of Geotechnical Engineering
Hiroshi Nakazawa, Tadashi Hara, and Koichi Kajiwara
earthquake, tsunami, tsunami evacuation building, pile foundation, liquefaction
No.4 - Vol.16
Importance of Psychological Support for Disaster-Affected Adolescents: 10 Years After the Great East Japan Earthquake
Junko Okuyama, Shunichi Funakoshi, Shuji Seto, Yu Fukuda, Kiyoshi Ito, Fumihiko Imamura, and Shin-Ichi Izumi
psychological support, adolescents, school-based intervention, mental health
No.5 10 Vol.16
Twitter Sentiment Analysis of Bangkok Tourism During COVID-19 Pandemic Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm
Thanapat Sontayasara, Sirawit Jariyapongpaiboon, Arnon Promjun, Napat Seelpipat, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Jing Tang, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19, sentiment analysis, Bangkok, tourism, support vector machine

Count period : September 1-30, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Aug. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.16
Impact on Fisheries in Contaminated Water Discharged from Nuclear Power and Reprocessing Plants: The Cases of La Hague Reprocessing Plant, Sellafield Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant, and TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Tetsuya Nakamura, Steven Lloyd, Atsushi Maruyama, and Satoru Masuda
La Hague Reprocessing Plant, Sellafield Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant, TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, release of radioactively contaminated water, compensation for loss or damage
No.2 - Vol.16
Language as a Tool for Disaster Mitigation Management: Analysis of Warning System Text in Language and Institutional Framework
Muhammad Zaim, Rusnardi Rahmat Putra, and Nur Rosita
critical discourse, disaster risk, earthquake mitigation, earthquake-prone, risk reduction
No.2 14 Vol.16
Development of Dam Safety Remote Monitoring and Evaluation System
Jittiwut Suwatthikul, Rangsarit Vanijjirattikhan, Unpong Supakchukul, Kumpee Suksomboon, Rungtip Nuntawattanasirichai, Jirayut Phontip, Udom Lewlomphaisarl, Kanokvate Tangpimolrut, and Sirichete Samranyoodee
remote terminal unit, dam safety evaluation, reservoir operation, expert systems
No.3 - Vol.16
Method to Generate Building Damage Maps by Combining Aerial Image Processing and Crowdsourcing
Hidehiko Shishido, Koyo Kobayashi, Yoshinari Kameda, and Itaru Kitahara
crowdsourcing, aerial image processing, bullet-time video, building damage map
No.4 1 Vol.16
Stability Analysis of Slopes with Terraced Topography in Sapa, Northern Vietnam: Semi-Infinite Slope Assumption with Specific Lengths for Slope Failure
Akihiko Wakai, Akino Watanabe, Nguyen Van Thang, Takashi Kimura, Go Sato, Kazunori Hayashi, Nanaha Kitamura, Takatsugu Ozaki, Hoang Viet Hung, Nguyen Duc Manh, and Tran The Viet
slope failure, heavy rainfall, stability analysis, terraced topography, specific lengths concept
No.5 - Vol.16
Description of the Use of the Incident Command System Among Public Health Agencies Responding to COVID-19
Sarah Elizabeth Scales, Roxanna Fouladi, and Jennifer A. Horney
incident command systems, emergency preparedness, COVID-19, disaster preparedness

Count period : August 1-31, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jul. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 2 Vol.16
Stability Analysis of Slopes with Terraced Topography in Sapa, Northern Vietnam: Semi-Infinite Slope Assumption with Specific Lengths for Slope Failure
Akihiko Wakai, Akino Watanabe, Nguyen Van Thang, Takashi Kimura, Go Sato, Kazunori Hayashi, Nanaha Kitamura, Takatsugu Ozaki, Hoang Viet Hung, Nguyen Duc Manh, and Tran The Viet
slope failure, heavy rainfall, stability analysis, terraced topography, specific lengths concept
No.2 10 Vol.16
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based on the Combination of Bivariate Statistics and Modified Analytic Hierarchy Process Methods: A Case Study of Tinh Tuc Town, Nguyen Binh District, Cao Bang Province, Vietnam
Nguyen Trung Kien, The Viet Tran, Vy Thi Hong Lien, Pham Le Hoang Linh, and Nguyen Quoc Thanh
landslide susceptibility map, bivariate statistics, landslide susceptibility analysis (LSA), modified analytic hierarchy process, Tinh Tuc town
No.3 12 Vol.16
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Supply Chain: A Discussion on Decentralization of the Supply Chain and Ensuring Interoperability
Eri Ino and Kenji Watanabe
Global Supply Chain (GSC), COVID-19, Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), Business Continuity Management (BCM), Area-BCM
No.4 11 Vol.16
Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai
stormwater management, rainfall observation, integrated urban flood modelling, Internet of Things
No.5 19 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment

Count period : July 1-31, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jun. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 16 Vol.8
Development of Disaster Knowledge Magazine Using Disaster Knowledge Transmission and Practical Study on its Evaluation
Ryoga Ishihara and Nobuhiko Matsumura
disaster knowledge transmission, livelihood disaster reduction, urban development against disasters, disaster reduction education
No.2 - Vol.16
Stability Analysis of Slopes with Terraced Topography in Sapa, Northern Vietnam: Semi-Infinite Slope Assumption with Specific Lengths for Slope Failure
Akihiko Wakai, Akino Watanabe, Nguyen Van Thang, Takashi Kimura, Go Sato, Kazunori Hayashi, Nanaha Kitamura, Takatsugu Ozaki, Hoang Viet Hung, Nguyen Duc Manh, and Tran The Viet
slope failure, heavy rainfall, stability analysis, terraced topography, specific lengths concept
No.3 - Vol.16
Reservoir Flood Routing Simulation for Dam Safety Management in Thailand
Rangsarit Vanijjirattikhan, Chinoros Thongthamchart, Patsorn Rakcheep, Unpong Supakchukul, and Jittiwut Suwatthikul
reservoir flood routing, simulation, disaster prevention, dam safety management
No.4 - Vol.16
Designing an Indonesian Disaster Management Information System with Local Characteristics: A Case Study of Mount Merapi
Amelia Santoso, Joniarto Parung, Dina Natalia Prayogo, and Ameilia Lolita
disaster management, information system, volcanic eruption
No.5 - Vol.16
Developing a Landslide Susceptibility Map Using the Analytic Hierarchical Process in Ta Van and Hau Thao Communes, Sapa, Vietnam
Thi Thanh Thuy Le, The Viet Tran, Viet Hung Hoang, Van Truong Bui, Thi Kien Trinh Bui, and Ha Phuong Nguyen
landslide susceptibility, AHP, GIS, Sapa

Count period : June 1-30, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, May. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 16 Vol.16
Scenario Analysis of Sluice Gate Operations for Evaluating Inland Flood Damage
Hiromichi Muroi, Kensuke Mine, and Yoshiki Eguchi
Typhoon Hagibis 2019, sewer, sluice gate, inland flood simulation model, Tama River
No.2 1 Vol.16
Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai
stormwater management, rainfall observation, integrated urban flood modelling, Internet of Things
No.3 13 Vol.16
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Supply Chain: A Discussion on Decentralization of the Supply Chain and Ensuring Interoperability
Eri Ino and Kenji Watanabe
Global Supply Chain (GSC), COVID-19, Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), Business Continuity Management (BCM), Area-BCM
No.4 13 Vol.16
Validation of Inundation Damage Reduction by a Pump Gate with the New Type of Horizontal Axial Submersible Pump
Kentaro Fukumori, Yu Kurita, and Hiroaki Furumai
pump gate, horizontal axial submersible pump, inundation, pumping station, drainage facility
No.5 2 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment

Count period : May 1-31, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Apr. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.16
Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai
stormwater management, rainfall observation, integrated urban flood modelling, Internet of Things
No.2 - Vol.16
Estimation of Potential Economic Losses Due to Flooding Considering Variations of Spatial Distribution of Houses and Firms in a City
Kaito Kotone, Kenji Taniguchi, Koichi Nakamura, and Yuki Takayama
flood, climate change, inundation simulation, flood economic loss, computable urban economics (CUE) model
No.2 2 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 - Vol.16
Demonstration of Stormwater Management Technology by Short-Term Rainfall Prediction and Real-Time Runoff Analysis System Using Small X-Band Radar
Ryo Matsuoka and Shinichiro Oki
stormwater management, flood-damage mitigation, X-band dual polarization radar, drainage pump control, resident’s self-help and mutual assistance
No.4 - Vol.12
An Analytical Study on Intentions of Disaster Prevention Expert Candidates
Toru Futagami, Tsuyoshi Hatori, and Netra P. Bhandary
disaster prevention expert, factor analysis, general public
No.5 - Vol.8
Development of Disaster Knowledge Magazine Using Disaster Knowledge Transmission and Practical Study on its Evaluation
Ryoga Ishihara and Nobuhiko Matsumura
disaster knowledge transmission, livelihood disaster reduction, urban development against disasters, disaster reduction education

Count period : April 1-30, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Mar. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 5 Vol.16
Twitter Sentiment Analysis of Bangkok Tourism During COVID-19 Pandemic Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm
Thanapat Sontayasara, Sirawit Jariyapongpaiboon, Arnon Promjun, Napat Seelpipat, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Jing Tang, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19, sentiment analysis, Bangkok, tourism, support vector machine
No.2 6 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 20 Vol.16
Disaster Museums in Japan: Telling the Stories of Disasters Before and After 3.11
Elizabeth Maly and Mariko Yamazaki
disaster museum, Japan, 3.11, earthquake, tsunami
No.4 3 Vol.16
Why Does Disaster Storytelling Matter for a Resilient Society?
Shingo Nagamatsu, Yoshinobu Fukasawa, and Ikuo Kobayashi
Disaster Storytelling, narrative of disaster, disaster education, community recovery, disaster resilience
No.5 2 Vol.16
Study of New Normal Business Continuity to Improve Resilience Against Uncertain Threat
Hideki Goromaru, Tomohiro Kokogawa, Yoshihisa Ueda, and Sumiko Fukaya
COVID-19, business continuity planning (BCP), after action review (AAR), resilience, agility

Count period : March 1-31, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Feb. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.16
Geotourism and Disaster Storytelling: Lessons from 2013 Izu-Oshima Island Debris Flow Disaster
Kana Nishitani, Kazuyuki Nakagawa, and Shingo Nagamatsu
geotourism, disaster storytelling, risk communication, debris flow disaster
No.2 8 Vol.16
Study of New Normal Business Continuity to Improve Resilience Against Uncertain Threat
Hideki Goromaru, Tomohiro Kokogawa, Yoshihisa Ueda, and Sumiko Fukaya
COVID-19, business continuity planning (BCP), after action review (AAR), resilience, agility
No.3 - Vol.16
Why Does Disaster Storytelling Matter for a Resilient Society?
Shingo Nagamatsu, Yoshinobu Fukasawa, and Ikuo Kobayashi
Disaster Storytelling, narrative of disaster, disaster education, community recovery, disaster resilience
No.4 20 Vol.16
Prevention of COVID-19 Infection with Personal Protective Equipment
Noriko Shimasaki and Hideaki Morikawa
pandemic, COVID-19, personal protection equipment, mask
No.5 18 Vol.16
Twitter Sentiment Analysis of Bangkok Tourism During COVID-19 Pandemic Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm
Thanapat Sontayasara, Sirawit Jariyapongpaiboon, Arnon Promjun, Napat Seelpipat, Kumpol Saengtabtim, Jing Tang, and Natt Leelawat
COVID-19, sentiment analysis, Bangkok, tourism, support vector machine

Count period : February 1-28, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jan. 2021

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 37 Vol.15
Evaluation of Phenomena Preceding Earthquakes and Earthquake Predictability
Masao Nakatani
earthquake predictability, forecast, probability gain, precursor, trigger
No.2 - Vol.16
Characteristic Features of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic: Attention to the Management and Control in Egypt
Nourhan H. El-Subbagh, Rana Rabie, Aya A. Mahfouz, Khaled M. Aboelsuod, Mohamed Y. Elshabrawy, Haneen M. Abdelaleem, Basant E. Elhammady, Weam Abosaleh, Lamiaa A. Salama, Sara Badreldeen, Mohamed Yasser, and Abdelaziz Elgaml
COVID-19, Egypt, pandemic features, SARS-CoV-2, preventive measures
No.3 1 Vol.15
Transdisciplinary Approach for Building Societal Resilience to Disasters – Interpreting the Processes of Creating New Knowledge in the Context of Knowledge Management –
Senro Kuraoka, Youb Raj Paudyal, and Khamarrul Azahari Razak
transdisciplinary approach, explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge, disaster risk reduction
No.4 28 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.5 2 Vol.15
Assessing Flood Risk of the Chao Phraya River Basin Based on Statistical Rainfall Analysis
Shakti P. C., Mamoru Miyamoto, Ryohei Misumi, Yousuke Nakamura, Anurak Sriariyawat, Supattra Visessri, and Daiki Kakinuma
probability distribution, return period of rainfall, design hyetograph, flood inundation, Chao Phraya Basin

Count period : January 1-31, 2021

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Dec. 2020

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.15
Transdisciplinary Approach for Building Societal Resilience to Disasters – Interpreting the Processes of Creating New Knowledge in the Context of Knowledge Management –
Senro Kuraoka, Youb Raj Paudyal, and Khamarrul Azahari Razak
transdisciplinary approach, explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge, disaster risk reduction
No.2 - Vol.15
Assessing Flood Risk of the Chao Phraya River Basin Based on Statistical Rainfall Analysis
Shakti P. C., Mamoru Miyamoto, Ryohei Misumi, Yousuke Nakamura, Anurak Sriariyawat, Supattra Visessri, and Daiki Kakinuma
probability distribution, return period of rainfall, design hyetograph, flood inundation, Chao Phraya Basin
No.3 1 Vol.15
Flood Inundation Mapping of the Hitachi Region in the Kuji River Basin, Japan, During the October 11–13, 2019 Extreme Rain Event
Shakti P. C., Kohin Hirano, and Satoshi Iizuka
extreme rainfall, flood inundation mapping, embankment, hydrological modeling, Typhoon Hagibis
No.4 - Vol.15
Social, Economic and Health Effects of the 2016 Alberta Wildfires: Pediatric Resilience
Julie L. Drolet, Caroline McDonald-Harker, Nasreen Lalani, Meagan McNichol, Matthew R. G. Brown, and Peter H. Silverstone
disaster recovery, wildfire, resilience, mental health
No.5 - Vol.15
Statistical Analysis of Building Damage from the 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan and its Storm Surge in the Philippines
Tanaporn Chaivutitorn, Thawalrat Tanasakcharoen, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Carl Vincent C. Caro, Alfredo Mahar Francisco A. Lagmay, Anawat Suppasri, Jeremy D. Bricker, Volker Roeber, Carine J. Yi, and Fumihiko Imamura
building damage, statistical analysis, storm surge, Super Typhoon Haiyan

Count period : December 1-31, 2020

JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Nov. 2020

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Flood Inundation Mapping of the Hitachi Region in the Kuji River Basin, Japan, During the October 11–13, 2019 Extreme Rain Event
Shakti P. C., Kohin Hirano, and Satoshi Iizuka
extreme rainfall, flood inundation mapping, embankment, hydrological modeling, Typhoon Hagibis
No.2 2 Vol.15
Generation of Risk Information Based on Comprehensive Real-Time Analysis of Flooding and Landslide Disaster Occurrence Hazard and Social Vulnerability
Hiroaki Sano, Yuichiro Usuda, Ichiro Iwai, Hitoshi Taguchi, Ryohei Misumi, and Haruo Hayashi
real time, risk, geographic information system (GIS), flood, landslide
No.3 5 Vol.15
Flood Management in the Context of Climate and Land-Use Changes and Adaptation Within the Chao Phraya River Basin
Supattra Visessri and Chaiwat Ekkawatpanit
flood, flood management, Chao Phraya, climate change, land-use change
No.4 10 Vol.15
A Stakeholder Analysis Approach for Area Business Continuity Management: A Systematic Review
Sansanee Sapapthai, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Akira Kodaka, Chatpan Chintanapakdee, Eri Ino, and Kenji Watanabe
stakeholder analysis, disaster management, area-business continuity management (Area-BCM), business continuity management (BCM), SWOT analysis
No.4 7 Vol.15
Business Continuity Management: A Preliminary Systematic Literature Review Based on ScienceDirect Database
Kananut Charoenthammachoke, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, and Akira Kodaka
BCM, business continuity management, systematics literature review
No.5 12 Vol.15
The Disaster-Management Capabilities of Local Governments: A Case Study in Indonesia
Danang Insita Putra and Mihoko Matsuyuki
local governmental capability, disaster management, municipality, structural equation modeling
No.5 15 Vol.15
Assessment of Natural Disaster Coping Capacity from Social Capital Perspectives: A Case Study of Bangkok
Sutee Anantsuksomsri and Nij Tontisirin
coping capacity, social capital, principal component analysis, Bangkok

Count period : November 1-30, 2020

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